const path = require('path'); const { promises: fs, constants: { F_OK }, } = require('fs'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const { pathUpdates, updateImportPaths, getUpgradeablePath } = require('../scripts/migrate-imports.js'); describe('migrate-imports.js', function () { it('every new path exists', async function () { for (const p of Object.values(pathUpdates)) { try { await fs.access(path.join('contracts', p), F_OK); } catch (e) { if (p.startsWith('proxy/')) continue; // excluded from transpilation of upgradeable contracts await fs.access(path.join('contracts', getUpgradeablePath(p)), F_OK); } } }); it('replaces import paths in a file', async function () { const source = ` import '@openzeppelin/contracts/math/Math.sol'; import '@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/math/MathUpgradeable.sol'; `; const expected = ` import '@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/Math.sol'; import '@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/utils/math/MathUpgradeable.sol'; `; expect(updateImportPaths(source)).to.equal(expected); }); });