const { BN } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const { expectRevertCustomError } = require('../../../helpers/customError'); const ERC20Pausable = artifacts.require('$ERC20Pausable'); contract('ERC20Pausable', function (accounts) { const [holder, recipient, anotherAccount] = accounts; const initialSupply = new BN(100); const name = 'My Token'; const symbol = 'MTKN'; beforeEach(async function () { this.token = await, symbol); await this.token.$_mint(holder, initialSupply); }); describe('pausable token', function () { describe('transfer', function () { it('allows to transfer when unpaused', async function () { await this.token.transfer(recipient, initialSupply, { from: holder }); expect(await this.token.balanceOf(holder))'0'); expect(await this.token.balanceOf(recipient)); }); it('allows to transfer when paused and then unpaused', async function () { await this.token.$_pause(); await this.token.$_unpause(); await this.token.transfer(recipient, initialSupply, { from: holder }); expect(await this.token.balanceOf(holder))'0'); expect(await this.token.balanceOf(recipient)); }); it('reverts when trying to transfer when paused', async function () { await this.token.$_pause(); await expectRevertCustomError( this.token.transfer(recipient, initialSupply, { from: holder }), 'EnforcedPause', [], ); }); }); describe('transfer from', function () { const allowance = new BN(40); beforeEach(async function () { await this.token.approve(anotherAccount, allowance, { from: holder }); }); it('allows to transfer from when unpaused', async function () { await this.token.transferFrom(holder, recipient, allowance, { from: anotherAccount }); expect(await this.token.balanceOf(recipient)); expect(await this.token.balanceOf(holder)); }); it('allows to transfer when paused and then unpaused', async function () { await this.token.$_pause(); await this.token.$_unpause(); await this.token.transferFrom(holder, recipient, allowance, { from: anotherAccount }); expect(await this.token.balanceOf(recipient)); expect(await this.token.balanceOf(holder)); }); it('reverts when trying to transfer from when paused', async function () { await this.token.$_pause(); await expectRevertCustomError( this.token.transferFrom(holder, recipient, allowance, { from: anotherAccount }), 'EnforcedPause', [], ); }); }); describe('mint', function () { const value = new BN('42'); it('allows to mint when unpaused', async function () { await this.token.$_mint(recipient, value); expect(await this.token.balanceOf(recipient)); }); it('allows to mint when paused and then unpaused', async function () { await this.token.$_pause(); await this.token.$_unpause(); await this.token.$_mint(recipient, value); expect(await this.token.balanceOf(recipient)); }); it('reverts when trying to mint when paused', async function () { await this.token.$_pause(); await expectRevertCustomError(this.token.$_mint(recipient, value), 'EnforcedPause', []); }); }); describe('burn', function () { const value = new BN('42'); it('allows to burn when unpaused', async function () { await this.token.$_burn(holder, value); expect(await this.token.balanceOf(holder)); }); it('allows to burn when paused and then unpaused', async function () { await this.token.$_pause(); await this.token.$_unpause(); await this.token.$_burn(holder, value); expect(await this.token.balanceOf(holder)); }); it('reverts when trying to burn when paused', async function () { await this.token.$_pause(); await expectRevertCustomError(this.token.$_burn(holder, value), 'EnforcedPause', []); }); }); }); });