const { contract } = require('@openzeppelin/test-environment'); const { BN, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const SafeCastMock = contract.fromArtifact('SafeCastMock'); describe('SafeCast', async () => { beforeEach(async function () { this.safeCast = await; }); function testToUint (bits) { describe(`toUint${bits}`, () => { const maxValue = new BN('2').pow(new BN(bits)).subn(1); it('downcasts 0', async function () { expect(await this.safeCast[`toUint${bits}`](0))'0'); }); it('downcasts 1', async function () { expect(await this.safeCast[`toUint${bits}`](1))'1'); }); it(`downcasts 2^${bits} - 1 (${maxValue})`, async function () { expect(await this.safeCast[`toUint${bits}`](maxValue)); }); it(`reverts when downcasting 2^${bits} (${maxValue.addn(1)})`, async function () { await expectRevert( this.safeCast[`toUint${bits}`](maxValue.addn(1)), `SafeCast: value doesn't fit in ${bits} bits` ); }); it(`reverts when downcasting 2^${bits} + 1 (${maxValue.addn(2)})`, async function () { await expectRevert( this.safeCast[`toUint${bits}`](maxValue.addn(2)), `SafeCast: value doesn't fit in ${bits} bits` ); }); }); } [8, 16, 32, 64, 128].forEach(bits => testToUint(bits)); describe('toUint256', () => { const maxInt256 = new BN('2').pow(new BN(255)).subn(1); const minInt256 = new BN('2').pow(new BN(255)).neg(); const maxUint256 = new BN('2').pow(new BN(256)).subn(1); it('casts 0', async function () { expect(await this.safeCast.toUint256(0))'0'); }); it('casts 1', async function () { expect(await this.safeCast.toUint256(1))'1'); }); it(`casts INT256_MAX (${maxInt256})`, async function () { expect(await this.safeCast.toUint256(maxInt256)); }); it('reverts when casting -1', async function () { await expectRevert( this.safeCast.toUint256(-1), 'SafeCast: value must be positive' ); }); it(`reverts when casting INT256_MIN (${minInt256})`, async function () { await expectRevert( this.safeCast.toUint256(minInt256), 'SafeCast: value must be positive' ); }); it(`reverts when casting UINT256_MAX (${maxUint256})`, async function () { await expectRevert( this.safeCast.toUint256(maxUint256), 'SafeCast: value must be positive' ); }); }); function testToInt (bits) { describe(`toInt${bits}`, () => { const minValue = new BN('-2').pow(new BN(bits - 1)); const maxValue = new BN('2').pow(new BN(bits - 1)).subn(1); it('downcasts 0', async function () { expect(await this.safeCast[`toInt${bits}`](0))'0'); }); it('downcasts 1', async function () { expect(await this.safeCast[`toInt${bits}`](1))'1'); }); it('downcasts -1', async function () { expect(await this.safeCast[`toInt${bits}`](-1))'-1'); }); it(`downcasts -2^${bits - 1} (${minValue})`, async function () { expect(await this.safeCast[`toInt${bits}`](minValue)); }); it(`downcasts 2^${bits - 1} - 1 (${maxValue})`, async function () { expect(await this.safeCast[`toInt${bits}`](maxValue)); }); it(`reverts when downcasting -2^${bits - 1} - 1 (${minValue.subn(1)})`, async function () { await expectRevert( this.safeCast[`toInt${bits}`](minValue.subn(1)), `SafeCast: value doesn't fit in ${bits} bits` ); }); it(`reverts when downcasting -2^${bits - 1} - 2 (${minValue.subn(2)})`, async function () { await expectRevert( this.safeCast[`toInt${bits}`](minValue.subn(2)), `SafeCast: value doesn't fit in ${bits} bits` ); }); it(`reverts when downcasting 2^${bits - 1} (${maxValue.addn(1)})`, async function () { await expectRevert( this.safeCast[`toInt${bits}`](maxValue.addn(1)), `SafeCast: value doesn't fit in ${bits} bits` ); }); it(`reverts when downcasting 2^${bits - 1} + 1 (${maxValue.addn(2)})`, async function () { await expectRevert( this.safeCast[`toInt${bits}`](maxValue.addn(2)), `SafeCast: value doesn't fit in ${bits} bits` ); }); }); } [8, 16, 32, 64, 128].forEach(bits => testToInt(bits)); describe('toInt256', () => { const maxUint256 = new BN('2').pow(new BN(256)).subn(1); const maxInt256 = new BN('2').pow(new BN(255)).subn(1); it('casts 0', async function () { expect(await this.safeCast.toInt256(0))'0'); }); it('casts 1', async function () { expect(await this.safeCast.toInt256(1))'1'); }); it(`casts INT256_MAX (${maxInt256})`, async function () { expect(await this.safeCast.toInt256(maxInt256)); }); it(`reverts when casting INT256_MAX + 1 (${maxInt256.addn(1)})`, async function () { await expectRevert( this.safeCast.toInt256(maxInt256.addn(1)), 'SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in an int256' ); }); it(`reverts when casting UINT256_MAX (${maxUint256})`, async function () { await expectRevert( this.safeCast.toInt256(maxUint256), 'SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in an int256' ); }); }); });