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const shouldBehaveLikeProxy = require('../Proxy.behaviour');
const shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy = require('./TransparentUpgradeableProxy.behaviour');
const TransparentUpgradeableProxy = artifacts.require('TransparentUpgradeableProxy');
const ITransparentUpgradeableProxy = artifacts.require('ITransparentUpgradeableProxy');
contract('TransparentUpgradeableProxy', function (accounts) {
const [owner, ...otherAccounts] = accounts;
// `undefined`, `null` and other false-ish opts will not be forwarded.
const createProxy = async function (logic, initData, opts = undefined) {
const { address, transactionHash } = await TransparentUpgradeableProxy.new(
const instance = await ITransparentUpgradeableProxy.at(address);
return { ...instance, transactionHash };
shouldBehaveLikeProxy(createProxy, otherAccounts);
shouldBehaveLikeTransparentUpgradeableProxy(createProxy, owner, otherAccounts);