Alternatively, just select `Solidity` environment from remix IDE home page. This will activate `Solidity Unit Testing` plugin along with `Solidity Compiler`, `Deploy & Run Transactions`&`Solidity Static Analysis` plugins.
Select a solidity file which you want to test and click on the button `Generate`. It will generate a new sample solidity test file **in the current folder** suffixed with `_test`. This file contains the minimum you need for running unit testing.
Write tests to check the functionality of your contract. Remix injects a built-in `assert` library which can be used for testing. Visit the library documentation [here](./assert_library).
Apart from this, Remix allows usage of some special functions to make testing more structural. They are:
Once you are done with writing tests, select the _test.sol files in the list and click on the button `Run` to execute the tests in the selected files. The execution will run in a separate environment and the result will be displayed below.
If you have selected multiple files to run the tests and want to stop the execution, click on `Stop` button. It will stop execution after running the tests for current file.
`Solidity Unit Testing` refers `Solidity Compiler` plugin for compiler configurations. One can provide customized inputs for `Compiler`, `EVM Version`&`Enable Optimization` and these will be the configuration settings used for contract compilation before running unit tests.
For a contract method interaction, prime parameters of transaction are `from` address, `value`&`gas`. Usually, we need to test a method's behaviour under different values of these parameters.
1. Parameters must be defined in devdoc of related method
2. Each parameter key should be prefixed with a hash (**#**) and end with a colon following a space (**: **) like `#sender: `&`#value: `
3. For now, customization is available for parameters `sender`&`value` only
4. Sender is `from` address of a transaction which is accessed using `msg.sender` inside a contract method. It should be defined in a fixed format as '**account-**<account_index>'
5.`<account_index>` varies from `0-2` before remix-ide release v0.10.0 and `0-9` afterwards
6.`remix_accounts.sol` must be imported in your test file to use custom `sender`
7. Value is `value` sent along with a transaction in `wei` which is accessed using `msg.value` inside a contract method. It should be a number.
Regarding `gas`, Remix estimates the required gas for each transaction internally. Still if a contract deployment fails with `Out-of-Gas` error, it tries to redeploy it by doubling the gas. Deployment failing with double gas will show error: ```contract deployment failed after trying twice: The contract code couldn't be stored, please check your gas limit```
* A test contract cannot have a method with parameters. Having one such method will show error: `Method 'methodname' can not have parameters inside a test contract`
* Number of test accounts are `3` before remix-ide release v0.10.0 and `10` afterwards
* A test file which imports `remix_accounts.sol` might not compile successfully with `Solidity Compiler` plugin but it will work fine with Solidity Unit Testing plugin.
`remix-tests` is an [NPM package]( It can also be used as a CLI/CI solution, supporting node.js. Find more information about this type of usage in the [remix-tests repository](
For CI implementation example, see [Su Squares contract]( and [Travis build]( that uses `remix-tests` for continuous integration testing.