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const { balance, expectEvent } = require('openzeppelin-test-helpers');
function shouldBehaveLikeMintedCrowdsale ([_, investor, wallet, purchaser], rate, value) {
const expectedTokenAmount = rate.mul(value);
describe('as a minted crowdsale', function () {
describe('accepting payments', function () {
it('should accept payments', async function () {
await this.crowdsale.send(value);
await this.crowdsale.buyTokens(investor, { value: value, from: purchaser });
describe('high-level purchase', function () {
it('should log purchase', async function () {
const { logs } = await this.crowdsale.sendTransaction({ value: value, from: investor });
expectEvent.inLogs(logs, 'TokensPurchased', {
purchaser: investor,
beneficiary: investor,
value: value,
amount: expectedTokenAmount,
it('should assign tokens to sender', async function () {
await this.crowdsale.sendTransaction({ value: value, from: investor });
(await this.token.balanceOf(investor)).should.be.bignumber.equal(expectedTokenAmount);
it('should forward funds to wallet', async function () {
const balanceTracker = await balance.tracker(wallet);
await this.crowdsale.sendTransaction({ value, from: investor });
(await balanceTracker.delta()).should.be.bignumber.equal(value);
module.exports = {