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const { ethers } = require('hardhat');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const { loadFixture } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers');
const { generators } = require('../helpers/random');
const slot = ethers.id('some.storage.slot');
const otherSlot = ethers.id('some.other.storage.slot');
const TYPES = [
{ name: 'Boolean', type: 'bool', value: true, isValueType: true, zero: false },
{ name: 'Address', type: 'address', value: generators.address(), isValueType: true, zero: generators.address.zero },
{ name: 'Bytes32', type: 'bytes32', value: generators.bytes32(), isValueType: true, zero: generators.bytes32.zero },
{ name: 'Uint256', type: 'uint256', value: generators.uint256(), isValueType: true, zero: generators.uint256.zero },
{ name: 'Int256', type: 'int256', value: generators.int256(), isValueType: true, zero: generators.int256.zero },
{ name: 'Bytes', type: 'bytes', value: generators.hexBytes(128), isValueType: false, zero: generators.hexBytes.zero },
{ name: 'String', type: 'string', value: 'lorem ipsum', isValueType: false, zero: '' },
async function fixture() {
return { mock: await ethers.deployContract('StorageSlotMock') };
describe('StorageSlot', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
Object.assign(this, await loadFixture(fixture));
for (const { name, type, value, zero } of TYPES) {
describe(`${type} storage slot`, function () {
it('set', async function () {
await this.mock.getFunction(`set${name}Slot`)(slot, value);
describe('get', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await this.mock.getFunction(`set${name}Slot`)(slot, value);
it('from right slot', async function () {
expect(await this.mock.getFunction(`get${name}Slot`)(slot)).to.equal(value);
it('from other slot', async function () {
expect(await this.mock.getFunction(`get${name}Slot`)(otherSlot)).to.equal(zero);
for (const { name, type, value, zero } of TYPES.filter(type => !type.isValueType)) {
describe(`${type} storage pointer`, function () {
it('set', async function () {
await this.mock.getFunction(`set${name}Storage`)(slot, value);
describe('get', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
await this.mock.getFunction(`set${name}Storage`)(slot, value);
it('from right slot', async function () {
expect(await this.mock.getFunction(`${type}Map`)(slot)).to.equal(value);
expect(await this.mock.getFunction(`get${name}Storage`)(slot)).to.equal(value);
it('from other slot', async function () {
expect(await this.mock.getFunction(`${type}Map`)(otherSlot)).to.equal(zero);
expect(await this.mock.getFunction(`get${name}Storage`)(otherSlot)).to.equal(zero);
for (const { name, type, value, zero } of TYPES.filter(type => type.isValueType)) {
describe(`${type} transient slot`, function () {
const load = `tload${name}(bytes32)`;
const store = `tstore(bytes32,${type})`;
const event = `${name}Value`;
it('load', async function () {
await expect(this.mock[load](slot)).to.emit(this.mock, event).withArgs(slot, zero);
it('store and load (2 txs)', async function () {
await this.mock[store](slot, value);
await expect(this.mock[load](slot)).to.emit(this.mock, event).withArgs(slot, zero);
it('store and load (batched)', async function () {
await expect(
this.mock.interface.encodeFunctionData(store, [slot, value]),
this.mock.interface.encodeFunctionData(load, [slot]),
this.mock.interface.encodeFunctionData(load, [otherSlot]),
.to.emit(this.mock, event)
.withArgs(slot, value)
.to.emit(this.mock, event)
.withArgs(otherSlot, zero);
await expect(this.mock[load](slot)).to.emit(this.mock, event).withArgs(slot, zero);