// Warnings about unreachable code are emitted with a source location that corresponds to the unreachable code. // We have some testing contracts that purposely cause unreachable code, but said code is in the library contracts, and // with hardhat-ignore-warnings we are not able to selectively ignore them without potentially ignoring relevant // warnings that we don't want to miss. // Thus, we need to handle these warnings separately. We force Hardhat to compile them in a separate compilation job and // then ignore the warnings about unreachable code that come from that compilation job. const { task } = require('hardhat/config'); const { TASK_COMPILE_SOLIDITY_GET_COMPILATION_JOB_FOR_FILE, TASK_COMPILE_SOLIDITY_COMPILE, } = require('hardhat/builtin-tasks/task-names'); const marker = Symbol('unreachable'); const markedCache = new WeakMap(); task(TASK_COMPILE_SOLIDITY_GET_COMPILATION_JOB_FOR_FILE, async (params, _, runSuper) => { const job = await runSuper(params); // If the file is in the unreachable directory, we make a copy of the config and mark it, which will cause it to get // compiled separately (along with the other marked files). if (params.file.sourceName.startsWith('contracts/mocks/') && /\bunreachable\b/.test(params.file.sourceName)) { const originalConfig = job.solidityConfig; let markedConfig = markedCache.get(originalConfig); if (markedConfig === undefined) { markedConfig = { ...originalConfig, [marker]: true }; markedCache.set(originalConfig, markedConfig); } job.solidityConfig = markedConfig; } return job; }); const W_UNREACHABLE_CODE = '5740'; task(TASK_COMPILE_SOLIDITY_COMPILE, async (params, _, runSuper) => { const marked = params.compilationJob.solidityConfig[marker]; const result = await runSuper(params); if (marked) { result.output = { ...result.output, errors: result.output.errors?.filter( e => e.severity !== 'warning' || e.errorCode !== W_UNREACHABLE_CODE, ), }; } return result; });