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const { increaseTime } = require('./helpers/increaseTime');
const { expectThrow } = require('./helpers/expectThrow');
const { assertRevert } = require('./helpers/assertRevert');
const NULL_ADDRESS = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
const Heritable = artifacts.require('Heritable');
const BigNumber = web3.BigNumber;
contract('Heritable', function ([_, owner, heir, anyone]) {
const heartbeatTimeout = 4141;
let heritable;
beforeEach(async function () {
heritable = await Heritable.new(heartbeatTimeout, { from: owner });
it('should start off with an owner, but without heir', async function () {
const heir = await heritable.heir();
it('only owner should set heir', async function () {
await heritable.setHeir(heir, { from: owner });
await expectThrow(heritable.setHeir(heir, { from: anyone }));
it('owner can\'t be heir', async function () {
await assertRevert(heritable.setHeir(owner, { from: owner }));
it('owner can remove heir', async function () {
await heritable.setHeir(heir, { from: owner });
(await heritable.heir()).should.eq(heir);
await heritable.removeHeir({ from: owner });
(await heritable.heir()).should.eq(NULL_ADDRESS);
it('heir can claim ownership only if owner is dead and timeout was reached', async function () {
await heritable.setHeir(heir, { from: owner });
await expectThrow(heritable.claimHeirOwnership({ from: heir }));
await heritable.proclaimDeath({ from: heir });
await increaseTime(1);
await expectThrow(heritable.claimHeirOwnership({ from: heir }));
await increaseTime(heartbeatTimeout);
await heritable.claimHeirOwnership({ from: heir });
(await heritable.heir()).should.eq(heir);
it('only heir can proclaim death', async function () {
await assertRevert(heritable.proclaimDeath({ from: owner }));
await assertRevert(heritable.proclaimDeath({ from: anyone }));
it('heir can\'t proclaim death if owner is death', async function () {
await heritable.setHeir(heir, { from: owner });
await heritable.proclaimDeath({ from: heir });
await assertRevert(heritable.proclaimDeath({ from: heir }));
it('heir can\'t claim ownership if owner heartbeats', async function () {
await heritable.setHeir(heir, { from: owner });
await heritable.proclaimDeath({ from: heir });
await heritable.heartbeat({ from: owner });
await expectThrow(heritable.claimHeirOwnership({ from: heir }));
await heritable.proclaimDeath({ from: heir });
await increaseTime(heartbeatTimeout);
await heritable.heartbeat({ from: owner });
await expectThrow(heritable.claimHeirOwnership({ from: heir }));
it('should log events appropriately', async function () {
const setHeirLogs = (await heritable.setHeir(heir, { from: owner })).logs;
const setHeirEvent = setHeirLogs.find(e => e.event === 'HeirChanged');
const heartbeatLogs = (await heritable.heartbeat({ from: owner })).logs;
const heartbeatEvent = heartbeatLogs.find(e => e.event === 'OwnerHeartbeated');
const proclaimDeathLogs = (await heritable.proclaimDeath({ from: heir })).logs;
const ownerDeadEvent = proclaimDeathLogs.find(e => e.event === 'OwnerProclaimedDead');
await increaseTime(heartbeatTimeout);
const claimHeirOwnershipLogs = (await heritable.claimHeirOwnership({ from: heir })).logs;
const ownershipTransferredEvent = claimHeirOwnershipLogs.find(e => e.event === 'OwnershipTransferred');
const heirOwnershipClaimedEvent = claimHeirOwnershipLogs.find(e => e.event === 'HeirOwnershipClaimed');
it('timeOfDeath can be queried', async function () {
(await heritable.timeOfDeath()).should.be.bignumber.equal(0);
it('heartbeatTimeout can be queried', async function () {
(await heritable.heartbeatTimeout()).should.be.bignumber.equal(heartbeatTimeout);