const { expectThrow } = require('./helpers/expectThrow'); const { ethGetBalance, ethSendTransaction } = require('./helpers/web3'); const SimpleSavingsWallet = artifacts.require('SimpleSavingsWallet'); contract('SimpleSavingsWallet', function ([_, owner, anyone]) { let savingsWallet; const paymentAmount = 4242; beforeEach(async function () { savingsWallet = await, { from: owner }); }); it('should receive funds', async function () { await ethSendTransaction({ from: owner, to: savingsWallet.address, value: paymentAmount }); const balance = await ethGetBalance(savingsWallet.address); assert.isTrue((new web3.BigNumber(paymentAmount)).equals(balance)); }); it('owner can send funds', async function () { // Receive payment so we have some money to spend. await ethSendTransaction({ from: anyone, to: savingsWallet.address, value: 1000000 }); await expectThrow(savingsWallet.sendTo(0, paymentAmount, { from: owner })); await expectThrow(savingsWallet.sendTo(savingsWallet.address, paymentAmount, { from: owner })); await expectThrow(savingsWallet.sendTo(anyone, 0, { from: owner })); const balance = await ethGetBalance(anyone); await savingsWallet.sendTo(anyone, paymentAmount, { from: owner }); const updatedBalance = await ethGetBalance(anyone); assert.isTrue(; }); });