const { BN, expectEvent, expectRevert, time } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const Enums = require('../../helpers/enums'); const RLP = require('rlp'); const { runGovernorWorkflow, } = require('../GovernorWorkflow.behavior'); const Token = artifacts.require('ERC20VotesCompMock'); const Timelock = artifacts.require('CompTimelock'); const Governor = artifacts.require('GovernorCompatibilityBravoMock'); const CallReceiver = artifacts.require('CallReceiverMock'); async function getReceiptOrRevert (promise, error = undefined) { if (error) { await expectRevert(promise, error); return undefined; } else { const { receipt } = await promise; return receipt; } } function tryGet (obj, path = '') { try { return path.split('.').reduce((o, k) => o[k], obj); } catch (_) { return undefined; } } function makeContractAddress (creator, nonce) { return web3.utils.toChecksumAddress(web3.utils.sha3(RLP.encode([creator, nonce])).slice(12).substring(14)); } contract('GovernorCompatibilityBravo', function (accounts) { const [ owner, proposer, voter1, voter2, voter3, voter4, other ] = accounts; const name = 'OZ-Governor'; // const version = '1'; const tokenName = 'MockToken'; const tokenSymbol = 'MTKN'; const tokenSupply = web3.utils.toWei('100'); const proposalThreshold = web3.utils.toWei('10'); beforeEach(async function () { const [ deployer ] = await web3.eth.getAccounts(); this.token = await, tokenSymbol); // Need to predict governance address to set it as timelock admin with a delayed transfer const nonce = await web3.eth.getTransactionCount(deployer); const predictGovernor = makeContractAddress(deployer, nonce + 1); this.timelock = await, 2 * 86400); this.mock = await, this.token.address, 4, 16, proposalThreshold, this.timelock.address); this.receiver = await; await, tokenSupply); await this.token.delegate(voter1, { from: voter1 }); await this.token.delegate(voter2, { from: voter2 }); await this.token.delegate(voter3, { from: voter3 }); await this.token.delegate(voter4, { from: voter4 }); await this.token.transfer(proposer, proposalThreshold, { from: owner }); await this.token.delegate(proposer, { from: proposer }); }); it('deployment check', async function () { expect(await; expect(await this.mock.token()); expect(await this.mock.votingDelay())'4'); expect(await this.mock.votingPeriod())'16'); expect(await this.mock.quorum(0))'0'); expect(await this.mock.quorumVotes())'0'); expect(await this.mock.COUNTING_MODE())'support=bravo&quorum=bravo'); }); describe('nominal', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.settings = { proposal: [ [ this.receiver.address ], // targets [ web3.utils.toWei('0') ], // values [ this.receiver.contract.methods.mockFunction().encodeABI() ], // calldatas '', // description ], proposer, tokenHolder: owner, voters: [ { voter: voter1, weight: web3.utils.toWei('1'), support: Enums.VoteType.Abstain, }, { voter: voter2, weight: web3.utils.toWei('10'), support: Enums.VoteType.For, }, { voter: voter3, weight: web3.utils.toWei('5'), support: Enums.VoteType.Against, }, { voter: voter4, support: '100', error: 'GovernorCompatibilityBravo: invalid vote type', }, { voter: voter1, support: Enums.VoteType.For, error: 'GovernorCompatibilityBravo: vote already casted', skip: true, }, ], steps: { queue: { delay: 7 * 86400 }, }, }; this.votingDelay = await this.mock.votingDelay(); this.votingPeriod = await this.mock.votingPeriod(); this.receipts = {}; }); afterEach(async function () { const proposal = await this.mock.proposals(; expect(; expect(proposal.proposer); expect(proposal.eta); expect(proposal.startBlock); expect(proposal.endBlock); expect(proposal.canceled); expect(proposal.executed); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(Enums.VoteType)) { expect(proposal[`${key.toLowerCase()}Votes`]) Object.values(this.settings.voters).filter(({ support }) => support === value).reduce( (acc, { weight }) => acc.add(new BN(weight)), new BN('0'), ), ); } const action = await this.mock.getActions(; expect(action.targets)[0]); // expect(action.values)[1]); expect(action.signatures)[2].length).fill('')); expect(action.calldatas)[2]); for (const voter of this.settings.voters.filter(({ skip }) => !skip)) { expect(await this.mock.hasVoted(, voter.voter)) === undefined); const receipt = await this.mock.getReceipt(, voter.voter); expect(receipt.hasVoted) === undefined); expect( === undefined ? : '0'); expect(receipt.votes) === undefined ? voter.weight : '0'); } expectEvent( this.receipts.propose, 'ProposalCreated', { proposalId:, proposer, targets: this.settings.proposal[0], // values: this.settings.proposal[1].map(value => new BN(value)), signatures: this.settings.proposal[2].map(() => ''), calldatas: this.settings.proposal[2], startBlock: new BN(this.receipts.propose.blockNumber).add(this.votingDelay), endBlock: new BN(this.receipts.propose.blockNumber).add(this.votingDelay).add(this.votingPeriod), description: this.settings.proposal[3], }, ); this.receipts.castVote.filter(Boolean).forEach(vote => { const { voter } = vote.logs.find(Boolean).args; expectEvent( vote, 'VoteCast', this.settings.voters.find(({ address }) => address === voter), ); }); expectEvent( this.receipts.execute, 'ProposalExecuted', { proposalId: }, ); await expectEvent.inTransaction( this.receipts.execute.transactionHash, this.receiver, 'MockFunctionCalled', ); }); runGovernorWorkflow(); }); describe('proposalThreshold not reached', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.settings = { proposal: [ [ this.receiver.address ], // targets [ web3.utils.toWei('0') ], // values [ this.receiver.contract.methods.mockFunction().encodeABI() ], // calldatas '', // description ], proposer: other, steps: { propose: { error: 'GovernorCompatibilityBravo: proposer votes below proposal threshold' }, wait: { enable: false }, queue: { enable: false }, execute: { enable: false }, }, }; }); runGovernorWorkflow(); }); describe('with compatibility interface', function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.settings = { proposal: [ [ this.receiver.address ], // targets [ web3.utils.toWei('0') ], // values [ '' ], // signatures [ this.receiver.contract.methods.mockFunction().encodeABI() ], // calldatas '', // description ], proposer, tokenHolder: owner, voters: [ { voter: voter1, weight: web3.utils.toWei('1'), support: Enums.VoteType.Abstain, }, { voter: voter2, weight: web3.utils.toWei('10'), support: Enums.VoteType.For, }, { voter: voter3, weight: web3.utils.toWei('5'), support: Enums.VoteType.Against, }, { voter: voter4, support: '100', error: 'GovernorCompatibilityBravo: invalid vote type', }, { voter: voter1, support: Enums.VoteType.For, error: 'GovernorCompatibilityBravo: vote already casted', skip: true, }, ], steps: { queue: { delay: 7 * 86400 }, }, }; this.votingDelay = await this.mock.votingDelay(); this.votingPeriod = await this.mock.votingPeriod(); this.receipts = {}; }); afterEach(async function () { const proposal = await this.mock.proposals(; expect(; expect(proposal.proposer); expect(proposal.eta); expect(proposal.startBlock); expect(proposal.endBlock); expect(proposal.canceled); expect(proposal.executed); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(Enums.VoteType)) { expect(proposal[`${key.toLowerCase()}Votes`]) Object.values(this.settings.voters).filter(({ support }) => support === value).reduce( (acc, { weight }) => acc.add(new BN(weight)), new BN('0'), ), ); } const action = await this.mock.getActions(; expect(action.targets)[0]); // expect(action.values)[1]); expect(action.signatures)[2]); expect(action.calldatas)[3]); for (const voter of this.settings.voters.filter(({ skip }) => !skip)) { expect(await this.mock.hasVoted(, voter.voter)) === undefined); const receipt = await this.mock.getReceipt(, voter.voter); expect(receipt.hasVoted) === undefined); expect( === undefined ? : '0'); expect(receipt.votes) === undefined ? voter.weight : '0'); } expectEvent( this.receipts.propose, 'ProposalCreated', { proposalId:, proposer, targets: this.settings.proposal[0], // values: this.settings.proposal[1].map(value => new BN(value)), signatures: this.settings.proposal[2], calldatas: this.settings.proposal[3], startBlock: new BN(this.receipts.propose.blockNumber).add(this.votingDelay), endBlock: new BN(this.receipts.propose.blockNumber).add(this.votingDelay).add(this.votingPeriod), description: this.settings.proposal[4], }, ); this.receipts.castVote.filter(Boolean).forEach(vote => { const { voter } = vote.logs.find(Boolean).args; expectEvent( vote, 'VoteCast', this.settings.voters.find(({ address }) => address === voter), ); }); expectEvent( this.receipts.execute, 'ProposalExecuted', { proposalId: }, ); await expectEvent.inTransaction( this.receipts.execute.transactionHash, this.receiver, 'MockFunctionCalled', ); }); it('run', async function () { // transfer tokens if (tryGet(this.settings, 'voters')) { for (const voter of this.settings.voters) { if (voter.weight) { await this.token.transfer(voter.voter, voter.weight, { from: this.settings.tokenHolder }); } } } // propose if (this.mock.propose && tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.propose.enable') !== false) { this.receipts.propose = await getReceiptOrRevert( this.mock.methods['propose(address[],uint256[],string[],bytes[],string)']( ...this.settings.proposal, { from: this.settings.proposer }, ), tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.propose.error'), ); if (tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.propose.error') === undefined) { = this.receipts.propose.logs.find(({ event }) => event === 'ProposalCreated').args.proposalId; this.snapshot = await this.mock.proposalSnapshot(; this.deadline = await this.mock.proposalDeadline(; } if (tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.propose.delay')) { await time.increase(tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.propose.delay')); } if ( tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.propose.error') === undefined && tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.propose.noadvance') !== true ) { await time.advanceBlockTo(this.snapshot); } } // vote if (tryGet(this.settings, 'voters')) { this.receipts.castVote = []; for (const voter of this.settings.voters) { if (!voter.signature) { this.receipts.castVote.push( await getReceiptOrRevert( this.mock.castVote(,, { from: voter.voter }), voter.error, ), ); } else { const { v, r, s } = await voter.signature({ proposalId:, support: }); this.receipts.castVote.push( await getReceiptOrRevert( this.mock.castVoteBySig(,, v, r, s), voter.error, ), ); } if (tryGet(voter, 'delay')) { await time.increase(tryGet(voter, 'delay')); } } } // fast forward if (tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.wait.enable') !== false) { await time.advanceBlockTo(this.deadline); } // queue if (this.mock.queue && tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.queue.enable') !== false) { this.receipts.queue = await getReceiptOrRevert( this.mock.methods['queue(uint256)'](, { from: this.settings.queuer }), tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.queue.error'), ); this.eta = await this.mock.proposalEta(; if (tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.queue.delay')) { await time.increase(tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.queue.delay')); } } // execute if (this.mock.execute && tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.execute.enable') !== false) { this.receipts.execute = await getReceiptOrRevert( this.mock.methods['execute(uint256)'](, { from: this.settings.executer }), tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.execute.error'), ); if (tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.execute.delay')) { await time.increase(tryGet(this.settings, 'steps.execute.delay')); } } }); }); });