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///////////////////// Governor.sol base definitions //////////////////////////
methods {
proposalSnapshot(uint256) returns uint256 envfree // matches proposalVoteStart
proposalDeadline(uint256) returns uint256 envfree
hashProposal(address[],uint256[],bytes[],bytes32) returns uint256 envfree
isExecuted(uint256) returns bool envfree
isCanceled(uint256) returns bool envfree
execute(address[], uint256[], bytes[], bytes32) returns uint256
// initialized(uint256) returns bool envfree
hasVoted(uint256, address) returns bool
castVote(uint256, uint8) returns uint256
// castVoteBySig(uint256,uint8,uint8,bytes32,bytes32) returns uint256
// internal functions made public in harness:
_quorumReached(uint256) returns bool envfree
_voteSucceeded(uint256) returns bool envfree
// hashProposal(address[] targets, uint256[] values, bytes[] calldatas, bytes32 descriptionHash) => uniqueHashGhost(descriptionHash)
////////////////////////////////// Ghosts ////////////////////////////////////
// ghost uniqueHashGhost(bytes32) returns uint256;
///////////////////////////// Helper Functions ///////////////////////////////
function callFunctionWithParams(address[] targets, uint256[] values, bytes[] calldatas, bytes32 descriptionHash, uint256 proposalId, uint8 support, string reason, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s, method f) {
env e;
if (f.selector == callPropose(address[], uint256[], bytes[]).selector) {
callPropose(e, targets, values, calldatas);
} else if (f.selector == execute(address[], uint256[], bytes[], bytes32).selector) {
execute(e, targets, values, calldatas, descriptionHash);
} else if (f.selector == castVote(uint256, uint8).selector) {
castVote(e, proposalId, support);
} else if (f.selector == castVoteWithReason(uint256, uint8, string).selector) {
castVoteWithReason(e, proposalId, support, reason);
} else if (f.selector == castVoteBySig(uint256, uint8,uint8, bytes32, bytes32).selector) {
castVoteBySig(e, proposalId, support, v, r, s);
} else {
calldataarg args;
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// State Diagram //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// //
// castVote(s)() //
// ------------- propose() ---------------------- time pass --------------- time passes ----------- //
// | No Proposal | --------> | Before Start (Delay) | --------> | Voting Period | ----------------------> | execute() | //
// ------------- ---------------------- --------------- -> Executed/Canceled ----------- //
// ------------------------------------------------------------|---------------|-------------------------|--------------> //
// t start end timelock //
// //
///////////////////////////////// Global Valid States /////////////////////////////////
* If any of the properties are non zero, the rest has to be non zero
invariant proposalInitiated(uint256 pId)
(proposalSnapshot(pId) != 0 <=> proposalDeadline(pId) != 0) &&
(isCanceled(pId) => proposalSnapshot(pId) != 0) &&
(isExecuted(pId) => proposalSnapshot(pId) != 0)
/*{ preserved with (env e){
require e.block.number > 0;
* A proposal cannot end unless it started.
invariant voteStartBeforeVoteEnd(uint256 pId)
(proposalSnapshot(pId) > 0 => proposalSnapshot(pId) < proposalDeadline(pId))
&& (proposalSnapshot(pId) == 0 => proposalDeadline(pId) == 0)
* A proposal cannot be both executed and canceled.
invariant noBothExecutedAndCanceled(uint256 pId)
!isExecuted(pId) || !isCanceled(pId)
* A proposal could be executed only if quorum was reached and vote succeeded
invariant executionOnlyIfQuoromReachedAndVoteSucceeded(uint256 pId)
isExecuted(pId) => _quorumReached(pId) && _voteSucceeded(pId)
////////////////////////////////// In-State Rules /////////////////////////////////////
//------------- Voting Period --------------
* A user cannot vote twice
rule doubleVoting(uint256 pId, uint8 sup) {
env e;
address user = e.msg.sender;
bool votedCheck = hasVoted(e, pId, user);
castVote@withrevert(e, pId, sup);
bool reverted = lastReverted;
assert votedCheck => reverted, "double voting accured";
//////////////////////////// State Transitions Rules //////////////////////////////////
//-------- Propose() --> End of Time --------
* The voting must start not before the proposal’s creation time
rule noStartBeforeCreation(uint256 pId) {
uint256 previousStart = proposalSnapshot(pId);
require previousStart == 0;
env e;
calldataarg arg;
propose(e, arg);
uint newStart = proposalSnapshot(pId);
// if created, start is after current block number (creation block)
assert(newStart != previousStart => newStart >= e.block.number);
* Once a proposal is created, voteStart and voteEnd are immutable
rule immutableFieldsAfterProposalCreation(uint256 pId, method f) {
uint _voteStart = proposalSnapshot(pId);
uint _voteEnd = proposalDeadline(pId);
require _voteStart > 0; // proposal was created - relation proved in noStartBeforeCreation
env e;
calldataarg arg;
f(e, arg);
uint voteStart_ = proposalSnapshot(pId);
uint voteEnd_ = proposalDeadline(pId);
assert _voteStart == voteStart_;
assert _voteEnd == voteEnd_;
* A proposal cannot be neither executed nor canceled before it starts
rule noExecuteOrCancelBeforeStarting(uint256 pId, method f){
env e;
require !isExecuted(pId) && !isCanceled(pId);
calldataarg arg;
f(e, arg);
assert e.block.number < proposalSnapshot(pId) => (!isExecuted(pId) && !isCanceled(pId)), "executed/cancelled before start";
//--- End of Voting Period --> End of Time ---
* A proposal cannot be neither executed nor canceled before proposal's deadline
rule noExecuteOrCancelBeforeDeadline(uint256 pId, method f){
env e;
requireInvariant voteStartBeforeVoteEnd(pId);
require !isExecuted(pId) && !isCanceled(pId);
calldataarg arg;
f(e, arg);
assert e.block.number < proposalDeadline(pId) => (!isExecuted(pId) && !isCanceled(pId)), "executed/cancelled before deadline";
////////////////////// Integrity Of Functions (Unit Tests) /////////////////////
* Check hashProposal hashing is reliable (different inputs lead to different buffers hashed)
rule checkHashProposal {
address[] t1;
address[] t2;
uint256[] v1;
uint256[] v2;
bytes[] c1;
bytes[] c2;
bytes32 d1;
bytes32 d2;
uint256 h1 = hashProposal(t1,v1,c1,d1);
uint256 h2 = hashProposal(t2,v2,c2,d2);
bool equalHashes = h1 == h2;
assert equalHashes => t1.length == t2.length;
assert equalHashes => v1.length == v2.length;
assert equalHashes => c1.length == c2.length;
assert equalHashes => d1 == d2;
////////////////////////////// High Level Rules ////////////////////////////////
* all non-view functions should revert if proposal is executed
rule allFunctionsRevertIfExecuted(method f) filtered { f -> !f.isView } {
env e; calldataarg args;
uint256 pId; uint8 sup; uint8 v; bytes32 r; bytes32 s ;
requireInvariant noBothExecutedAndCanceled(pId);
// f@withrevert(e,args);
// castVote@withrevert(e, pId, sup);
castVoteBySig@withrevert(e, pId, sup, v, r, s);
assert(lastReverted == true, "Function was not reverted");
* all non-view functions should revert if proposal is canceled
rule allFunctionsRevertIfCanceled(method f) filtered { f -> !f.isView } {
env e; calldataarg args;
address[] targets; uint256[] values; bytes[] calldatas; bytes32 descriptionHash;
uint256 pId = uniqueHashGhost(descriptionHash);
uint8 sup; uint8 v; bytes32 r; bytes32 s;
requireInvariant noBothExecutedAndCanceled(pId);
// castVote@withrevert(e, pId, sup);
// castVoteWithReason(e, pId, sup, "");
// castVoteBySig@withrevert(e, pId, sup, v, r, s);
require(isCanceled(pId) => proposalSnapshot(pId) != 0);
execute@withrevert(e, targets, values, calldatas, descriptionHash);
assert(lastReverted == true, "Function was not reverted");
* Shows that executed can only change due to execute()
rule executedOnlyAfterExecuteFunc(address[] targets, uint256[] values, bytes[] calldatas, bytes32 descriptionHash, method f) filtered {f -> f.selector != (execute(address[], uint256[], bytes[], bytes32).selector)} {
env e; calldataarg args;
uint256 pId = hashProposal(targets, values, calldatas, descriptionHash);
bool executedBefore = isExecuted(pId);
f(e, args);
// execute(e, targets, values, calldatas, descriptionHash);
bool executedAfter = isExecuted(pId);
assert(executedAfter != executedBefore, "executed property did not change");