import { Storage } from '@remix-project/remix-lib'
import { joinPath } from './lib/helper'
Migrating the files to the BrowserFS storage instead or raw localstorage
export default (fileProvider) => {
const fileStorage = new Storage('sol:')
const flag = 'status'
const fileStorageBrowserFS = new Storage('remix_browserFS_migration:')
if (fileStorageBrowserFS.get(flag) === 'done') return
fileStorage.keys().forEach((path) => {
if (path !== '.remix.config') {
const content = fileStorage.get(path)
fileProvider.set(path, content)
// TODO https://github.com/ethereum/remix-ide/issues/2377
// fileStorage.remove(path) we don't want to remove it as we are still supporting the old version
console.log('file migrated', path)
fileStorageBrowserFS.set(flag, 'done')
export async function migrateToWorkspace (fileManager) {
const browserProvider = fileManager.getProvider('browser')
const workspaceProvider = fileManager.getProvider('workspace')
const flag = 'status'
const fileStorageBrowserWorkspace = new Storage('remix_browserWorkspace_migration:')
if (fileStorageBrowserWorkspace.get(flag) === 'done') return
const files = await browserProvider.copyFolderToJson('/')
const workspaceName = 'default_workspace'
const workspacePath = joinPath('browser', workspaceProvider.workspacesPath, workspaceName)
await fileManager.createWorkspace(workspaceName)
await populateWorkspace(workspacePath, files, fileManager)
fileStorageBrowserWorkspace.set(flag, 'done')
const populateWorkspace = async (workspace, json, fileManager) => {
for (const item in json) {
const isFolder = json[item].content === undefined
if (isFolder) {
await fileManager.mkdir(joinPath(workspace, item))
await populateWorkspace(workspace, json[item].children, fileManager)
} else {
await fileManager.writeFile(joinPath(workspace, item), json[item].content)