const { accounts, contract, web3, config } = require('@openzeppelin/test-environment'); const { balance, ether, expectRevert, send, expectEvent } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const AddressImpl = contract.fromArtifact('AddressImpl'); const EtherReceiver = contract.fromArtifact('EtherReceiverMock'); const CallReceiverMock = contract.fromArtifact('CallReceiverMock'); const coverage = config.coverage; describe('Address', function () { const [ recipient, other ] = accounts; beforeEach(async function () { this.mock = await; }); describe('isContract', function () { it('returns false for account address', async function () { expect(await this.mock.isContract(other)).to.equal(false); }); it('returns true for contract address', async function () { const contract = await; expect(await this.mock.isContract(contract.address)).to.equal(true); }); }); describe('sendValue', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.recipientTracker = await balance.tracker(recipient); }); context('when sender contract has no funds', function () { it('sends 0 wei', async function () { await this.mock.sendValue(other, 0); expect(await'0'); }); it('reverts when sending non-zero amounts', async function () { await expectRevert(this.mock.sendValue(other, 1), 'Address: insufficient balance'); }); }); context('when sender contract has funds', function () { const funds = ether('1'); beforeEach(async function () { await send.ether(other, this.mock.address, funds); }); it('sends 0 wei', async function () { await this.mock.sendValue(recipient, 0); expect(await'0'); }); it('sends non-zero amounts', async function () { await this.mock.sendValue(recipient, funds.subn(1)); expect(await; }); it('sends the whole balance', async function () { await this.mock.sendValue(recipient, funds); expect(await; expect(await balance.current(this.mock.address))'0'); }); it('reverts when sending more than the balance', async function () { await expectRevert(this.mock.sendValue(recipient, funds.addn(1)), 'Address: insufficient balance'); }); context('with contract recipient', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.contractRecipient = await; }); it('sends funds', async function () { const tracker = await balance.tracker(this.contractRecipient.address); await this.contractRecipient.setAcceptEther(true); await this.mock.sendValue(this.contractRecipient.address, funds); expect(await; }); it('reverts on recipient revert', async function () { await this.contractRecipient.setAcceptEther(false); await expectRevert( this.mock.sendValue(this.contractRecipient.address, funds), 'Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted', ); }); }); }); }); describe('functionCall', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.contractRecipient = await; }); context('with valid contract receiver', function () { it('calls the requested function', async function () { const abiEncodedCall = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall({ name: 'mockFunction', type: 'function', inputs: [], }, []); const receipt = await this.mock.functionCall(this.contractRecipient.address, abiEncodedCall); expectEvent(receipt, 'CallReturnValue', { data: '0x1234' }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(receipt.tx, CallReceiverMock, 'MockFunctionCalled'); }); it('reverts when the called function reverts with no reason', async function () { const abiEncodedCall = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall({ name: 'mockFunctionRevertsNoReason', type: 'function', inputs: [], }, []); await expectRevert( this.mock.functionCall(this.contractRecipient.address, abiEncodedCall), 'Address: low-level call failed', ); }); it('reverts when the called function reverts, bubbling up the revert reason', async function () { const abiEncodedCall = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall({ name: 'mockFunctionRevertsReason', type: 'function', inputs: [], }, []); await expectRevert( this.mock.functionCall(this.contractRecipient.address, abiEncodedCall), 'CallReceiverMock: reverting', ); }); // Skipped in a coverage mode due to coverage mode setting a block gas limit to 0xffffffffff // which cause a mockFunctionOutOfGas function to crash Ganache and the // subsequent tests before running out of gas. it('reverts when the called function runs out of gas', async function () { this.timeout(10000); if (coverage) { return this.skip(); } const abiEncodedCall = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall({ name: 'mockFunctionOutOfGas', type: 'function', inputs: [], }, []); await expectRevert( this.mock.functionCall(this.contractRecipient.address, abiEncodedCall), 'Address: low-level call failed', ); }); it('reverts when the called function throws', async function () { const abiEncodedCall = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall({ name: 'mockFunctionThrows', type: 'function', inputs: [], }, []); await expectRevert( this.mock.functionCall(this.contractRecipient.address, abiEncodedCall), 'Address: low-level call failed', ); }); it('reverts when function does not exist', async function () { const abiEncodedCall = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall({ name: 'mockFunctionDoesNotExist', type: 'function', inputs: [], }, []); await expectRevert( this.mock.functionCall(this.contractRecipient.address, abiEncodedCall), 'Address: low-level call failed', ); }); }); context('with non-contract receiver', function () { it('reverts when address is not a contract', async function () { const [ recipient ] = accounts; const abiEncodedCall = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall({ name: 'mockFunction', type: 'function', inputs: [], }, []); await expectRevert(this.mock.functionCall(recipient, abiEncodedCall), 'Address: call to non-contract'); }); }); }); describe('functionCallWithValue', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.contractRecipient = await; }); context('with zero value', function () { it('calls the requested function', async function () { const abiEncodedCall = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall({ name: 'mockFunction', type: 'function', inputs: [], }, []); const receipt = await this.mock.functionCallWithValue(this.contractRecipient.address, abiEncodedCall, 0); expectEvent(receipt, 'CallReturnValue', { data: '0x1234' }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(receipt.tx, CallReceiverMock, 'MockFunctionCalled'); }); }); context('with non-zero value', function () { const amount = ether('1.2'); it('reverts if insufficient sender balance', async function () { const abiEncodedCall = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall({ name: 'mockFunction', type: 'function', inputs: [], }, []); await expectRevert( this.mock.functionCallWithValue(this.contractRecipient.address, abiEncodedCall, amount), 'Address: insufficient balance for call', ); }); it('calls the requested function with existing value', async function () { const abiEncodedCall = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall({ name: 'mockFunction', type: 'function', inputs: [], }, []); const tracker = await balance.tracker(this.contractRecipient.address); await send.ether(other, this.mock.address, amount); const receipt = await this.mock.functionCallWithValue(this.contractRecipient.address, abiEncodedCall, amount); expect(await; expectEvent(receipt, 'CallReturnValue', { data: '0x1234' }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(receipt.tx, CallReceiverMock, 'MockFunctionCalled'); }); it('calls the requested function with transaction funds', async function () { const abiEncodedCall = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall({ name: 'mockFunction', type: 'function', inputs: [], }, []); const tracker = await balance.tracker(this.contractRecipient.address); expect(await balance.current(this.mock.address))'0'); const receipt = await this.mock.functionCallWithValue( this.contractRecipient.address, abiEncodedCall, amount, { from: other, value: amount }, ); expect(await; expectEvent(receipt, 'CallReturnValue', { data: '0x1234' }); await expectEvent.inTransaction(receipt.tx, CallReceiverMock, 'MockFunctionCalled'); }); it('reverts when calling non-payable functions', async function () { const abiEncodedCall = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall({ name: 'mockFunctionNonPayable', type: 'function', inputs: [], }, []); await send.ether(other, this.mock.address, amount); await expectRevert( this.mock.functionCallWithValue(this.contractRecipient.address, abiEncodedCall, amount), 'Address: low-level call with value failed', ); }); }); }); describe('functionStaticCall', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.contractRecipient = await; }); it('calls the requested function', async function () { const abiEncodedCall = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall({ name: 'mockStaticFunction', type: 'function', inputs: [], }, []); const receipt = await this.mock.functionStaticCall(this.contractRecipient.address, abiEncodedCall); expectEvent(receipt, 'CallReturnValue', { data: '0x1234' }); }); it('reverts on a non-static function', async function () { const abiEncodedCall = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall({ name: 'mockFunction', type: 'function', inputs: [], }, []); await expectRevert( this.mock.functionStaticCall(this.contractRecipient.address, abiEncodedCall), 'Address: low-level static call failed', ); }); it('bubbles up revert reason', async function () { const abiEncodedCall = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall({ name: 'mockFunctionRevertsReason', type: 'function', inputs: [], }, []); await expectRevert( this.mock.functionStaticCall(this.contractRecipient.address, abiEncodedCall), 'CallReceiverMock: reverting', ); }); it('reverts when address is not a contract', async function () { const [ recipient ] = accounts; const abiEncodedCall = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall({ name: 'mockFunction', type: 'function', inputs: [], }, []); await expectRevert( this.mock.functionStaticCall(recipient, abiEncodedCall), 'Address: static call to non-contract', ); }); }); describe('functionDelegateCall', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.contractRecipient = await; }); it('delegate calls the requested function', async function () { const abiEncodedCall = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall({ name: 'mockFunctionWritesStorage', type: 'function', inputs: [], }, []); const receipt = await this.mock.functionDelegateCall(this.contractRecipient.address, abiEncodedCall); expectEvent(receipt, 'CallReturnValue', { data: '0x1234' }); expect(await this.mock.sharedAnswer()).to.equal('42'); }); it('bubbles up revert reason', async function () { const abiEncodedCall = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall({ name: 'mockFunctionRevertsReason', type: 'function', inputs: [], }, []); await expectRevert( this.mock.functionDelegateCall(this.contractRecipient.address, abiEncodedCall), 'CallReceiverMock: reverting', ); }); it('reverts when address is not a contract', async function () { const [ recipient ] = accounts; const abiEncodedCall = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall({ name: 'mockFunction', type: 'function', inputs: [], }, []); await expectRevert( this.mock.functionDelegateCall(recipient, abiEncodedCall), 'Address: delegate call to non-contract', ); }); }); });