const { ethers } = require('hardhat'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const { loadFixture } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers'); const { shouldSupportInterfaces } = require('../../../utils/introspection/SupportsInterface.behavior'); const name = 'Non Fungible Token'; const symbol = 'NFT'; const baseURI = ''; const otherBaseURI = ''; const sampleUri = 'mock://mytoken'; const tokenId = 1n; const nonExistentTokenId = 2n; async function fixture() { const [owner] = await ethers.getSigners(); const token = await ethers.deployContract('$ERC721URIStorageMock', [name, symbol]); return { owner, token }; } contract('ERC721URIStorage', function () { beforeEach(async function () { Object.assign(this, await loadFixture(fixture)); }); shouldSupportInterfaces(['0x49064906']); describe('token URI', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.token.$_mint(this.owner, tokenId); }); it('it is empty by default', async function () { expect(await this.token.tokenURI(tokenId)).to.equal(''); }); it('reverts when queried for non existent token id', async function () { await expect(this.token.tokenURI(nonExistentTokenId)), 'ERC721NonexistentToken') .withArgs(nonExistentTokenId); }); it('can be set for a token id', async function () { await this.token.$_setTokenURI(tokenId, sampleUri); expect(await this.token.tokenURI(tokenId)).to.equal(sampleUri); }); it('setting the uri emits an event', async function () { await expect(this.token.$_setTokenURI(tokenId, sampleUri)) .to.emit(this.token, 'MetadataUpdate') .withArgs(tokenId); }); it('setting the uri for non existent token id is allowed', async function () { await expect(await this.token.$_setTokenURI(nonExistentTokenId, sampleUri)) .to.emit(this.token, 'MetadataUpdate') .withArgs(nonExistentTokenId); // value will be accessible after mint await this.token.$_mint(this.owner, nonExistentTokenId); expect(await this.token.tokenURI(nonExistentTokenId)).to.equal(sampleUri); }); it('base URI can be set', async function () { await this.token.setBaseURI(baseURI); expect(await this.token.$_baseURI()).to.equal(baseURI); }); it('base URI is added as a prefix to the token URI', async function () { await this.token.setBaseURI(baseURI); await this.token.$_setTokenURI(tokenId, sampleUri); expect(await this.token.tokenURI(tokenId)).to.equal(baseURI + sampleUri); }); it('token URI can be changed by changing the base URI', async function () { await this.token.setBaseURI(baseURI); await this.token.$_setTokenURI(tokenId, sampleUri); await this.token.setBaseURI(otherBaseURI); expect(await this.token.tokenURI(tokenId)).to.equal(otherBaseURI + sampleUri); }); it('tokenId is appended to base URI for tokens with no URI', async function () { await this.token.setBaseURI(baseURI); expect(await this.token.tokenURI(tokenId)).to.equal(baseURI + tokenId); }); it('tokens without URI can be burnt ', async function () { await this.token.$_burn(tokenId); await expect(this.token.tokenURI(tokenId)), 'ERC721NonexistentToken') .withArgs(tokenId); }); it('tokens with URI can be burnt ', async function () { await this.token.$_setTokenURI(tokenId, sampleUri); await this.token.$_burn(tokenId); await expect(this.token.tokenURI(tokenId)), 'ERC721NonexistentToken') .withArgs(tokenId); }); it('tokens URI is kept if token is burnt and reminted ', async function () { await this.token.$_setTokenURI(tokenId, sampleUri); await this.token.$_burn(tokenId); await expect(this.token.tokenURI(tokenId)), 'ERC721NonexistentToken') .withArgs(tokenId); await this.token.$_mint(this.owner, tokenId); expect(await this.token.tokenURI(tokenId)).to.equal(sampleUri); }); }); });