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const BigNumber = web3.BigNumber
const should = require('chai')
const EVMThrow = require('./helpers/EVMThrow.js')
const SplitPullPaymentMock = artifacts.require('./helpers/SplitPullPaymentMock.sol')
contract('SplitPullPayment', function ([owner, payee1, payee2, payee3, nonpayee1, payer1]) {
const amount = web3.toWei(1.0, 'ether')
beforeEach(async function () {
this.payees = [payee1, payee2, payee3]
this.shares = [20, 10, 70]
this.contract = await SplitPullPaymentMock.new()
await this.contract.addPayeeMany(this.payees, this.shares)
it('should distribute funds to payees', async function () {
await web3.eth.sendTransaction({from: payer1, to: this.contract.address, value: amount})
await this.contract.distributeFunds({from: payee1})
const amount1 = await this.contract.payments.call(payee1)
amount1.should.be.bignumber.equal(web3.toWei(0.20, 'ether'))
const amount2 = await this.contract.payments.call(payee2)
amount2.should.be.bignumber.equal(web3.toWei(0.10, 'ether'))
const amount3 = await this.contract.payments.call(payee3)
amount3.should.be.bignumber.equal(web3.toWei(0.70, 'ether'))
const balance = web3.eth.getBalance(this.contract.address)
const totalPayments = await this.contract.totalPayments.call()