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const { ethers } = require('hardhat');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const { secp256r1 } = require('@noble/curves/p256');
const { loadFixture } = require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers');
const N = 0xffffffff00000000ffffffffffffffffbce6faada7179e84f3b9cac2fc632551n;
// As in ECDSA, signatures are malleable and the tooling produce both high and low S values.
// We need to ensure that the s value is in the lower half of the order of the curve.
const ensureLowerOrderS = ({ s, recovery, }) => {
if (s > N / 2n) {
s = N - s;
recovery = 1 - recovery;
return { s, recovery, };
const prepareSignature = (
privateKey = secp256r1.utils.randomPrivateKey(),
messageHash = ethers.hexlify(ethers.randomBytes(0x20)),
) => {
const publicKey = [
secp256r1.getPublicKey(privateKey, false).slice(0x01, 0x21),
secp256r1.getPublicKey(privateKey, false).slice(0x21, 0x41),
const { r, s, recovery } = ensureLowerOrderS(secp256r1.sign(messageHash.replace(/0x/, ''), privateKey));
const signature = [r, s].map(v => ethers.toBeHex(v, 0x20));
return { privateKey, publicKey, signature, recovery, messageHash };
describe('P256', function () {
async function fixture() {
return { mock: await ethers.deployContract('$P256') };
beforeEach(async function () {
Object.assign(this, await loadFixture(fixture));
describe('with signature', function () {
beforeEach(async function () {
Object.assign(this, prepareSignature());
it('verify valid signature', async function () {
expect(await this.mock.$verify(this.messageHash, ...this.signature, ...this.publicKey));
expect(await this.mock.$verifySolidity(this.messageHash, ...this.signature, ...this.publicKey));
await expect(this.mock.$verifyNative(this.messageHash, ...this.signature, ...this.publicKey))
|, 'MissingPrecompile')
it('recover public key', async function () {
expect(await this.mock.$recovery(this.messageHash, this.recovery, ...this.signature)).to.deep.equal(
it('reject signature with flipped public key coordinates ([x,y] >> [y,x])', async function () {
// flip public key
expect(await this.mock.$verify(this.messageHash, ...this.signature, ...this.publicKey));
expect(await this.mock.$verifySolidity(this.messageHash, ...this.signature, ...this.publicKey));
expect(await this.mock.$verifyNative(this.messageHash, ...this.signature, ...this.publicKey)); // Flipped public key is not in the curve
it('reject signature with flipped signature values ([r,s] >> [s,r])', async function () {
// Preselected signature where `r < N/2` and `s < N/2`
this.signature = [
// Corresponding hash and public key
this.messageHash = '0x2ad1f900fe63745deeaedfdf396cb6f0f991c4338a9edf114d52f7d1812040a0';
this.publicKey = [
// Make sure it works
expect(await this.mock.$verify(this.messageHash, ...this.signature, ...this.publicKey));
// Flip signature
expect(await this.mock.$verify(this.messageHash, ...this.signature, ...this.publicKey));
expect(await this.mock.$verifySolidity(this.messageHash, ...this.signature, ...this.publicKey));
await expect(this.mock.$verifyNative(this.messageHash, ...this.signature, ...this.publicKey))
|, 'MissingPrecompile')
expect(await this.mock.$recovery(this.messageHash, this.recovery, ...this.signature)).to.not.deep.equal(
it('reject signature with invalid message hash', async function () {
// random message hash
this.messageHash = ethers.hexlify(ethers.randomBytes(32));
expect(await this.mock.$verify(this.messageHash, ...this.signature, ...this.publicKey));
expect(await this.mock.$verifySolidity(this.messageHash, ...this.signature, ...this.publicKey));
await expect(this.mock.$verifyNative(this.messageHash, ...this.signature, ...this.publicKey))
|, 'MissingPrecompile')
expect(await this.mock.$recovery(this.messageHash, this.recovery, ...this.signature)).to.not.deep.equal(
it('fail to recover signature with invalid recovery bit', async function () {
// flip recovery bit
this.recovery = 1 - this.recovery;
expect(await this.mock.$recovery(this.messageHash, this.recovery, ...this.signature)).to.not.deep.equal(
// test cases for
describe('wycheproof tests', function () {
for (const { key, tests } of require('./ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256_p1363_test.json').testGroups) {
// parse public key
let [x, y] = [key.wx, key.wy].map(v => ethers.stripZerosLeft('0x' + v, 32));
if (x.length > 66 || y.length > 66) continue;
x = ethers.zeroPadValue(x, 32);
y = ethers.zeroPadValue(y, 32);
// run all tests for this key
for (const { tcId, comment, msg, sig, result } of tests) {
// only keep properly formatted signatures
if (sig.length != 128) continue;
it(`${tcId}: ${comment}`, async function () {
// split signature, and reduce modulo N
let [r, s] = Array(2)
.map((_, i) => ethers.toBigInt('0x' + sig.substring(64 * i, 64 * (i + 1))));
// move s to lower part of the curve if needed
if (s <= N && s > N / 2n) s = N - s;
// prepare signature
r = ethers.toBeHex(r, 32);
s = ethers.toBeHex(s, 32);
// hash
const messageHash = ethers.sha256('0x' + msg);
// check verify
expect(await this.mock.$verify(messageHash, r, s, x, y)).to.equal(result == 'valid');