remix-project mirror
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601 lines
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10 years ago
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10 years ago
<title>Solidity realtime compiler and runtime</title>
10 years ago
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10 years ago
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10 years ago
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10 years ago
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10 years ago
<div id="editor">
<div id="input">contract Ballot {
struct Voter {
uint weight;
bool voted;
uint8 vote;
address delegate;
struct Proposal {
uint voteCount;
address chairperson;
mapping(address => Voter) voters;
Proposal[] proposals;
// Create a new ballot with $(_numProposals) different proposals.
function Ballot(uint8 _numProposals) {
chairperson = msg.sender;
voters[chairperson].weight = 1;
proposals.length = _numProposals;
// Give $(voter) the right to vote on this ballot.
// May only be called by $(chairperson).
function giveRightToVote(address voter) {
if (msg.sender != chairperson || voters[voter].voted) return;
voters[voter].weight = 1;
// Delegate your vote to the voter $(to).
function delegate(address to) {
Voter sender = voters[msg.sender]; // assigns reference
if (sender.voted) return;
while (voters[to].delegate != address(0) && voters[to].delegate != msg.sender)
to = voters[to].delegate;
if (to == msg.sender) return;
sender.voted = true;
sender.delegate = to;
Voter delegate = voters[to];
if (delegate.voted)
proposals[].voteCount += sender.weight;
delegate.weight += sender.weight;
// Give a single vote to proposal $(proposal).
function vote(uint8 proposal) {
Voter sender = voters[msg.sender];
if (sender.voted || proposal >= proposals.length) return;
sender.voted = true; = proposal;
proposals[proposal].voteCount += sender.weight;
function winningProposal() constant returns (uint8 winningProposal) {
uint256 winningVoteCount = 0;
for (uint8 proposal = 0; proposal < proposals.length; proposal++) {
if (proposals[proposal].voteCount > winningVoteCount) {
winningVoteCount = proposals[proposal].voteCount;
winningProposal = proposal;
<div id="righthand-panel">
<div id="dragbar"></div>
<div id="header">
<img id="solIcon" src="solidity.svg">
<h1>Solidity realtime<br/>compiler and runtime</h1>
<div class="info">
<p>Version: <span id="version">(loading)</span><br/>
Execution environment does not connect to any node, everyhing is in-memory only.<br/>
<strong>Note:</strong> If Chrome/Chromium reports &quot;Uncaught JavaScript Exception&quot;,
enable the debug console (Ctrl+Shift+i) and reload.</p>
<div id="optimizeBox">
<input id="optimize" type="checkbox"><label for="optimize">Enable Optimization</label>
<div id="output"></div>
// ----------------- resizeable ui ---------------
var dragging = false;
dragging = true;
var main = $('#righthand-panel');
var ghostbar = $('<div id="ghostbar">', {
css: {
top: main.offset().top,
left: main.offset().left
var $body = $('body');
if (dragging) {
var delta = $body.width() - e.pageX+2;
$('#righthand-panel').css("width", delta);
$('#editor').css("right", delta);
dragging = false;
// ----------------- editor ----------------------
var editor = ace.edit("input");
Range = ace.require('ace/range').Range;
var errMarkerId = null;
// ----------------- compiler ----------------------
var compileJSON = Module.cwrap("compileJSON", "string", ["string", "number"]);
$('#version').text(Module.cwrap("version", "string", [])());
var previousInput = '';
var compile = function() {
var input = editor.getValue();
var optimize = document.querySelector('#optimize').checked;
try {
var data = $.parseJSON(compileJSON(input, optimize ? 1 : 0));
} catch (exception) {
renderError("Uncaught JavaScript Exception:\n" + exception);
if (data['error'] !== undefined)
renderContracts(data, input);
var compileTimeout = null;
var onChange = function() {
var input = editor.getValue();
if (input == previousInput)
previousInput = input;
if (compileTimeout) window.clearTimeout(compileTimeout);
compileTimeout = window.setTimeout(compile, 300);
editor.getSession().on('change', onChange);
document.querySelector('#optimize').addEventListener('change', compile);
// ----------------- compiler output renderer ----------------------
var detailsOpen = {};
var renderError = function(message) {
var err = message.match(/^:([0-9]*):([0-9]*)/)
var errLine = parseInt( err[1], 10 ) - 1;
var errCol = parseInt( err[2], 10 );
editor.gotoLine( errLine );
$('#output').empty().append($('<pre class="error"></pre>').text(message));
errMarkerId = editor.getSession().addMarker(new Range(errLine, 0, errLine, 1), "solError", "fullLine");
row: errLine,
column: errCol,
text: message,
type: "error"
var gethDeploy = function(contractName, interface, bytecode){
var code = "";
var funABI = getConstructorInterface($.parseJSON(interface));
$.each(funABI.inputs, function(i, inp) {
code += "var "" = /* var of type " + inp.type + " here */ ;\n";
code += "\nvar "+contractName+"Contract = web3.eth.contract("+interface.replace("\n","")+");"
+"\nvar "+contractName+" = "+contractName+"";
$.each(funABI.inputs, function(i, inp) {
code += "\n "",";
code += "\n {"+
"\n from: web3.eth.accounts[0], "+
"\n data: '"+bytecode+"', "+
"\n gas: 1000000"+
"\n }, function(e, contract){"+
"\n if (typeof contract.address != 'undefined') {"+
"\n console.log(e, contract);"+
"\n console.log('Contract mined! address: ' + contract.address + ' transactionHash: ' + contract.transactionHash);" +
"\n }" +
"\n })";
return code;
var renderContracts = function(data, source) {
for (var contractName in data.contracts) {
var contract = data.contracts[contractName];
var title =$('<h3 class="title"/>').text(contractName);
var contractOutput = $('<div class="contractOutput"/>')
var body = $('<div class="body" />')
contractOutput.append( body );
if (contract.bytecode.length > 0)
body.append($('<div class="size"/>').text((contract.bytecode.length / 2) + ' bytes'))
.append(getExecuteInterface(contract, contractName))
.append(tableRow('Bytecode', contract.bytecode));
body.append(tableRow('Interface', contract['interface']))
.append(textRow('Web3 deploy', gethDeploy(contractName.toLowerCase(),contract['interface'],contract.bytecode)))
.append(getDetails(contract, source, contractName));
$('.col2 input,textarea').click(function() {; } );
var tableRowItems = function(first, second) {
return $('<div class="row"/>')
.append($('<div class="col1">').append(first))
.append($('<div class="col2">').append(second));
var tableRow = function(description, data) {
return tableRowItems(
$('<input readonly="readonly"/>').val(data));
var textRow = function(description, data) {
return tableRowItems(
$('<textarea readonly="readonly" class="gethDeployText"/>').val(data));
var getDetails = function(contract, source, contractName) {
var button = $('<button>Details</button>');
var details = $('<div style="display: none;"/>')
.append(tableRow('Solidity Interface', contract.solidity_interface))
.append(tableRow('Opcodes', contract.opcodes));
var funHashes = '';
for (var fun in contract.functionHashes)
funHashes += contract.functionHashes[fun] + ' ' + fun + '\n';
details.append($('<span class="col1">Functions</span>'));
details.append($('<span class="col1">Gas Estimates</span>'));
if (contract.assembly !== null)
details.append($('<span class="col1">Assembly</span>'));
var assembly = $('<pre/>').text(formatAssemblyText(contract.assembly, '', source));
} { detailsOpen[contractName] = !detailsOpen[contractName]; details.toggle(); });
if (detailsOpen[contractName]);
return $('<div/>').append(button).append(details);
var formatGasEstimates = function(data) {
var gasToText = function(g) { return g === null ? 'unknown' : g; }
var text = '';
if ('creation' in data)
text += 'Creation: ' + gasToText(data.creation[0]) + ' + ' + gasToText(data.creation[1]) + '\n';
text += 'External:\n';
for (var fun in data.external)
text += ' ' + fun + ': ' + gasToText(data.external[fun]) + '\n';
text += 'Internal:\n';
for (var fun in data.internal)
text += ' ' + fun + ': ' + gasToText(data.internal[fun]) + '\n';
return text;
var formatAssemblyText = function(asm, prefix, source) {
if (typeof(asm) == typeof('') || asm === null || asm === undefined)
return prefix + asm + '\n';
var text = prefix + '.code\n';
$.each(asm['.code'], function(i, item) {
var v = item.value === undefined ? '' : item.value;
var src = '';
if (item.begin !== undefined && item.end != undefined)
src = source.slice(item.begin, item.end).replace('\n', '\\n', 'g');
if (src.length > 30)
src = src.slice(0, 30) + '...';
if ( != 'tag')
text += ' ';
text += prefix + + ' ' + v + '\t\t\t' + src + '\n';
text += prefix + '.data\n';
if (asm['.data'])
$.each(asm['.data'], function(i, item) {
text += ' ' + prefix + '' + i + ':\n';
text += formatAssemblyText(item, prefix + ' ', source);
return text;
$('.asmOutput button').click(function() {$(this).parent().find('pre').toggle(); } )
// ----------------- VM ----------------------
var stateTrie = new EthVm.Trie();
var vm = new EthVm.VM(stateTrie);
//@todo this does not calculate the gas costs correctly but gets the job done.
var identityCode = 'return { gasUsed: 1, return:, exception: 1 };';
var identityAddr = ethUtil.pad(new Buffer('04', 'hex'), 20)
vm.loadPrecompiled(identityAddr, identityCode);
var secretKey = '3cd7232cd6f3fc66a57a6bedc1a8ed6c228fff0a327e169c2bcc5e869ed49511'
var publicKey = '0406cc661590d48ee972944b35ad13ff03c7876eae3fd191e8a2f77311b0a3c6613407b5005e63d7d8d76b89d5f900cde691497688bb281e07a5052ff61edebdc0'
var address = ethUtil.pubToAddress(new Buffer(publicKey, 'hex'));
var account = new EthVm.Account();
account.balance = 'f00000000000000001';
var nonce = 0;
stateTrie.put(address, account.serialize());
var runTx = function(data, to, cb) {
var tx = new EthVm.Transaction({
nonce: new Buffer([nonce++]), //@todo count beyond 255
gasPrice: '01',
gasLimit: '3000000',
to: to,
data: data
tx.sign(new Buffer(secretKey, 'hex'));
vm.runTx({tx: tx}, cb);
var getConstructorInterface = function(abi) {
var funABI = {'name':'','inputs':[],'type':'constructor','outputs':[]};
for (var i = 0; i < abi.length; i++)
if (abi[i].type == 'constructor') {
funABI.inputs = abi[i].inputs || [];
return funABI;
var getCallButton = function(args) {
// args.abi, args.bytecode [constr only], args.address [fun only]
// args.appendFunctions [constr only]
var isConstructor = args.bytecode !== undefined;
var fun = new web3.eth.function(args.abi);
var inputs = '';
$.each(args.abi.inputs, function(i, inp) {
if (inputs != '') inputs += ', ';
inputs += inp.type + ' ' +;
var inputField = $('<input/>').attr('placeholder', inputs);
var outputSpan = $('<div/>');
var button = $('<button/>')
.text(args.bytecode ? 'Create' : fun.displayName())
.click(function() {
var funArgs = $.parseJSON('[' + inputField.val() + ']');
var data = fun.toPayload(funArgs).data;
if (data.slice(0, 2) == '0x') data = data.slice(2);
if (isConstructor)
data = args.bytecode + data.slice(8);
outputSpan.text(' ...');
runTx(data, args.address, function(err, result) {
if (err)
else if (isConstructor) {
outputSpan.text(' Creation used ' + result.vm.gasUsed.toString(10) + ' gas.');
} else {
var outputObj = fun.unpackOutput('0x' + result.vm.return.toString('hex'));
outputSpan.text(' Returned: ' + JSON.stringify(outputObj));
if (!isConstructor)
var c = $('<div/>')
if (args.abi.inputs.length > 0)
return c.append(outputSpan);
var getExecuteInterface = function(contract, name) {
var abi = $.parseJSON(contract.interface);
var execInter = $('<div/>');
var funABI = getConstructorInterface(abi);
var appendFunctions = function(address) {
var instance = $('<div class="contractInstance"/>');
instance.append($('<span/>').text('Contract at address ' + address.toString('hex')));
$.each(abi, function(i, funABI) {
if (funABI.type != 'function') return;
abi: funABI,
address: address
abi: funABI,
bytecode: contract.bytecode,
appendFunctions: appendFunctions
return execInter;
10 years ago