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const { forward } = require('../helpers/time');
const { ProposalState } = require('./enums');
function zip(...args) {
return Array(Math.max(...args.map(array => array.length)))
.map((_, i) => args.map(array => array[i]));
function concatHex(...args) {
return web3.utils.bytesToHex([].concat(...args.map(h => web3.utils.hexToBytes(h || '0x'))));
function concatOpts(args, opts = null) {
return opts ? args.concat(opts) : args;
class GovernorHelper {
constructor(governor, mode = 'blocknumber') {
this.governor = governor;
this.mode = mode;
delegate(delegation = {}, opts = null) {
return Promise.all([
delegation.token.delegate(delegation.to, { from: delegation.to }),
delegation.value && delegation.token.transfer(...concatOpts([delegation.to, delegation.value]), opts),
delegation.tokenId &&
.then(owner =>
delegation.token.transferFrom(...concatOpts([owner, delegation.to, delegation.tokenId], opts)),
propose(opts = null) {
const proposal = this.currentProposal;
return this.governor.methods[
? 'propose(address[],uint256[],string[],bytes[],string)'
: 'propose(address[],uint256[],bytes[],string)'
](...concatOpts(proposal.fullProposal, opts));
queue(opts = null) {
const proposal = this.currentProposal;
return proposal.useCompatibilityInterface
? this.governor.methods['queue(uint256)'](...concatOpts([proposal.id], opts))
: this.governor.methods['queue(address[],uint256[],bytes[],bytes32)'](
...concatOpts(proposal.shortProposal, opts),
execute(opts = null) {
const proposal = this.currentProposal;
return proposal.useCompatibilityInterface
? this.governor.methods['execute(uint256)'](...concatOpts([proposal.id], opts))
: this.governor.methods['execute(address[],uint256[],bytes[],bytes32)'](
...concatOpts(proposal.shortProposal, opts),
cancel(visibility = 'external', opts = null) {
const proposal = this.currentProposal;
switch (visibility) {
case 'external':
if (proposal.useCompatibilityInterface) {
return this.governor.methods['cancel(uint256)'](...concatOpts([proposal.id], opts));
} else {
return this.governor.methods['cancel(address[],uint256[],bytes[],bytes32)'](
...concatOpts(proposal.shortProposal, opts),
case 'internal':
return this.governor.methods['$_cancel(address[],uint256[],bytes[],bytes32)'](
...concatOpts(proposal.shortProposal, opts),
throw new Error(`unsupported visibility "${visibility}"`);
vote(vote = {}, opts = null) {
const proposal = this.currentProposal;
return vote.signature
? // if signature, and either params or reason →
vote.params || vote.reason
? this.sign(vote).then(signature =>
[proposal.id, vote.support, vote.voter, vote.reason || '', vote.params || '', signature],
: this.sign(vote).then(signature =>
this.governor.castVoteBySig(...concatOpts([proposal.id, vote.support, vote.voter, signature], opts)),
: vote.params
? // otherwise if params
...concatOpts([proposal.id, vote.support, vote.reason || '', vote.params], opts),
: vote.reason
? // otherwise if reason
this.governor.castVoteWithReason(...concatOpts([proposal.id, vote.support, vote.reason], opts))
: this.governor.castVote(...concatOpts([proposal.id, vote.support], opts));
sign(vote = {}) {
return vote.signature(this.governor, this.forgeMessage(vote));
forgeMessage(vote = {}) {
const proposal = this.currentProposal;
const message = { proposalId: proposal.id, support: vote.support, voter: vote.voter, nonce: vote.nonce };
if (vote.params || vote.reason) {
message.reason = vote.reason || '';
message.params = vote.params || '';
return message;
async waitForSnapshot(offset = 0) {
const proposal = this.currentProposal;
const timepoint = await this.governor.proposalSnapshot(proposal.id);
return forward[this.mode](timepoint.addn(offset));
async waitForDeadline(offset = 0) {
const proposal = this.currentProposal;
const timepoint = await this.governor.proposalDeadline(proposal.id);
return forward[this.mode](timepoint.addn(offset));
async waitForEta(offset = 0) {
const proposal = this.currentProposal;
const timestamp = await this.governor.proposalEta(proposal.id);
return forward.timestamp(timestamp.addn(offset));
* Specify a proposal either as
* 1) an array of objects [{ target, value, data, signature? }]
* 2) an object of arrays { targets: [], values: [], data: [], signatures?: [] }
setProposal(actions, description) {
let targets, values, signatures, data, useCompatibilityInterface;
if (Array.isArray(actions)) {
useCompatibilityInterface = actions.some(a => 'signature' in a);
targets = actions.map(a => a.target);
values = actions.map(a => a.value || '0');
signatures = actions.map(a => a.signature || '');
data = actions.map(a => a.data || '0x');
} else {
useCompatibilityInterface = Array.isArray(actions.signatures);
({ targets, values, signatures = [], data } = actions);
const fulldata = zip(
signatures.map(s => s && web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionSignature(s)),
).map(hexs => concatHex(...hexs));
const descriptionHash = web3.utils.keccak256(description);
// condensed version for queueing end executing
const shortProposal = [targets, values, fulldata, descriptionHash];
// full version for proposing
const fullProposal = [targets, values, ...(useCompatibilityInterface ? [signatures] : []), data, description];
// proposal id
const id = web3.utils.toBN(
web3.eth.abi.encodeParameters(['address[]', 'uint256[]', 'bytes[]', 'bytes32'], shortProposal),
this.currentProposal = {
return this.currentProposal;
* Encodes a list ProposalStates into a bytes32 representation where each bit enabled corresponds to
* the underlying position in the `ProposalState` enum. For example:
* 0x000...10000
* ^^^^^^------ ...
* ^----- Succeeded
* ^---- Defeated
* ^--- Canceled
* ^-- Active
* ^- Pending
function proposalStatesToBitMap(proposalStates, options = {}) {
if (!Array.isArray(proposalStates)) {
proposalStates = [proposalStates];
const statesCount = Object.keys(ProposalState).length;
let result = 0;
const uniqueProposalStates = new Set(proposalStates.map(bn => bn.toNumber())); // Remove duplicates
for (const state of uniqueProposalStates) {
if (state < 0 || state >= statesCount) {
expect.fail(`ProposalState ${state} out of possible states (0...${statesCount}-1)`);
} else {
result |= 1 << state;
if (options.inverted) {
const mask = 2 ** statesCount - 1;
result = result ^ mask;
const hex = web3.utils.numberToHex(result);
return web3.utils.padLeft(hex, 64);
module.exports = {