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const { BN, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const ERC1155PausableMock = artifacts.require('ERC1155PausableMock');
contract('ERC1155Pausable', function (accounts) {
const [ holder, operator, receiver, other ] = accounts;
const uri = 'https://token.com';
beforeEach(async function () {
this.token = await ERC1155PausableMock.new(uri);
context('when token is paused', function () {
const firstTokenId = new BN('37');
const firstTokenAmount = new BN('42');
const secondTokenId = new BN('19842');
const secondTokenAmount = new BN('23');
beforeEach(async function () {
await this.token.setApprovalForAll(operator, true, { from: holder });
await this.token.mint(holder, firstTokenId, firstTokenAmount, '0x');
await this.token.pause();
it('reverts when trying to safeTransferFrom from holder', async function () {
await expectRevert(
this.token.safeTransferFrom(holder, receiver, firstTokenId, firstTokenAmount, '0x', { from: holder }),
'ERC1155Pausable: token transfer while paused',
it('reverts when trying to safeTransferFrom from operator', async function () {
await expectRevert(
this.token.safeTransferFrom(holder, receiver, firstTokenId, firstTokenAmount, '0x', { from: operator }),
'ERC1155Pausable: token transfer while paused',
it('reverts when trying to safeBatchTransferFrom from holder', async function () {
await expectRevert(
this.token.safeBatchTransferFrom(holder, receiver, [firstTokenId], [firstTokenAmount], '0x', { from: holder }),
'ERC1155Pausable: token transfer while paused',
it('reverts when trying to safeBatchTransferFrom from operator', async function () {
await expectRevert(
holder, receiver, [firstTokenId], [firstTokenAmount], '0x', { from: operator },
'ERC1155Pausable: token transfer while paused',
it('reverts when trying to mint', async function () {
await expectRevert(
this.token.mint(holder, secondTokenId, secondTokenAmount, '0x'),
'ERC1155Pausable: token transfer while paused',
it('reverts when trying to mintBatch', async function () {
await expectRevert(
this.token.mintBatch(holder, [secondTokenId], [secondTokenAmount], '0x'),
'ERC1155Pausable: token transfer while paused',
it('reverts when trying to burn', async function () {
await expectRevert(
this.token.burn(holder, firstTokenId, firstTokenAmount),
'ERC1155Pausable: token transfer while paused',
it('reverts when trying to burnBatch', async function () {
await expectRevert(
this.token.burn(holder, [firstTokenId], [firstTokenAmount]),
'ERC1155Pausable: token transfer while paused',
describe('setApprovalForAll', function () {
it('approves an operator', async function () {
await this.token.setApprovalForAll(other, true, { from: holder });
expect(await this.token.isApprovedForAll(holder, other)).to.equal(true);
describe('balanceOf', function () {
it('returns the amount of tokens owned by the given address', async function () {
const balance = await this.token.balanceOf(holder, firstTokenId);
describe('isApprovedForAll', function () {
it('returns the approval of the operator', async function () {
expect(await this.token.isApprovedForAll(holder, operator)).to.equal(true);