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const expectEvent = require('../helpers/expectEvent');
const { expectThrow } = require('../helpers/expectThrow');
const { EVMRevert } = require('../helpers/EVMRevert');
const { ethGetBalance } = require('../helpers/web3');
const BigNumber = web3.BigNumber;
function shouldBehaveLikeEscrow (primary, [payee1, payee2]) {
const amount = web3.toWei(42.0, 'ether');
describe('as an escrow', function () {
describe('deposits', function () {
it('can accept a single deposit', async function () {
await this.escrow.deposit(payee1, { from: primary, value: amount });
(await ethGetBalance(this.escrow.address)).should.be.bignumber.equal(amount);
(await this.escrow.depositsOf(payee1)).should.be.bignumber.equal(amount);
it('can accept an empty deposit', async function () {
await this.escrow.deposit(payee1, { from: primary, value: 0 });
it('only the primary account can deposit', async function () {
await expectThrow(this.escrow.deposit(payee1, { from: payee2 }), EVMRevert);
it('emits a deposited event', async function () {
const receipt = await this.escrow.deposit(payee1, { from: primary, value: amount });
const event = expectEvent.inLogs(receipt.logs, 'Deposited', { payee: payee1 });
it('can add multiple deposits on a single account', async function () {
await this.escrow.deposit(payee1, { from: primary, value: amount });
await this.escrow.deposit(payee1, { from: primary, value: amount * 2 });
(await ethGetBalance(this.escrow.address)).should.be.bignumber.equal(amount * 3);
(await this.escrow.depositsOf(payee1)).should.be.bignumber.equal(amount * 3);
it('can track deposits to multiple accounts', async function () {
await this.escrow.deposit(payee1, { from: primary, value: amount });
await this.escrow.deposit(payee2, { from: primary, value: amount * 2 });
(await ethGetBalance(this.escrow.address)).should.be.bignumber.equal(amount * 3);
(await this.escrow.depositsOf(payee1)).should.be.bignumber.equal(amount);
(await this.escrow.depositsOf(payee2)).should.be.bignumber.equal(amount * 2);
describe('withdrawals', async function () {
it('can withdraw payments', async function () {
const payeeInitialBalance = await ethGetBalance(payee1);
await this.escrow.deposit(payee1, { from: primary, value: amount });
await this.escrow.withdraw(payee1, { from: primary });
(await ethGetBalance(this.escrow.address)).should.be.bignumber.equal(0);
(await this.escrow.depositsOf(payee1)).should.be.bignumber.equal(0);
const payeeFinalBalance = await ethGetBalance(payee1);
it('can do an empty withdrawal', async function () {
await this.escrow.withdraw(payee1, { from: primary });
it('only the primary account can withdraw', async function () {
await expectThrow(this.escrow.withdraw(payee1, { from: payee1 }), EVMRevert);
it('emits a withdrawn event', async function () {
await this.escrow.deposit(payee1, { from: primary, value: amount });
const receipt = await this.escrow.withdraw(payee1, { from: primary });
const event = expectEvent.inLogs(receipt.logs, 'Withdrawn', { payee: payee1 });
module.exports = {