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132 lines
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const { ethers } = require('hardhat');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const { loadFixture } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers');
const { impersonate } = require('../../helpers/account');
const { GovernorHelper } = require('../../helpers/governance');
const { ProposalState } = require('../../helpers/enums');
const TOKENS = [
{ Token: '$ERC20Votes', mode: 'blocknumber' },
{ Token: '$ERC20VotesTimestampMock', mode: 'timestamp' },
const name = 'Proposal Guardian Governor';
const version = '1';
const tokenName = 'MockToken';
const tokenSymbol = 'MTKN';
const tokenSupply = ethers.parseEther('100');
const votingDelay = 4n;
const votingPeriod = 16n;
const value = ethers.parseEther('1');
describe('GovernorProposalGuardian', function () {
for (const { Token, mode } of TOKENS) {
const fixture = async () => {
const [owner, proposer, guardian, voter1, voter2, voter3, voter4, other] = await ethers.getSigners();
const receiver = await ethers.deployContract('CallReceiverMock');
const token = await ethers.deployContract(Token, [tokenName, tokenSymbol, tokenName, version]);
const mock = await ethers.deployContract('$GovernorProposalGuardianMock', [
name, // name
votingDelay, // initialVotingDelay
votingPeriod, // initialVotingPeriod
0n, // initialProposalThreshold
token, // tokenAddress
10n, // quorumNumeratorValue
await impersonate(;
await owner.sendTransaction({ to: mock, value });
await token.$_mint(owner, tokenSupply);
const helper = new GovernorHelper(mock, mode);
await helper.connect(owner).delegate({ token, to: voter1, value: ethers.parseEther('10') });
await helper.connect(owner).delegate({ token, to: voter2, value: ethers.parseEther('7') });
await helper.connect(owner).delegate({ token, to: voter3, value: ethers.parseEther('5') });
await helper.connect(owner).delegate({ token, to: voter4, value: ethers.parseEther('2') });
return { owner, proposer, guardian, voter1, voter2, voter3, voter4, other, receiver, token, mock, helper };
describe(`using ${Token}`, function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
Object.assign(this, await loadFixture(fixture));
// default proposal
this.proposal = this.helper.setProposal(
data: this.receiver.interface.encodeFunctionData('mockFunction'),
'<proposal description>',
it('deployment check', async function () {
await expect(;
await expect(this.mock.token()).to.eventually.equal(this.token);
await expect(this.mock.votingDelay()).to.eventually.equal(votingDelay);
await expect(this.mock.votingPeriod()).to.eventually.equal(votingPeriod);
describe('set proposal guardian', function () {
it('from governance', async function () {
const governorSigner = await ethers.getSigner(;
await expect(this.mock.connect(governorSigner).setProposalGuardian(
.to.emit(this.mock, 'ProposalGuardianSet')
await expect(this.mock.proposalGuardian()).to.eventually.equal(;
it('from non-governance', async function () {
await expect(this.mock.connect(this.other).setProposalGuardian(
|, 'GovernorOnlyExecutor')
it('cancel proposal during pending state from proposer when proposal guardian is non-zero', async function () {
await this.mock.$_setProposalGuardian(;
await this.helper.connect(this.proposer).propose();
await expect(this.helper.connect(this.proposer).cancel())
.to.emit(this.mock, 'ProposalCanceled')
describe('cancel proposal during active state', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await this.helper.connect(this.proposer).propose();
await this.helper.waitForSnapshot(1n);
await expect(this.mock.state(;
it('from proposal guardian', async function () {
await this.mock.$_setProposalGuardian(;
await expect(this.helper.connect(
.to.emit(this.mock, 'ProposalCanceled')
it('from proposer when proposal guardian is non-zero', async function () {
await this.mock.$_setProposalGuardian(;
await expect(this.helper.connect(this.proposer).cancel())
|, 'GovernorUnableToCancel')
.withArgs(, this.proposer);
it('from proposer when proposal guardian is zero', async function () {
await this.mock.$_setProposalGuardian(ethers.ZeroAddress);
await expect(this.helper.connect(this.proposer).cancel())
.to.emit(this.mock, 'ProposalCanceled')