const { ethers } = require('hardhat'); const { expect } = require('chai'); const { loadFixture } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers'); const { PANIC_CODES } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-chai-matchers/panic'); async function fixture() { const mock = await ethers.deployContract('$Heap'); return { mock }; } describe('Heap', function () { beforeEach(async function () { Object.assign(this, await loadFixture(fixture)); }); describe('Uint256Heap', function () { it('starts empty', async function () { expect(await this.mock.$length(0)).to.equal(0n); }); it('peek, pop and replace from empty', async function () { await expect(this.mock.$peek(0)); await expect(this.mock.$pop(0)); await expect(this.mock.$replace(0, 0n)); }); it('clear', async function () { await this.mock.$insert(0, 42n); expect(await this.mock.$length(0)).to.equal(1n); expect(await this.mock.$peek(0)).to.equal(42n); await this.mock.$clear(0); expect(await this.mock.$length(0)).to.equal(0n); await expect(this.mock.$peek(0)); }); it('support duplicated items', async function () { expect(await this.mock.$length(0)).to.equal(0n); // insert 5 times await this.mock.$insert(0, 42n); await this.mock.$insert(0, 42n); await this.mock.$insert(0, 42n); await this.mock.$insert(0, 42n); await this.mock.$insert(0, 42n); // pop 5 times await expect(this.mock.$pop(0)).to.emit(this.mock, 'return$pop').withArgs(42n); await expect(this.mock.$pop(0)).to.emit(this.mock, 'return$pop').withArgs(42n); await expect(this.mock.$pop(0)).to.emit(this.mock, 'return$pop').withArgs(42n); await expect(this.mock.$pop(0)).to.emit(this.mock, 'return$pop').withArgs(42n); await expect(this.mock.$pop(0)).to.emit(this.mock, 'return$pop').withArgs(42n); // popping a 6th time panics await expect(this.mock.$pop(0)); }); it('insert, pop and replace', async function () { const heap = []; for (const { op, value } of [ { op: 'insert', value: 712 }, // [712] { op: 'insert', value: 20 }, // [20, 712] { op: 'insert', value: 4337 }, // [20, 712, 4437] { op: 'pop' }, // 20, [712, 4437] { op: 'insert', value: 1559 }, // [712, 1559, 4437] { op: 'insert', value: 165 }, // [165, 712, 1559, 4437] { op: 'insert', value: 155 }, // [155, 165, 712, 1559, 4437] { op: 'insert', value: 7702 }, // [155, 165, 712, 1559, 4437, 7702] { op: 'pop' }, // 155, [165, 712, 1559, 4437, 7702] { op: 'replace', value: 721 }, // 165, [712, 721, 1559, 4437, 7702] { op: 'pop' }, // 712, [721, 1559, 4437, 7702] { op: 'pop' }, // 721, [1559, 4437, 7702] { op: 'pop' }, // 1559, [4437, 7702] { op: 'pop' }, // 4437, [7702] { op: 'pop' }, // 7702, [] { op: 'pop' }, // panic { op: 'replace', value: '1363' }, // panic ]) { switch (op) { case 'insert': await this.mock.$insert(0, value); heap.push(value); heap.sort((a, b) => a - b); break; case 'pop': if (heap.length == 0) { await expect(this.mock.$pop(0)); } else { await expect(this.mock.$pop(0)).to.emit(this.mock, 'return$pop').withArgs(heap.shift()); } break; case 'replace': if (heap.length == 0) { await expect(this.mock.$replace(0, value)); } else { await expect(this.mock.$replace(0, value)).to.emit(this.mock, 'return$replace').withArgs(heap.shift()); heap.push(value); heap.sort((a, b) => a - b); } break; } expect(await this.mock.$length(0)).to.equal(heap.length); if (heap.length == 0) { await expect(this.mock.$peek(0)); } else { expect(await this.mock.$peek(0)).to.equal(heap[0]); } } }); }); });