const { expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers'); const { assert } = require('chai'); const InitializableMock = artifacts.require('InitializableMock'); const ConstructorInitializableMock = artifacts.require('ConstructorInitializableMock'); const SampleChild = artifacts.require('SampleChild'); contract('Initializable', function (accounts) { describe('basic testing without inheritance', function () { beforeEach('deploying', async function () { this.contract = await; }); context('before initialize', function () { it('initializer has not run', async function () { assert.isFalse(await this.contract.initializerRan()); }); }); context('after initialize', function () { beforeEach('initializing', async function () { await this.contract.initialize(); }); it('initializer has run', async function () { assert.isTrue(await this.contract.initializerRan()); }); it('initializer does not run again', async function () { await expectRevert(this.contract.initialize(), 'Initializable: contract is already initialized'); }); }); context('nested under an initializer', function () { it('initializer modifier reverts', async function () { await expectRevert(this.contract.initializerNested(), 'Initializable: contract is already initialized'); }); it('onlyInitializing modifier succeeds', async function () { await this.contract.onlyInitializingNested(); assert.isTrue(await this.contract.onlyInitializingRan()); }); }); it('cannot call onlyInitializable function outside the scope of an initializable function', async function () { await expectRevert(this.contract.initializeOnlyInitializing(), 'Initializable: contract is not initializing'); }); }); it('nested initializer can run during construction', async function () { const contract2 = await; assert.isTrue(await contract2.initializerRan()); assert.isTrue(await contract2.onlyInitializingRan()); }); describe('complex testing with inheritance', function () { const mother = 12; const gramps = '56'; const father = 34; const child = 78; beforeEach('deploying', async function () { this.contract = await; }); beforeEach('initializing', async function () { await this.contract.initialize(mother, gramps, father, child); }); it('initializes human', async function () { assert.equal(await this.contract.isHuman(), true); }); it('initializes mother', async function () { assert.equal(await this.contract.mother(), mother); }); it('initializes gramps', async function () { assert.equal(await this.contract.gramps(), gramps); }); it('initializes father', async function () { assert.equal(await this.contract.father(), father); }); it('initializes child', async function () { assert.equal(await this.contract.child(), child); }); }); });