remix-project mirror
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

213 lines
9.3 KiB

'use strict'
var init = require('../helpers/init')
var sauce = require('./sauce')
const passphrase = process.env.account_passphrase
const password = process.env.account_password
module.exports = {
before: function (browser, done) {
init(browser, done)
'@sources': function () {
return sources
'Should load run and deploy tab': function (browser) {
.assert.containsText('*[data-id="sidePanelSwapitTitle"]', 'DEPLOY & RUN TRANSACTIONS')
'Should sign message using account key': function (browser) {
.setValue('*[data-id="modalDialogCustomPromptText"]', 'Remix is cool!')
'Should deploy contract on JavascriptVM': function (browser) {
.addFile('Greet.sol', sources[0]['browser/Greet.sol'])
.waitForElementPresent('*[data-id="Deploy - transact (not payable)"]')
.click('*[data-id="Deploy - transact (not payable)"]')
.testFunction('0xc39ee005c1e1368c84f02e458de4b41dbb966631a8714d15ef8362dada249ede', {
status: '0x1 Transaction mined and execution succeed',
'transaction hash': '0xc39ee005c1e1368c84f02e458de4b41dbb966631a8714d15ef8362dada249ede'
'Should run low level interaction (fallback function)': function (browser) {
.testFunction('0xfe718871ee0b4d03cdcac0e12e5b164efaf7e23ba952c07db76e62692867019b', {
status: '0x1 Transaction mined and execution succeed',
'transaction hash': '0xfe718871ee0b4d03cdcac0e12e5b164efaf7e23ba952c07db76e62692867019b'
'Should connect to Goerli Test Network using MetaMask': function (browser) {
.setupMetamask(passphrase, password)
.useXpath().click("//span[text()='Goerli Test Network']")
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="remixIdeIconPanel"]', 10000)
.click('*[data-id="settingsSelectEnvOptions"] option[id="injected-mode"]')
.assert.containsText('*[data-id="settingsNetworkEnv"]', 'Goerli (5) network')
'Should deploy contract on Goerli Test Network using MetaMask': function (browser) {
browser.waitForElementPresent('*[data-id="runTabSelectAccount"] option')
.waitForElementPresent('*[data-id="Deploy - transact (not payable)"]')
.click('*[data-id="Deploy - transact (not payable)"]')
'Should run low level interaction (fallback function) on Goerli Test Network using MetaMask': function (browser) {
'Should connect to Ethereum Main Network using MetaMask': function (browser) {
.useXpath().click("//span[text()='Main Ethereum Network']")
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="remixIdeIconPanel"]', 10000)
.click('*[data-id="settingsSelectEnvOptions"] option[id="injected-mode"]')
.assert.containsText('*[data-id="settingsNetworkEnv"]', 'Main (1) network')
'Should deploy contract on Ethereum Main Network using MetaMask': function (browser) {
browser.waitForElementPresent('*[data-id="runTabSelectAccount"] option')
.waitForElementPresent('*[data-id="Deploy - transact (not payable)"]')
.click('*[data-id="Deploy - transact (not payable)"]')
.assert.containsText('*[data-id="modalDialogModalBody"]', 'You are creating a transaction on the main network. Click confirm if you are sure to continue.')
5 years ago
* This test is using 3 differents services:
* - Metamask for getting the transaction
* - Source Verifier service for fetching the contract code
* - Ropsten node for retrieving the trace and storage
/* to readd when the source verify is stable
5 years ago
'Should debug Ropsten transaction with source highlighting using the source verifier service and MetaMask': function (browser) {
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="remixIdeIconPanel"]', 10000)
.useXpath().click("//span[text()='Ropsten Test Network']") // switch to Ropsten
.clickLaunchIcon('pluginManager') // load debugger and source verification
5 years ago
// .scrollAndClick('#pluginManager article[id="remixPluginManagerListItem_source-verification"] button')
5 years ago
// debugger already activated .scrollAndClick('#pluginManager article[id="remixPluginManagerListItem_debugger"] button')
.click('*[data-id="settingsSelectEnvOptions"] option[id="injected-mode"]') // switch to Ropsten in udapp
.assert.containsText('*[data-id="settingsNetworkEnv"]', 'Ropsten (3) network')
.setValue('*[data-id="debuggerTransactionInput"]', '0x5db1b4212e4f83e36bf5bc306888df50f01a73708a71322bdc6f39a76a7ebdaa') // debug tx
.waitForElementVisible('*[data-id="treeViewDivto"]', 30000)
5 years ago
.assert.containsText('*[data-id="stepdetail"]', 'loaded address: 0x96d87AB604AEC7FB26C2E046CA5e6eBBB9D8b74D')
5 years ago
.assert.containsText('*[data-id="solidityLocals"]', 'to: 0x6C3CCC7FBA111707D5A1AAF2758E9D4F4AC5E7B1')
tearDown: sauce
var sources = [
'browser/Greet.sol': {
pragma solidity ^0.6.0;
contract helloWorld {
string public message;
fallback () external {
message = 'Hello World!';
function greet(string memory _message) public {
message = _message;