const { ethers } = require('hardhat'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const { loadFixture } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers'); // Replace "+/" with "-_" in the char table, and remove the padding // see const base64toBase64Url = str => str.replaceAll('+', '-').replaceAll('/', '_').replaceAll('=', ''); async function fixture() { const mock = await ethers.deployContract('$Base64'); return { mock }; } describe('Strings', function () { beforeEach(async function () { Object.assign(this, await loadFixture(fixture)); }); describe('base64', function () { for (const { title, input, expected } of [ { title: 'converts to base64 encoded string with double padding', input: 'test', expected: 'dGVzdA==' }, { title: 'converts to base64 encoded string with single padding', input: 'test1', expected: 'dGVzdDE=' }, { title: 'converts to base64 encoded string without padding', input: 'test12', expected: 'dGVzdDEy' }, { title: 'converts to base64 encoded string (/ case)', input: 'où', expected: 'b/k=' }, { title: 'converts to base64 encoded string (+ case)', input: 'zs~1t8', expected: 'enN+MXQ4' }, { title: 'empty bytes', input: '', expected: '' }, ]) it(title, async function () { const buffer = Buffer.from(input, 'ascii'); expect(await this.mock.$encode(buffer)).to.equal(ethers.encodeBase64(buffer)); expect(await this.mock.$encode(buffer)).to.equal(expected); }); }); describe('base64url', function () { for (const { title, input, expected } of [ { title: 'converts to base64url encoded string with double padding', input: 'test', expected: 'dGVzdA' }, { title: 'converts to base64url encoded string with single padding', input: 'test1', expected: 'dGVzdDE' }, { title: 'converts to base64url encoded string without padding', input: 'test12', expected: 'dGVzdDEy' }, { title: 'converts to base64url encoded string (_ case)', input: 'où', expected: 'b_k' }, { title: 'converts to base64url encoded string (- case)', input: 'zs~1t8', expected: 'enN-MXQ4' }, { title: 'empty bytes', input: '', expected: '' }, ]) it(title, async function () { const buffer = Buffer.from(input, 'ascii'); expect(await this.mock.$encodeURL(buffer)).to.equal(base64toBase64Url(ethers.encodeBase64(buffer))); expect(await this.mock.$encodeURL(buffer)).to.equal(expected); }); }); it('Encode reads beyond the input buffer into dirty memory', async function () { const mock = await ethers.deployContract('Base64Dirty'); const buffer32 ='example'); const buffer31 = buffer32.slice(0, -2); expect(await mock.encode(buffer31)).to.equal(ethers.encodeBase64(buffer31)); expect(await mock.encode(buffer32)).to.equal(ethers.encodeBase64(buffer32)); }); });