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const { contract, accounts, web3 } = require('@openzeppelin/test-environment');
const { BN, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const Create2Impl = contract.fromArtifact('Create2Impl');
const ERC20Mock = contract.fromArtifact('ERC20Mock');
const ERC20 = contract.fromArtifact('ERC20');
describe('Create2', function () {
const [deployerAccount] = accounts;
const salt = 'salt message';
const saltHex = web3.utils.soliditySha3(salt);
const constructorByteCode = `${ERC20Mock.bytecode}${web3.eth.abi
.encodeParameters(['address', 'uint256'], [deployerAccount, 100]).slice(2)
beforeEach(async function () {
this.factory = await Create2Impl.new();
it('should compute the correct contract address', async function () {
const onChainComputed = await this.factory
.computeAddress(saltHex, constructorByteCode);
const offChainComputed =
computeCreate2Address(saltHex, constructorByteCode, this.factory.address);
it('should compute the correct contract address with deployer', async function () {
const onChainComputed = await this.factory
.computeAddress(saltHex, constructorByteCode, deployerAccount);
const offChainComputed =
computeCreate2Address(saltHex, constructorByteCode, deployerAccount);
it('should deploy a ERC20 from inline assembly code', async function () {
const offChainComputed =
computeCreate2Address(saltHex, ERC20.bytecode, this.factory.address);
await this.factory
.deploy(saltHex, ERC20.bytecode, { from: deployerAccount });
expect(ERC20.bytecode).to.include((await web3.eth.getCode(offChainComputed)).slice(2));
it('should deploy a ERC20Mock with correct balances', async function () {
const offChainComputed =
computeCreate2Address(saltHex, constructorByteCode, this.factory.address);
await this.factory
.deploy(saltHex, constructorByteCode, { from: deployerAccount });
const erc20 = await ERC20Mock.at(offChainComputed);
expect(await erc20.balanceOf(deployerAccount)).to.be.bignumber.equal(new BN(100));
it('should failed deploying a contract in an existent address', async function () {
await this.factory.deploy(saltHex, constructorByteCode, { from: deployerAccount });
await expectRevert(
this.factory.deploy(saltHex, constructorByteCode, { from: deployerAccount }), 'Create2: Failed on deploy'
function computeCreate2Address (saltHex, bytecode, deployer) {
return web3.utils.toChecksumAddress(`0x${web3.utils.sha3(`0x${[
].map(x => x.replace(/0x/, '')).join('')}`).slice(-40)}`);