The Run tab allows you to send transactions to the current environment.
To get to the Run & Deploy module - click the run icon in the icon panel.
In order to use this module you need to have a contract compiled. So if there is file name in the contract pulldown menu ( in the image below it's the pulldown that says **Ballot**), then you can interact with this contract. If nothing is there - then you need to select a contract - make it the active contract in the main panel, ( in the image below - on the right side of the page - in the main panel - you see the ballot.sol so it is the active contract) then go to the compiler module and compile it.
Run Setup
The following settings allow you to directly influence the transaction
-`JavaScript VM`: All the transactions will be executed in
a sandbox blockchain in the browser. This means nothing
will be persisted and a page reload will restart a new
blockchain from scratch, the old one will not be saved.
-`Injected Provider`: Remix will connect to an injected
web3 provider. `Metamask` is an example of
providers that inject web3, thus can be used with this
-`Web3 Provider`: Remix will connect to a remote node. You
will need to provide the URL address to the selected
provider: geth, parity or any Ethereum client.
- Account: the list of accounts associated with the current
environment (and their associated balances).
- Gas Limit: the maximum amount of gas that can be set for all the
transactions created in Remix.
- Value: the amount of value for the next created transaction (this
value is always reset to 0 after each transaction execution).
Initiate Instance
This section contains the list of compiled contracts and 2 actions:
-`At Address` assumes the given address is an instance of the
selected contract. It is then possible to interact with an already
deployed contract. There's no check at this point, so be careful
when using this feature, and be sure you trust the contract at that
-`Deploy` send a transaction that deploys the selected contract. When
the transaction is mined, the newly created instance will be added
(this might take several seconds). Note that if the `constructor`