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589 lines
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import "helpers/helpers.spec"
import "methods/IERC721.spec"
methods {
// exposed for FV
tokenExists(uint256) returns (bool) envfree
unsafeOwnerOf(uint256) returns (address) envfree
unsafeGetApproved(uint256) returns (address) envfree
│ Helpers │
// Could be broken in theory, but not in practice
function balanceLimited(address account) returns bool {
return balanceOf(account) < max_uint256;
function helperTransferWithRevert(env e, method f, address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) {
if (f.selector == transferFrom(address,address,uint256).selector) {
transferFrom@withrevert(e, from, to, tokenId);
} else if (f.selector == safeTransferFrom(address,address,uint256).selector) {
safeTransferFrom@withrevert(e, from, to, tokenId);
} else if (f.selector == safeTransferFrom(address,address,uint256,bytes).selector) {
bytes params;
require params.length < 0xffff;
safeTransferFrom@withrevert(e, from, to, tokenId, params);
} else {
calldataarg args;
f@withrevert(e, args);
function helperMintWithRevert(env e, method f, address to, uint256 tokenId) {
if (f.selector == mint(address,uint256).selector) {
mint@withrevert(e, to, tokenId);
} else if (f.selector == safeMint(address,uint256).selector) {
safeMint@withrevert(e, to, tokenId);
} else if (f.selector == safeMint(address,uint256,bytes).selector) {
bytes params;
require params.length < 0xffff;
safeMint@withrevert(e, to, tokenId, params);
} else {
require false;
│ Ghost & hooks: ownership count │
ghost ownedTotal() returns uint256 {
init_state axiom ownedTotal() == 0;
ghost mapping(address => uint256) ownedByUser {
init_state axiom forall address a. ownedByUser[a] == 0;
hook Sstore _owners[KEY uint256 tokenId] address newOwner (address oldOwner) STORAGE {
ownedByUser[newOwner] = ownedByUser[newOwner] + to_uint256(newOwner != 0 ? 1 : 0);
ownedByUser[oldOwner] = ownedByUser[oldOwner] - to_uint256(oldOwner != 0 ? 1 : 0);
havoc ownedTotal assuming ownedTotal@new() == ownedTotal@old()
+ to_uint256(newOwner != 0 ? 1 : 0)
- to_uint256(oldOwner != 0 ? 1 : 0);
│ Ghost & hooks: sum of all balances │
ghost sumOfBalances() returns uint256 {
init_state axiom sumOfBalances() == 0;
hook Sstore _balances[KEY address addr] uint256 newValue (uint256 oldValue) STORAGE {
havoc sumOfBalances assuming sumOfBalances@new() == sumOfBalances@old() + newValue - oldValue;
ghost mapping(address => uint256) ghostBalanceOf {
init_state axiom forall address a. ghostBalanceOf[a] == 0;
hook Sload uint256 value _balances[KEY address user] STORAGE {
require ghostBalanceOf[user] == value;
│ Invariant: ownedTotal is the sum of all balances │
invariant ownedTotalIsSumOfBalances()
ownedTotal() == sumOfBalances()
│ Invariant: balanceOf is the number of tokens owned │
invariant balanceOfConsistency(address user)
balanceOf(user) == ownedByUser[user] &&
balanceOf(user) == ghostBalanceOf[user]
preserved {
require balanceLimited(user);
│ Invariant: owner of a token must have some balance │
invariant ownerHasBalance(uint256 tokenId)
balanceOf(ownerOf(tokenId)) > 0
preserved {
requireInvariant balanceOfConsistency(ownerOf(tokenId));
require balanceLimited(ownerOf(tokenId));
│ Invariant: tokens that do not exist are not owned and not approved │
invariant notMintedUnset(uint256 tokenId)
(!tokenExists(tokenId) <=> unsafeOwnerOf(tokenId) == 0) &&
(!tokenExists(tokenId) => unsafeGetApproved(tokenId) == 0)
│ Rule: ownerOf and getApproved revert if token does not exist │
rule notMintedRevert(uint256 tokenId) {
requireInvariant notMintedUnset(tokenId);
bool e = tokenExists(tokenId);
address owner = ownerOf@withrevert(tokenId);
assert e <=> !lastReverted;
assert e => owner == unsafeOwnerOf(tokenId); // notMintedUnset tells us this is non-zero
address approved = getApproved@withrevert(tokenId);
assert e <=> !lastReverted;
assert e => approved == unsafeGetApproved(tokenId);
│ Rule: unsafeOwnerOf and unsafeGetApproved don't revert │
rule unsafeDontRevert(uint256 tokenId) {
assert !lastReverted;
assert !lastReverted;
│ Rule: balance of address(0) is 0 │
rule zeroAddressBalanceRevert() {
assert lastReverted;
│ Rules: total supply can only change through mint and burn │
rule supplyChange(env e) {
uint256 supplyBefore = ownedTotal();
method f; calldataarg args; f(e, args);
uint256 supplyAfter = ownedTotal();
assert supplyAfter > supplyBefore => (
supplyAfter == supplyBefore + 1 &&
f.selector == mint(address,uint256).selector ||
f.selector == safeMint(address,uint256).selector ||
f.selector == safeMint(address,uint256,bytes).selector
assert supplyAfter < supplyBefore => (
supplyAfter == supplyBefore - 1 &&
f.selector == burn(uint256).selector
│ Rules: balanceOf can only change through mint, burn or transfers. balanceOf cannot change by more than 1. │
rule balanceChange(env e, address account) {
requireInvariant balanceOfConsistency(account);
require balanceLimited(account);
uint256 balanceBefore = balanceOf(account);
method f; calldataarg args; f(e, args);
uint256 balanceAfter = balanceOf(account);
// balance can change by at most 1
assert balanceBefore != balanceAfter => (
balanceAfter == balanceBefore - 1 ||
balanceAfter == balanceBefore + 1
// only selected function can change balances
assert balanceBefore != balanceAfter => (
f.selector == transferFrom(address,address,uint256).selector ||
f.selector == safeTransferFrom(address,address,uint256).selector ||
f.selector == safeTransferFrom(address,address,uint256,bytes).selector ||
f.selector == mint(address,uint256).selector ||
f.selector == safeMint(address,uint256).selector ||
f.selector == safeMint(address,uint256,bytes).selector ||
f.selector == burn(uint256).selector
│ Rules: ownership can only change through mint, burn or transfers. │
rule ownershipChange(env e, uint256 tokenId) {
address ownerBefore = unsafeOwnerOf(tokenId);
method f; calldataarg args; f(e, args);
address ownerAfter = unsafeOwnerOf(tokenId);
assert ownerBefore == 0 && ownerAfter != 0 => (
f.selector == mint(address,uint256).selector ||
f.selector == safeMint(address,uint256).selector ||
f.selector == safeMint(address,uint256,bytes).selector
assert ownerBefore != 0 && ownerAfter == 0 => (
f.selector == burn(uint256).selector
assert (ownerBefore != ownerAfter && ownerBefore != 0 && ownerAfter != 0) => (
f.selector == transferFrom(address,address,uint256).selector ||
f.selector == safeTransferFrom(address,address,uint256).selector ||
f.selector == safeTransferFrom(address,address,uint256,bytes).selector
│ Rules: token approval can only change through approve or transfers (implicitly). │
rule approvalChange(env e, uint256 tokenId) {
address approvalBefore = unsafeGetApproved(tokenId);
method f; calldataarg args; f(e, args);
address approvalAfter = unsafeGetApproved(tokenId);
// approve can set any value, other functions reset
assert approvalBefore != approvalAfter => (
f.selector == approve(address,uint256).selector ||
f.selector == transferFrom(address,address,uint256).selector ||
f.selector == safeTransferFrom(address,address,uint256).selector ||
f.selector == safeTransferFrom(address,address,uint256,bytes).selector ||
f.selector == burn(uint256).selector
) && approvalAfter == 0
│ Rules: approval for all tokens can only change through isApprovedForAll. │
rule approvedForAllChange(env e, address owner, address spender) {
bool approvedForAllBefore = isApprovedForAll(owner, spender);
method f; calldataarg args; f(e, args);
bool approvedForAllAfter = isApprovedForAll(owner, spender);
assert approvedForAllBefore != approvedForAllAfter => f.selector == setApprovalForAll(address,bool).selector;
│ Rule: transferFrom behavior and side effects │
rule transferFrom(env e, address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) {
require nonpayable(e);
address operator = e.msg.sender;
uint256 otherTokenId;
address otherAccount;
requireInvariant ownerHasBalance(tokenId);
require balanceLimited(to);
uint256 balanceOfFromBefore = balanceOf(from);
uint256 balanceOfToBefore = balanceOf(to);
uint256 balanceOfOtherBefore = balanceOf(otherAccount);
address ownerBefore = unsafeOwnerOf(tokenId);
address otherOwnerBefore = unsafeOwnerOf(otherTokenId);
address approvalBefore = unsafeGetApproved(tokenId);
address otherApprovalBefore = unsafeGetApproved(otherTokenId);
transferFrom@withrevert(e, from, to, tokenId);
bool success = !lastReverted;
// liveness
assert success <=> (
from == ownerBefore &&
from != 0 &&
to != 0 &&
(operator == from || operator == approvalBefore || isApprovedForAll(ownerBefore, operator))
// effect
assert success => (
balanceOf(from) == balanceOfFromBefore - to_uint256(from != to ? 1 : 0) &&
balanceOf(to) == balanceOfToBefore + to_uint256(from != to ? 1 : 0) &&
unsafeOwnerOf(tokenId) == to &&
unsafeGetApproved(tokenId) == 0
// no side effect
assert balanceOf(otherAccount) != balanceOfOtherBefore => (otherAccount == from || otherAccount == to);
assert unsafeOwnerOf(otherTokenId) != otherOwnerBefore => otherTokenId == tokenId;
assert unsafeGetApproved(otherTokenId) != otherApprovalBefore => otherTokenId == tokenId;
│ Rule: safeTransferFrom behavior and side effects │
rule safeTransferFrom(env e, method f, address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) filtered { f ->
f.selector == safeTransferFrom(address,address,uint256).selector ||
f.selector == safeTransferFrom(address,address,uint256,bytes).selector
} {
require nonpayable(e);
address operator = e.msg.sender;
uint256 otherTokenId;
address otherAccount;
requireInvariant ownerHasBalance(tokenId);
require balanceLimited(to);
uint256 balanceOfFromBefore = balanceOf(from);
uint256 balanceOfToBefore = balanceOf(to);
uint256 balanceOfOtherBefore = balanceOf(otherAccount);
address ownerBefore = unsafeOwnerOf(tokenId);
address otherOwnerBefore = unsafeOwnerOf(otherTokenId);
address approvalBefore = unsafeGetApproved(tokenId);
address otherApprovalBefore = unsafeGetApproved(otherTokenId);
helperTransferWithRevert(e, f, from, to, tokenId);
bool success = !lastReverted;
assert success <=> (
from == ownerBefore &&
from != 0 &&
to != 0 &&
(operator == from || operator == approvalBefore || isApprovedForAll(ownerBefore, operator))
// effect
assert success => (
balanceOf(from) == balanceOfFromBefore - to_uint256(from != to ? 1: 0) &&
balanceOf(to) == balanceOfToBefore + to_uint256(from != to ? 1: 0) &&
unsafeOwnerOf(tokenId) == to &&
unsafeGetApproved(tokenId) == 0
// no side effect
assert balanceOf(otherAccount) != balanceOfOtherBefore => (otherAccount == from || otherAccount == to);
assert unsafeOwnerOf(otherTokenId) != otherOwnerBefore => otherTokenId == tokenId;
assert unsafeGetApproved(otherTokenId) != otherApprovalBefore => otherTokenId == tokenId;
│ Rule: mint behavior and side effects │
rule mint(env e, address to, uint256 tokenId) {
require nonpayable(e);
requireInvariant notMintedUnset(tokenId);
uint256 otherTokenId;
address otherAccount;
require balanceLimited(to);
uint256 supplyBefore = ownedTotal();
uint256 balanceOfToBefore = balanceOf(to);
uint256 balanceOfOtherBefore = balanceOf(otherAccount);
address ownerBefore = unsafeOwnerOf(tokenId);
address otherOwnerBefore = unsafeOwnerOf(otherTokenId);
mint@withrevert(e, to, tokenId);
bool success = !lastReverted;
// liveness
assert success <=> (
ownerBefore == 0 &&
to != 0
// effect
assert success => (
ownedTotal() == supplyBefore + 1 &&
balanceOf(to) == balanceOfToBefore + 1 &&
unsafeOwnerOf(tokenId) == to
// no side effect
assert balanceOf(otherAccount) != balanceOfOtherBefore => otherAccount == to;
assert unsafeOwnerOf(otherTokenId) != otherOwnerBefore => otherTokenId == tokenId;
│ Rule: safeMint behavior and side effects │
rule safeMint(env e, method f, address to, uint256 tokenId) filtered { f ->
f.selector == safeMint(address,uint256).selector ||
f.selector == safeMint(address,uint256,bytes).selector
} {
require nonpayable(e);
requireInvariant notMintedUnset(tokenId);
uint256 otherTokenId;
address otherAccount;
require balanceLimited(to);
uint256 supplyBefore = ownedTotal();
uint256 balanceOfToBefore = balanceOf(to);
uint256 balanceOfOtherBefore = balanceOf(otherAccount);
address ownerBefore = unsafeOwnerOf(tokenId);
address otherOwnerBefore = unsafeOwnerOf(otherTokenId);
helperMintWithRevert(e, f, to, tokenId);
bool success = !lastReverted;
assert success <=> (
ownerBefore == 0 &&
to != 0
// effect
assert success => (
ownedTotal() == supplyBefore + 1 &&
balanceOf(to) == balanceOfToBefore + 1 &&
unsafeOwnerOf(tokenId) == to
// no side effect
assert balanceOf(otherAccount) != balanceOfOtherBefore => otherAccount == to;
assert unsafeOwnerOf(otherTokenId) != otherOwnerBefore => otherTokenId == tokenId;
│ Rule: burn behavior and side effects │
rule burn(env e, uint256 tokenId) {
require nonpayable(e);
address from = unsafeOwnerOf(tokenId);
uint256 otherTokenId;
address otherAccount;
requireInvariant ownerHasBalance(tokenId);
uint256 supplyBefore = ownedTotal();
uint256 balanceOfFromBefore = balanceOf(from);
uint256 balanceOfOtherBefore = balanceOf(otherAccount);
address ownerBefore = unsafeOwnerOf(tokenId);
address otherOwnerBefore = unsafeOwnerOf(otherTokenId);
address otherApprovalBefore = unsafeGetApproved(otherTokenId);
burn@withrevert(e, tokenId);
bool success = !lastReverted;
// liveness
assert success <=> (
ownerBefore != 0
// effect
assert success => (
ownedTotal() == supplyBefore - 1 &&
balanceOf(from) == balanceOfFromBefore - 1 &&
unsafeOwnerOf(tokenId) == 0 &&
unsafeGetApproved(tokenId) == 0
// no side effect
assert balanceOf(otherAccount) != balanceOfOtherBefore => otherAccount == from;
assert unsafeOwnerOf(otherTokenId) != otherOwnerBefore => otherTokenId == tokenId;
assert unsafeGetApproved(otherTokenId) != otherApprovalBefore => otherTokenId == tokenId;
│ Rule: approve behavior and side effects │
rule approve(env e, address spender, uint256 tokenId) {
require nonpayable(e);
address caller = e.msg.sender;
address owner = unsafeOwnerOf(tokenId);
uint256 otherTokenId;
address otherApprovalBefore = unsafeGetApproved(otherTokenId);
approve@withrevert(e, spender, tokenId);
bool success = !lastReverted;
// liveness
assert success <=> (
owner != 0 &&
owner != spender &&
(owner == caller || isApprovedForAll(owner, caller))
// effect
assert success => unsafeGetApproved(tokenId) == spender;
// no side effect
assert unsafeGetApproved(otherTokenId) != otherApprovalBefore => otherTokenId == tokenId;
│ Rule: setApprovalForAll behavior and side effects │
rule setApprovalForAll(env e, address operator, bool approved) {
require nonpayable(e);
address owner = e.msg.sender;
address otherOwner;
address otherOperator;
bool otherIsApprovedForAllBefore = isApprovedForAll(otherOwner, otherOperator);
setApprovalForAll@withrevert(e, operator, approved);
bool success = !lastReverted;
// liveness
assert success <=> owner != operator;
// effect
assert success => isApprovedForAll(owner, operator) == approved;
// no side effect
assert isApprovedForAll(otherOwner, otherOperator) != otherIsApprovedForAllBefore => (
otherOwner == owner &&
otherOperator == operator