var Base64 = { _keyStr : "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=" , encode : function ( e ) { var t = "" ; var n , r , i , s , o , u , a ; var f = 0 ; e = Base64 . _utf8 _encode ( e ) ; while ( f < e . length ) { n = e . charCodeAt ( f ++ ) ; r = e . charCodeAt ( f ++ ) ; i = e . charCodeAt ( f ++ ) ; s = n >> 2 ; o = ( n & 3 ) << 4 | r >> 4 ; u = ( r & 15 ) << 2 | i >> 6 ; a = i & 63 ; if ( isNaN ( r ) ) { u = a = 64 } else if ( isNaN ( i ) ) { a = 64 } t = t + this . _keyStr . charAt ( s ) + this . _keyStr . charAt ( o ) + this . _keyStr . charAt ( u ) + this . _keyStr . charAt ( a ) } return t } , decode : function ( e ) { var t = "" ; var n , r , i ; var s , o , u , a ; var f = 0 ; e = e . replace ( /[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g , "" ) ; while ( f < e . length ) { s = this . _keyStr . indexOf ( e . charAt ( f ++ ) ) ; o = this . _keyStr . indexOf ( e . charAt ( f ++ ) ) ; u = this . _keyStr . indexOf ( e . charAt ( f ++ ) ) ; a = this . _keyStr . indexOf ( e . charAt ( f ++ ) ) ; n = s << 2 | o >> 4 ; r = ( o & 15 ) << 4 | u >> 2 ; i = ( u & 3 ) << 6 | a ; t = t + String . fromCharCode ( n ) ; if ( u != 64 ) { t = t + String . fromCharCode ( r ) } if ( a != 64 ) { t = t + String . fromCharCode ( i ) } } t = Base64 . _utf8 _decode ( t ) ; return t } , _utf8 _encode : function ( e ) { e = e . replace ( /\r\n/g , "\n" ) ; var t = "" ; for ( var n = 0 ; n < e . length ; n ++ ) { var r = e . charCodeAt ( n ) ; if ( r < 128 ) { t += String . fromCharCode ( r ) } else if ( r > 127 && r < 2048 ) { t += String . fromCharCode ( r >> 6 | 192 ) ; t += String . fromCharCode ( r & 63 | 128 ) } else { t += String . fromCharCode ( r >> 12 | 224 ) ; t += String . fromCharCode ( r >> 6 & 63 | 128 ) ; t += String . fromCharCode ( r & 63 | 128 ) } } return t } , _utf8 _decode : function ( e ) { var t = "" ; var n = 0 ; var r = c1 = c2 = 0 ; while ( n < e . length ) { r = e . charCodeAt ( n ) ; if ( r < 128 ) { t += String . fromCharCode ( r ) ; n ++ } else if ( r > 191 && r < 224 ) { c2 = e . charCodeAt ( n + 1 ) ; t += String . fromCharCode ( ( r & 31 ) << 6 | c2 & 63 ) ; n += 2 } else { c2 = e . charCodeAt ( n + 1 ) ; c3 = e . charCodeAt ( n + 2 ) ; t += String . fromCharCode ( ( r & 15 ) << 12 | ( c2 & 63 ) << 6 | c3 & 63 ) ; n += 3 } } return t } } ;
$ ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) {
// ------------------ gist load ----------------
function getGistId ( str ) {
var idr = /[0-9A-Fa-f]{8,}/ ;
var match = idr . exec ( str ) [ 0 ] ;
return match ;
var location _query _params = window . location . search . substr ( 1 ) . split ( "=" ) ;
var loadingFromGist = false ;
if ( location _query _params . indexOf ( 'gist' ) !== - 1 && location _query _params . length >= 2 ) {
var index = location _query _params . indexOf ( 'gist' ) ;
var gistId ;
var key = location _query _params [ index + 1 ] ;
if ( key === '' ) {
var str = prompt ( "Enter the URL or ID of the Gist you would like to load." ) ;
if ( str !== '' ) {
gistId = getGistId ( str ) ;
loadingFromGist = ! ! gistId ;
} else {
gistId = getGistId ( key ) ;
loadingFromGist = ! ! gistId ;
$ . ajax ( {
url : '' + gistId ,
jsonp : 'callback' ,
dataType : 'jsonp' ,
success : function ( response ) {
if ( response . data ) {
for ( var f in response . data . files ) {
var key = fileKey ( f ) ;
var content = response . data . files [ f ] . content ;
if ( key in window . localStorage && window . localStorage [ key ] != content ) {
var count = '' ;
var otherKey = key + count ;
while ( ( key + count ) in window . localStorage ) count = count - 1 ;
window . localStorage [ key + count ] = window . localStorage [ key ] ;
window . localStorage [ key ] = content ;
SOL _CACHE _FILE = fileKey ( Object . keys ( response . data . files ) [ 0 ] ) ;
updateFiles ( ) ;
} ) ;
// ----------------- storage --------------------
function syncStorage ( ) {
if ( ! chrome || ! chrome . storage || ! chrome . storage . sync ) return ;
var obj = { }
var done = false ;
var count = 0
var dont = 0 ;
function check ( key ) {
chrome . storage . sync . get ( key , function ( resp ) {
console . log ( "comparing to cloud" , key , resp )
if ( typeof resp [ key ] != 'undefined' && obj [ key ] !== resp [ key ] && confirm ( "Overwrite '" + fileNameFromKey ( key ) + "'? Click Ok to overwrite local file with file from cloud. Cancel will push your local file to the cloud." ) ) {
console . log ( "Overwriting" , key )
localStorage . setItem ( key , resp [ key ] ) ;
updateFiles ( ) ;
} else {
console . log ( "add to obj" , obj , key )
obj [ key ] = localStorage [ key ] ;
done ++
if ( done >= count ) chrome . storage . sync . set ( obj , function ( ) {
console . log ( "updated cloud files with: " , obj , this , arguments )
} )
} )
for ( var y in window . localStorage ) {
console . log ( "checking" , y )
obj [ y ] = window . localStorage . getItem ( y ) ;
if ( y . indexOf ( SOL _CACHE _FILE _PREFIX ) !== 0 ) continue ;
count ++ ;
check ( y )
window . syncStorage = syncStorage ;
syncStorage ( )
// ----------------- editor ----------------------
var SOL _CACHE _FILE _PREFIX = 'sol-cache-file-' ;
var SOL _CACHE _FILE = null ;
var editor = ace . edit ( "input" ) ;
var sessions = { } ;
var Range = ace . require ( 'ace/range' ) . Range ;
var errMarkerId = null ;
var untitledCount = '' ;
if ( ! getFiles ( ) . length || window . localStorage [ 'sol-cache' ] ) {
if ( loadingFromGist ) return ;
// Backwards-compatibility
while ( window . localStorage [ SOL _CACHE _UNTITLED + untitledCount ] )
untitledCount = ( untitledCount - 0 ) + 1 ;
window . localStorage [ SOL _CACHE _FILE ] = window . localStorage [ 'sol-cache' ] || BALLOT _EXAMPLE ;
window . localStorage . removeItem ( 'sol-cache' ) ;
SOL _CACHE _FILE = getFiles ( ) [ 0 ] ;
var files = getFiles ( ) ;
for ( var x in files ) {
sessions [ files [ x ] ] = newEditorSession ( files [ x ] )
editor . setSession ( sessions [ SOL _CACHE _FILE ] ) ;
editor . resize ( true ) ;
function newEditorSession ( filekey ) {
var s = new ace . EditSession ( window . localStorage [ filekey ] , "ace/mode/javascript" )
s . setTabSize ( 4 ) ;
s . setUseSoftTabs ( true ) ;
aces [ filekey ] = s ;
return s ;
// ----------------- tabbed menu -------------------
$ ( '#options li' ) . click ( function ( ev ) {
var $el = $ ( this ) ;
var match = /[a-z]+View/ . exec ( $el . get ( 0 ) . className ) ;
if ( ! match ) return ;
var cls = match [ 0 ] ;
if ( ! $el . hasClass ( 'active' ) ) {
$el . parent ( ) . find ( 'li' ) . removeClass ( 'active' ) ;
$ ( '#optionViews' ) . attr ( 'class' , '' ) . addClass ( cls ) ;
$el . addClass ( 'active' ) ;
} else {
$el . removeClass ( 'active' ) ;
$ ( '#optionViews' ) . removeClass ( cls ) ;
} ) ;
// ----------------- execution context -------------
var $vmToggle = $ ( '#vm' ) ;
var $web3Toggle = $ ( '#web3' ) ;
var $web3endpoint = $ ( '#web3Endpoint' ) ;
if ( typeof web3 !== 'undefined' )
if ( web3 . providers && web3 . currentProvider instanceof web3 . providers . IpcProvider )
$web3endpoint . val ( 'ipc' ) ;
web3 = new Web3 ( web3 . currentProvider ) ;
} else
web3 = new Web3 ( new Web3 . providers . HttpProvider ( "http://localhost:8545" ) ) ;
var executionContext = 'vm' ;
$vmToggle . get ( 0 ) . checked = true ;
$vmToggle . on ( 'change' , executionContextChange ) ;
$web3Toggle . on ( 'change' , executionContextChange ) ;
$web3endpoint . on ( 'change' , function ( ) {
var endpoint = $web3endpoint . val ( ) ;
if ( endpoint == 'ipc' )
web3 . setProvider ( new Web3 . providers . IpcProvider ( ) ) ;
web3 . setProvider ( new Web3 . providers . HttpProvider ( endpoint ) ) ;
compile ( ) ;
} ) ;
function executionContextChange ( ev ) {
if ( ev . target . value == 'web3' && ! confirm ( "Are you sure you want to connect to a local ethereum node?" ) ) {
$vmToggle . get ( 0 ) . checked = true ;
executionContext = 'vm' ;
} else executionContext = ev . target . value ;
compile ( ) ;
// ------------------ gist publish --------------
$ ( '#gist' ) . click ( function ( ) {
if ( confirm ( "Are you sure you want to publish all your files anonymously as a public gist on" ) ) {
var files = { } ;
var filesArr = getFiles ( ) ;
var description = "Created using soleditor: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at" ;
for ( var f in filesArr ) {
files [ fileNameFromKey ( filesArr [ f ] ) ] = {
content : localStorage [ filesArr [ f ] ]
} ;
$ . ajax ( {
url : '' ,
type : 'POST' ,
data : JSON . stringify ( {
description : description ,
public : true ,
files : files
} )
} ) . done ( function ( response ) {
if ( response . html _url && confirm ( "Created a gist at " + response . html _url + " Would you like to open it in a new window?" ) ) {
window . open ( response . html _url , '_blank' ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// ----------------- file selector-------------
var $filesEl = $ ( '#files' ) ;
var FILE _SCROLL _DELTA = 300 ;
$ ( '.newFile' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( ) {
while ( window . localStorage [ SOL _CACHE _UNTITLED + untitledCount ] )
untitledCount = ( untitledCount - 0 ) + 1 ;
window . localStorage [ SOL _CACHE _FILE ] = '' ;
updateFiles ( ) ;
$filesEl . animate ( { left : ( 0 - activeFilePos ( ) + ( FILE _SCROLL _DELTA / 2 ) ) + "px" } , "slow" , function ( ) {
reAdjust ( ) ;
} )
} ) ;
$filesEl . on ( 'click' , '.file:not(.active)' , showFileHandler ) ;
$filesEl . on ( 'click' , '' , function ( ev ) {
var $fileTabEl = $ ( this ) ;
var originalName = $fileTabEl . find ( '.name' ) . text ( ) ;
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
if ( $ ( this ) . find ( 'input' ) . length > 0 ) return false ;
var $fileNameInputEl = $ ( '<input value="' + originalName + '"/>' ) ;
$fileTabEl . html ( $fileNameInputEl ) ;
$fileNameInputEl . focus ( ) ;
$fileNameInputEl . select ( ) ;
$fileNameInputEl . on ( 'blur' , handleRename ) ;
$fileNameInputEl . keyup ( handleRename ) ;
function handleRename ( ev ) {
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
if ( ev . which && ev . which !== 13 ) return false ;
var newName = ev . target . value ;
$fileNameInputEl . off ( 'blur' ) ;
$fileNameInputEl . off ( 'keyup' ) ;
if ( newName !== originalName && confirm ( "Are you sure you want to rename: " + originalName + " to " + newName + '?' ) ) {
var content = window . localStorage . getItem ( fileKey ( originalName ) ) ;
window . localStorage [ fileKey ( newName ) ] = content ;
window . localStorage . removeItem ( fileKey ( originalName ) ) ;
SOL _CACHE _FILE = fileKey ( newName ) ;
updateFiles ( ) ;
return false ;
return false ;
} )
$filesEl . on ( 'click' , '.file .remove' , function ( ev ) {
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
var name = $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . find ( '.name' ) . text ( ) ;
var index = getFiles ( ) . indexOf ( fileKey ( name ) ) ;
if ( confirm ( "Are you sure you want to remove: " + name + " from local storage?" ) ) {
window . localStorage . removeItem ( fileKey ( name ) ) ;
SOL _CACHE _FILE = getFiles ( ) [ Math . max ( 0 , index - 1 ) ] ;
updateFiles ( ) ;
return false ;
} ) ;
function showFileHandler ( ev ) {
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
SOL _CACHE _FILE = fileKey ( $ ( this ) . find ( '.name' ) . text ( ) ) ;
updateFiles ( ) ;
return false ;
function fileTabFromKey ( key ) {
var name = fileNameFromKey ( key ) ;
return $ ( '#files .file' ) . filter ( function ( ) { return $ ( this ) . find ( '.name' ) . text ( ) == name ; } ) ;
function updateFiles ( ) {
var $filesEl = $ ( '#files' ) ;
var files = getFiles ( ) ;
$filesEl . find ( '.file' ) . remove ( ) ;
for ( var f in files ) {
$filesEl . append ( fileTabTemplate ( files [ f ] ) ) ;
if ( SOL _CACHE _FILE ) {
var active = fileTabFromKey ( SOL _CACHE _FILE ) ;
active . addClass ( 'active' ) ;
editor . setSession ( sessions [ SOL _CACHE _FILE ] ) ;
editor . focus ( ) ;
$ ( '#input' ) . toggle ( ! ! SOL _CACHE _FILE ) ;
$ ( '#output' ) . toggle ( ! ! SOL _CACHE _FILE ) ;
reAdjust ( ) ;
function fileTabTemplate ( key ) {
var name = fileNameFromKey ( key ) ;
return $ ( '<li class="file"><span class="name">' + name + '</span><span class="remove"><i class="fa fa-close"></i></span></li>' ) ;
function fileKey ( name ) {
return SOL _CACHE _FILE _PREFIX + name ;
function fileNameFromKey ( key ) {
return key . replace ( SOL _CACHE _FILE _PREFIX , '' ) ;
function getFiles ( ) {
var files = [ ] ;
for ( var f in localStorage ) {
if ( f . indexOf ( SOL _CACHE _FILE _PREFIX , 0 ) === 0 ) {
files . push ( f ) ;
if ( ! sessions [ f ] ) sessions [ f ] = newEditorSession ( f ) ;
return files ;
$filesWrapper = $ ( '.files-wrapper' ) ;
$scrollerRight = $ ( '.scroller-right' ) ;
$scrollerLeft = $ ( '.scroller-left' ) ;
function widthOfList ( ) {
var itemsWidth = 0 ;
$ ( '.file' ) . each ( function ( ) {
var itemWidth = $ ( this ) . outerWidth ( ) ;
itemsWidth += itemWidth ;
} ) ;
return itemsWidth ;
} ;
function widthOfHidden ( ) {
return ( ( $filesWrapper . outerWidth ( ) ) - widthOfList ( ) - getLeftPosi ( ) ) ;
} ;
function widthOfVisible ( ) {
return $filesWrapper . outerWidth ( ) ;
} ;
function getLeftPosi ( ) {
return $filesEl . position ( ) . left ;
} ;
function activeFilePos ( ) {
var el = $filesEl . find ( '.active' ) ;
var l = el . position ( ) . left ;
return l ;
function reAdjust ( ) {
if ( widthOfList ( ) + getLeftPosi ( ) > + widthOfVisible ( ) ) {
$scrollerRight . fadeIn ( 'fast' ) ;
} else {
$scrollerRight . fadeOut ( 'fast' ) ;
if ( getLeftPosi ( ) < 0 ) {
$scrollerLeft . fadeIn ( 'fast' ) ;
} else {
$scrollerLeft . fadeOut ( 'fast' ) ;
$filesEl . animate ( { left : getLeftPosi ( ) + "px" } , 'slow' ) ;
$scrollerRight . click ( function ( ) {
var delta = ( getLeftPosi ( ) - FILE _SCROLL _DELTA )
$filesEl . animate ( { left : delta + "px" } , 'slow' , function ( ) {
reAdjust ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
$scrollerLeft . click ( function ( ) {
var delta = Math . min ( ( getLeftPosi ( ) + FILE _SCROLL _DELTA ) , 0 )
$filesEl . animate ( { left : delta + "px" } , 'slow' , function ( ) {
reAdjust ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
updateFiles ( ) ;
// ----------------- version selector-------------
// var soljsonSources is provided by bin/list.js
$ ( 'option' , '#versionSelector' ) . remove ( ) ;
$ . each ( soljsonSources , function ( i , file ) {
if ( file ) {
var version = file . replace ( /soljson-(.*).js/ , "$1" ) ;
$ ( '#versionSelector' ) . append ( new Option ( version , file ) ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#versionSelector' ) . change ( function ( ) {
loadVersion ( $ ( '#versionSelector' ) . val ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
// ----------------- resizeable ui ---------------
var EDITOR _SIZE _CACHE _KEY = "editor-size-cache" ;
var dragging = false ;
$ ( '#dragbar' ) . mousedown ( function ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
dragging = true ;
var main = $ ( '#righthand-panel' ) ;
var ghostbar = $ ( '<div id="ghostbar">' , {
css : {
top : main . offset ( ) . top ,
left : main . offset ( ) . left
} ) . prependTo ( 'body' ) ;
$ ( document ) . mousemove ( function ( e ) {
ghostbar . css ( "left" , e . pageX + 2 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
var $body = $ ( 'body' ) ;
function setEditorSize ( delta ) {
$ ( '#righthand-panel' ) . css ( "width" , delta ) ;
$ ( '#editor' ) . css ( "right" , delta ) ;
onResize ( ) ;
function getEditorSize ( ) {
window . localStorage [ EDITOR _SIZE _CACHE _KEY ] = $ ( '#righthand-panel' ) . width ( ) ;
$ ( document ) . mouseup ( function ( e ) {
if ( dragging ) {
var delta = $body . width ( ) - e . pageX + 2 ;
$ ( '#ghostbar' ) . remove ( ) ;
$ ( document ) . unbind ( 'mousemove' ) ;
dragging = false ;
setEditorSize ( delta ) ;
window . localStorage . setItem ( EDITOR _SIZE _CACHE _KEY , delta ) ;
reAdjust ( ) ;
} ) ;
// set cached defaults
var cachedSize = window . localStorage . getItem ( EDITOR _SIZE _CACHE _KEY ) ;
if ( cachedSize ) setEditorSize ( cachedSize ) ;
else getEditorSize ( ) ;
// ----------------- toggle right hand panel -----------------
var hidingRHP = false ;
$ ( '.toggleRHP' ) . click ( function ( ) {
hidingRHP = ! hidingRHP ;
setEditorSize ( hidingRHP ? 0 : window . localStorage [ EDITOR _SIZE _CACHE _KEY ] ) ;
$ ( '.toggleRHP i' ) . toggleClass ( 'fa-angle-double-right' , ! hidingRHP ) ;
$ ( '.toggleRHP i' ) . toggleClass ( 'fa-angle-double-left' , hidingRHP ) ;
if ( ! hidingRHP ) compile ( ) ;
} ) ;
// ----------------- editor resize ---------------
function onResize ( ) {
editor . resize ( ) ;
var session = editor . getSession ( ) ;
session . setUseWrapMode ( document . querySelector ( '#editorWrap' ) . checked ) ;
if ( session . getUseWrapMode ( ) ) {
var characterWidth = editor . renderer . characterWidth ;
var contentWidth = editor . container . ownerDocument . getElementsByClassName ( "ace_scroller" ) [ 0 ] . clientWidth ;
if ( contentWidth > 0 ) {
session . setWrapLimit ( parseInt ( contentWidth / characterWidth , 10 ) ) ;
reAdjust ( ) ;
window . onresize = onResize ;
onResize ( ) ;
document . querySelector ( '#editor' ) . addEventListener ( 'change' , onResize ) ;
document . querySelector ( '#editorWrap' ) . addEventListener ( 'change' , onResize ) ;
// ----------------- compiler ----------------------
var compileJSON ;
var compilerAcceptsMultipleFiles ;
var previousInput = '' ;
var sourceAnnotations = [ ] ;
var compile = function ( missingInputs ) {
editor . getSession ( ) . clearAnnotations ( ) ;
sourceAnnotations = [ ] ;
editor . getSession ( ) . removeMarker ( errMarkerId ) ;
$ ( '#output' ) . empty ( ) ;
var input = editor . getValue ( ) ;
window . localStorage . setItem ( SOL _CACHE _FILE , input ) ;
var files = { } ;
files [ fileNameFromKey ( SOL _CACHE _FILE ) ] = input ;
gatherImports ( files , missingInputs , function ( input , error ) {
$ ( '#output' ) . empty ( ) ;
if ( input === null ) {
renderError ( error ) ;
} else {
var optimize = document . querySelector ( '#optimize' ) . checked ;
compileJSON ( input , optimize ? 1 : 0 ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var compilationFinished = function ( result , missingInputs ) {
var data = $ . parseJSON ( result ) ;
var noFatalErrors = true ; // ie warnings are ok
if ( data [ 'error' ] !== undefined ) {
renderError ( data [ 'error' ] ) ;
if ( errortype ( data [ 'error' ] ) !== 'warning' ) noFatalErrors = false ;
if ( data [ 'errors' ] != undefined ) {
$ . each ( data [ 'errors' ] , function ( i , err ) {
renderError ( err ) ;
if ( errortype ( err ) !== 'warning' ) noFatalErrors = false ;
} ) ;
if ( missingInputs !== undefined && missingInputs . length > 0 )
compile ( missingInputs ) ;
else if ( noFatalErrors && ! hidingRHP )
renderContracts ( data , editor . getValue ( ) ) ;
} ;
var compileTimeout = null ;
var onChange = function ( ) {
var input = editor . getValue ( ) ;
if ( input === "" ) {
window . localStorage . setItem ( SOL _CACHE _FILE , '' ) ;
return ;
if ( input === previousInput )
return ;
previousInput = input ;
if ( compileTimeout ) window . clearTimeout ( compileTimeout ) ;
compileTimeout = window . setTimeout ( compile , 300 ) ;
} ;
var onCompilerLoaded = function ( ) {
if ( worker === null ) {
var compile ;
var missingInputs = [ ] ;
if ( '_compileJSONCallback' in Module ) {
compilerAcceptsMultipleFiles = true ;
var missingInputsCallback = Module . Runtime . addFunction ( function ( path , contents , error ) {
missingInputs . push ( Module . Pointer _stringify ( path ) ) ;
} ) ;
var compileInternal = Module . cwrap ( "compileJSONCallback" , "string" , [ "string" , "number" , "number" ] ) ;
compile = function ( input , optimize ) {
missingInputs . length = 0 ;
return compileInternal ( input , optimize , missingInputsCallback ) ;
} ;
} else if ( '_compileJSONMulti' in Module ) {
compilerAcceptsMultipleFiles = true ;
compile = Module . cwrap ( "compileJSONMulti" , "string" , [ "string" , "number" ] ) ;
} else {
compilerAcceptsMultipleFiles = false ;
compile = Module . cwrap ( "compileJSON" , "string" , [ "string" , "number" ] ) ;
compileJSON = function ( source , optimize , cb ) {
try {
var result = compile ( source , optimize ) ;
} catch ( exception ) {
result = JSON . stringify ( { error : 'Uncaught JavaScript exception:\n' + exception } ) ;
compilationFinished ( result , missingInputs ) ;
} ;
$ ( '#version' ) . text ( Module . cwrap ( "version" , "string" , [ ] ) ( ) ) ;
previousInput = '' ;
onChange ( ) ;
} ;
var cachedRemoteFiles = { } ;
function gatherImports ( files , importHints , cb ) {
importHints = importHints || [ ] ;
if ( ! compilerAcceptsMultipleFiles )
cb ( files [ fileNameFromKey ( SOL _CACHE _FILE ) ] ) ;
return ;
var importRegex = /import\s[\'\"]([^\'\"]+)[\'\"];/g ;
var reloop = false ;
do {
reloop = false ;
for ( var fileName in files ) {
var match ;
while ( match = importRegex . exec ( files [ fileName ] ) )
importHints . push ( match [ 1 ] ) ;
while ( importHints . length > 0 ) {
var m = importHints . pop ( ) ;
if ( m in files ) continue ;
if ( getFiles ( ) . indexOf ( fileKey ( m ) ) !== - 1 ) {
files [ m ] = window . localStorage [ fileKey ( m ) ] ;
reloop = true ;
} else if ( m in cachedRemoteFiles ) {
files [ m ] = cachedRemoteFiles [ m ] ;
reloop = true ;
} else if ( githubMatch = /^(https?:\/\/)?(www.)?\/([^\/]*\/[^\/]*)\/(.*)/ . exec ( m ) ) {
$ ( '#output' ) . append ( $ ( '<div/>' ) . append ( $ ( '<pre/>' ) . text ( "Loading" + githubMatch [ 3 ] + " ..." ) ) ) ;
$ . getJSON ( '' + githubMatch [ 3 ] + '/contents/' + githubMatch [ 4 ] , function ( result ) {
if ( 'content' in result )
var content = Base64 . decode ( result . content ) ;
cachedRemoteFiles [ m ] = content ;
files [ m ] = content ;
gatherImports ( files , importHints , cb ) ;
cb ( null , "Unable to import \"" + m + "\"" ) ;
} ) . fail ( function ( ) {
cb ( null , "Unable to import \"" + m + "\"" ) ;
} ) ;
return ;
} else {
cb ( null , "Unable to import \"" + m + "\"" ) ;
return ;
} while ( reloop ) ;
cb ( JSON . stringify ( { 'sources' : files } ) ) ;
var initializeWorker = function ( ) {
if ( worker !== null )
worker . terminate ( ) ;
worker = new Worker ( 'worker.js' ) ;
worker . addEventListener ( 'message' , function ( msg ) {
var data = msg . data ;
switch ( data . cmd ) {
case 'versionLoaded' :
$ ( '#version' ) . text ( data . data ) ;
compilerAcceptsMultipleFiles = ! ! data . acceptsMultipleFiles ;
onCompilerLoaded ( ) ;
break ;
case 'compiled' :
compilationFinished ( data . data , data . missingInputs ) ;
break ;
} ;
} ) ;
worker . onerror = function ( msg ) { console . log ( msg . data ) ; } ;
worker . addEventListener ( 'error' , function ( msg ) { console . log ( msg . data ) ; } ) ;
compileJSON = function ( source , optimize ) {
worker . postMessage ( { cmd : 'compile' , source : source , optimize : optimize } ) ;
} ;
} ;
var worker = null ;
var loadVersion = function ( version ) {
$ ( '#version' ) . text ( "(loading)" ) ;
var isFirefox = typeof InstallTrigger !== 'undefined' ;
if ( document . location . protocol != 'file:' && Worker !== undefined && isFirefox ) {
// Workers cannot load js on "file:"-URLs and we get a
// "Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" error on Chromium,
// resort to non-worker version in that case.
initializeWorker ( ) ;
worker . postMessage ( { cmd : 'loadVersion' , data : '' + version } ) ;
} else {
Module = null ;
compileJSON = function ( source , optimize ) { compilationFinished ( '{}' ) ; } ;
var newScript = document . createElement ( 'script' ) ;
newScript . type = 'text/javascript' ;
newScript . src = '' + version ;
document . getElementsByTagName ( "head" ) [ 0 ] . appendChild ( newScript ) ;
var check = window . setInterval ( function ( ) {
if ( ! Module ) return ;
window . clearInterval ( check ) ;
onCompilerLoaded ( ) ;
} , 200 ) ;
} ;
loadVersion ( 'soljson-latest.js' ) ;
editor . getSession ( ) . on ( 'change' , onChange ) ;
editor . on ( 'changeSession' , function ( ) {
editor . getSession ( ) . on ( 'change' , onChange ) ;
} )
document . querySelector ( '#optimize' ) . addEventListener ( 'change' , compile ) ;
// ----------------- compiler output renderer ----------------------
var detailsOpen = { } ;
function errortype ( message ) {
return message . match ( /^.*:[0-9]*:[0-9]* Warning: / ) ? 'warning' : 'error' ;
var renderError = function ( message ) {
var type = errortype ( message ) ;
var $pre = $ ( "<pre />" ) . text ( message ) ;
var $error = $ ( '<div class="sol ' + type + '"><div class="close"><i class="fa fa-close"></i></div></div>' ) . prepend ( $pre ) ;
$ ( '#output' ) . append ( $error ) ;
var err = message . match ( /^([^:]*):([0-9]*):(([0-9]*):)? / ) ;
if ( err ) {
var errFile = err [ 1 ] ;
var errLine = parseInt ( err [ 2 ] , 10 ) - 1 ;
var errCol = err [ 4 ] ? parseInt ( err [ 4 ] , 10 ) : 0 ;
if ( errFile == '' || errFile == fileNameFromKey ( SOL _CACHE _FILE ) ) {
sourceAnnotations [ sourceAnnotations . length ] = {
row : errLine ,
column : errCol ,
text : message ,
type : type
} ;
editor . getSession ( ) . setAnnotations ( sourceAnnotations ) ;
$error . click ( function ( ev ) {
if ( errFile != '' && errFile != fileNameFromKey ( SOL _CACHE _FILE ) && getFiles ( ) . indexOf ( fileKey ( errFile ) ) !== - 1 ) {
// Switch to file
SOL _CACHE _FILE = fileKey ( errFile ) ;
updateFiles ( ) ;
//@TODO could show some error icon in files with errors
editor . focus ( ) ;
editor . gotoLine ( errLine + 1 , errCol - 1 , true ) ;
} ) ;
$error . find ( '.close' ) . click ( function ( ev ) {
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
$error . remove ( ) ;
return false ;
} ) ;
} ;
var gethDeploy = function ( contractName , interface , bytecode ) {
var code = "" ;
var funABI = getConstructorInterface ( $ . parseJSON ( interface ) ) ;
$ . each ( funABI . inputs , function ( i , inp ) {
code += "var " + inp . name + " = /* var of type " + inp . type + " here */ ;\n" ;
} ) ;
code += "var " + contractName + "Contract = web3.eth.contract(" + interface . replace ( "\n" , "" ) + ");"
+ "\nvar " + contractName + " = " + contractName + "" ;
$ . each ( funABI . inputs , function ( i , inp ) {
code += "\n " + inp . name + "," ;
} ) ;
code += "\n {" +
"\n from: web3.eth.accounts[0], " +
"\n data: '" + bytecode + "', " +
"\n gas: 3000000" +
"\n }, function(e, contract){" +
"\n console.log(e, contract);" +
"\n if (typeof contract.address != 'undefined') {" +
"\n console.log('Contract mined! address: ' + contract.address + ' transactionHash: ' + contract.transactionHash);" +
"\n }" +
"\n })" ;
return code ;
} ;
var combined = function ( contractName , interface , bytecode ) {
return JSON . stringify ( [ { name : contractName , interface : interface , bytecode : bytecode } ] ) ;
} ;
var renderContracts = function ( data , source ) {
var udappContracts = [ ] ;
for ( var contractName in data . contracts ) {
var contract = data . contracts [ contractName ] ;
udappContracts . push ( {
name : contractName ,
interface : contract [ 'interface' ] ,
bytecode : contract . bytecode
} ) ;
var dapp = new UniversalDApp ( udappContracts , {
vm : executionContext === 'vm' ,
removable : false ,
getAddress : function ( ) { return $ ( '#txorigin' ) . val ( ) ; } ,
getValue : function ( ) {
var comp = $ ( '#value' ) . val ( ) . split ( ' ' ) ;
return web3 . toWei ( comp [ 0 ] , comp . slice ( 1 ) . join ( ' ' ) ) ;
} ,
removable _instances : true ,
renderOutputModifier : function ( contractName , $contractOutput ) {
var contract = data . contracts [ contractName ] ;
return $contractOutput
. append ( textRow ( 'Bytecode' , contract . bytecode ) )
. append ( textRow ( 'Interface' , contract [ 'interface' ] ) )
. append ( textRow ( 'Web3 deploy' , gethDeploy ( contractName . toLowerCase ( ) , contract [ 'interface' ] , contract . bytecode ) , 'deploy' ) )
. append ( textRow ( 'uDApp' , combined ( contractName , contract [ 'interface' ] , contract . bytecode ) , 'deploy' ) )
. append ( getDetails ( contract , source , contractName ) ) ;
} } ) ;
var $contractOutput = dapp . render ( ) ;
$txOrigin = $ ( '#txorigin' ) ;
function renderAccounts ( err , accounts ) {
if ( err )
renderError ( err . message ) ;
if ( accounts && accounts [ 0 ] ) {
$txOrigin . empty ( ) ;
for ( var a in accounts ) { $txOrigin . append ( $ ( '<option />' ) . val ( accounts [ a ] ) . text ( accounts [ a ] ) ) ; }
$txOrigin . val ( accounts [ 0 ] ) ;
} else $txOrigin . val ( 'unknown' ) ;
if ( executionContext === 'vm' ) {
dapp . getAccounts ( renderAccounts ) ;
} else {
web3 . eth . getAccounts ( renderAccounts ) ;
$contractOutput . find ( '.title' ) . click ( function ( ev ) { $ ( this ) . closest ( '.contract' ) . toggleClass ( 'hide' ) ; } ) ;
$ ( '#output' ) . append ( $contractOutput ) ;
$ ( '.col2 input,textarea' ) . click ( function ( ) { this . select ( ) ; } ) ;
} ;
var tableRowItems = function ( first , second , cls ) {
return $ ( '<div class="crow"/>' )
. addClass ( cls )
. append ( $ ( '<div class="col1">' ) . append ( first ) )
. append ( $ ( '<div class="col2">' ) . append ( second ) ) ;
} ;
var tableRow = function ( description , data ) {
return tableRowItems (
$ ( '<span/>' ) . text ( description ) ,
$ ( '<input readonly="readonly"/>' ) . val ( data ) ) ;
} ;
var textRow = function ( description , data , cls ) {
return tableRowItems (
$ ( '<strong/>' ) . text ( description ) ,
$ ( '<textarea readonly="readonly" class="gethDeployText"/>' ) . val ( data ) ,
cls ) ;
} ;
var getDetails = function ( contract , source , contractName ) {
var button = $ ( '<button>Toggle Details</button>' ) ;
var details = $ ( '<div style="display: none;"/>' )
. append ( tableRow ( 'Solidity Interface' , contract . solidity _interface ) )
. append ( tableRow ( 'Opcodes' , contract . opcodes ) ) ;
var funHashes = '' ;
for ( var fun in contract . functionHashes )
funHashes += contract . functionHashes [ fun ] + ' ' + fun + '\n' ;
details . append ( $ ( '<span class="col1">Functions</span>' ) ) ;
details . append ( $ ( '<pre/>' ) . text ( funHashes ) ) ;
details . append ( $ ( '<span class="col1">Gas Estimates</span>' ) ) ;
details . append ( $ ( '<pre/>' ) . text ( formatGasEstimates ( contract . gasEstimates ) ) ) ;
if ( contract . runtimeBytecode && contract . runtimeBytecode . length > 0 )
details . append ( tableRow ( 'Runtime Bytecode' , contract . runtimeBytecode ) ) ;
if ( contract . assembly !== null )
details . append ( $ ( '<span class="col1">Assembly</span>' ) ) ;
var assembly = $ ( '<pre/>' ) . text ( formatAssemblyText ( contract . assembly , '' , source ) ) ;
details . append ( assembly ) ;
button . click ( function ( ) { detailsOpen [ contractName ] = ! detailsOpen [ contractName ] ; details . toggle ( ) ; } ) ;
if ( detailsOpen [ contractName ] )
details . show ( ) ;
return $ ( '<div class="contractDetails"/>' ) . append ( button ) . append ( details ) ;
} ;
var formatGasEstimates = function ( data ) {
var gasToText = function ( g ) { return g === null ? 'unknown' : g ; }
var text = '' ;
if ( 'creation' in data )
text += 'Creation: ' + gasToText ( data . creation [ 0 ] ) + ' + ' + gasToText ( data . creation [ 1 ] ) + '\n' ;
text += 'External:\n' ;
for ( var fun in data . external )
text += ' ' + fun + ': ' + gasToText ( data . external [ fun ] ) + '\n' ;
text += 'Internal:\n' ;
for ( var fun in data . internal )
text += ' ' + fun + ': ' + gasToText ( data . internal [ fun ] ) + '\n' ;
return text ;
} ;
var formatAssemblyText = function ( asm , prefix , source ) {
if ( typeof ( asm ) == typeof ( '' ) || asm === null || asm === undefined )
return prefix + asm + '\n' ;
var text = prefix + '.code\n' ;
$ . each ( asm [ '.code' ] , function ( i , item ) {
var v = item . value === undefined ? '' : item . value ;
var src = '' ;
if ( item . begin !== undefined && item . end != undefined )
src = source . slice ( item . begin , item . end ) . replace ( '\n' , '\\n' , 'g' ) ;
if ( src . length > 30 )
src = src . slice ( 0 , 30 ) + '...' ;
if ( item . name != 'tag' )
text += ' ' ;
text += prefix + item . name + ' ' + v + '\t\t\t' + src + '\n' ;
} ) ;
text += prefix + '.data\n' ;
if ( asm [ '.data' ] )
$ . each ( asm [ '.data' ] , function ( i , item ) {
text += ' ' + prefix + '' + i + ':\n' ;
text += formatAssemblyText ( item , prefix + ' ' , source ) ;
} ) ;
return text ;
} ;
$ ( '.asmOutput button' ) . click ( function ( ) { $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . find ( 'pre' ) . toggle ( ) ; } ) ;
var getConstructorInterface = function ( abi ) {
var funABI = { 'name' : '' , 'inputs' : [ ] , 'type' : 'constructor' , 'outputs' : [ ] } ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < abi . length ; i ++ )
if ( abi [ i ] . type == 'constructor' ) {
funABI . inputs = abi [ i ] . inputs || [ ] ;
break ;
return funABI ;
} ;
syncStorage ( )
} ) ;