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const { accounts, contract } = require('@openzeppelin/test-environment');
const { balance, constants, ether, expectRevert, send } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const AddressImpl = contract.fromArtifact('AddressImpl');
const SimpleToken = contract.fromArtifact('SimpleToken');
const EtherReceiver = contract.fromArtifact('EtherReceiverMock');
describe('Address', function () {
const [ recipient, other ] = accounts;
beforeEach(async function () {
this.mock = await AddressImpl.new();
describe('isContract', function () {
it('should return false for account address', async function () {
expect(await this.mock.isContract(other)).to.equal(false);
it('should return true for contract address', async function () {
const contract = await SimpleToken.new();
expect(await this.mock.isContract(contract.address)).to.equal(true);
describe('toPayable', function () {
it('should return a payable address when the account is the zero address', async function () {
expect(await this.mock.toPayable(constants.ZERO_ADDRESS)).to.equal(constants.ZERO_ADDRESS);
it('should return a payable address when the account is an arbitrary address', async function () {
expect(await this.mock.toPayable(other)).to.equal(other);
it('should return a payable address when the account is the all ones address', async function () {
expect(await this.mock.toPayable(ALL_ONES_ADDRESS)).to.equal(ALL_ONES_ADDRESS);
describe('sendValue', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
this.recipientTracker = await balance.tracker(recipient);
context('when sender contract has no funds', function () {
it('sends 0 wei', async function () {
await this.mock.sendValue(other, 0);
expect(await this.recipientTracker.delta()).to.be.bignumber.equal('0');
it('reverts when sending non-zero amounts', async function () {
await expectRevert(this.mock.sendValue(other, 1), 'Address: insufficient balance');
context('when sender contract has funds', function () {
const funds = ether('1');
beforeEach(async function () {
await send.ether(other, this.mock.address, funds);
it('sends 0 wei', async function () {
await this.mock.sendValue(recipient, 0);
expect(await this.recipientTracker.delta()).to.be.bignumber.equal('0');
it('sends non-zero amounts', async function () {
await this.mock.sendValue(recipient, funds.subn(1));
expect(await this.recipientTracker.delta()).to.be.bignumber.equal(funds.subn(1));
it('sends the whole balance', async function () {
await this.mock.sendValue(recipient, funds);
expect(await this.recipientTracker.delta()).to.be.bignumber.equal(funds);
expect(await balance.current(this.mock.address)).to.be.bignumber.equal('0');
it('reverts when sending more than the balance', async function () {
await expectRevert(this.mock.sendValue(recipient, funds.addn(1)), 'Address: insufficient balance');
context('with contract recipient', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
this.contractRecipient = await EtherReceiver.new();
it('sends funds', async function () {
const tracker = await balance.tracker(this.contractRecipient.address);
await this.contractRecipient.setAcceptEther(true);
await this.mock.sendValue(this.contractRecipient.address, funds);
expect(await tracker.delta()).to.be.bignumber.equal(funds);
it('reverts on recipient revert', async function () {
await this.contractRecipient.setAcceptEther(false);
await expectRevert(
this.mock.sendValue(this.contractRecipient.address, funds),
'Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted'