'use strict'
import { NightwatchBrowser } from 'nightwatch'
import init from '../helpers/init'
module .exports = {
'@disabled' : true ,
before : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser , done ) {
init ( browser , done )
} ,
'@sources' : function ( ) {
return sources
} ,
'open SUT plugin' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
browser . waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="verticalIconsKindfilePanel"]' )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'pluginManager' )
. scrollAndClick ( '*[data-id="pluginManagerComponentActivateButtonsolidityUnitTesting"]' )
. click ( '*[data-id="verticalIconsKindsolidityUnitTesting"]' )
. waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="sidePanelSwapitTitle"]' )
. assert . containsText ( '*[data-id="sidePanelSwapitTitle"]' , 'SOLIDITY UNIT TESTING' )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'filePanel' )
. waitForElementPresent ( '[data-id="treeViewDivtreeViewItemtests"]' )
. click ( '[data-id="treeViewDivtreeViewItemtests"]' )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'pluginManager' )
} ,
'Should launch solidity unit test plugin and create test files in FE #group1 #group2' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
browser . waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="verticalIconsKindfilePanel"]' )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'filePanel' )
. addFile ( 'simple_storage.sol' , sources [ 0 ] [ 'simple_storage.sol' ] )
. addFile ( 'ks2a.sol' , sources [ 0 ] [ 'ks2a.sol' ] )
. waitForElementVisible ( 'li[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItem.deps/remix-tests/remix_tests.sol"]' )
. waitForElementVisible ( 'li[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItem.deps/remix-tests/remix_accounts.sol"]' )
. openFile ( '.deps/remix-tests/remix_tests.sol' )
// remix_test.sol should be opened in editor
. getEditorValue ( ( content ) = > browser . assert . ok ( content . indexOf ( 'library Assert {' ) !== - 1 ) )
. openFile ( '.deps/remix-tests/remix_accounts.sol' )
// remix_accounts.sol should be opened in editor
. getEditorValue ( ( content ) = > browser . assert . ok ( content . indexOf ( 'library TestsAccounts {' ) !== - 1 ) )
} ,
'Should generate test file #group1' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
browser . waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="verticalIconsKindfilePanel"]' )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'filePanel' )
. openFile ( 'simple_storage.sol' )
. click ( '*[data-id="verticalIconsKindsolidityUnitTesting"]' )
. waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="testTabGenerateTestFile"]' )
. click ( '*[data-id="testTabGenerateTestFile"]' )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'filePanel' )
. waitForElementPresent ( '*[title="default_workspace/tests/simple_storage_test.sol"]' )
. removeFile ( 'tests/simple_storage_test.sol' , 'default_workspace' )
} ,
'Should run simple unit test `simple_storage_test.sol` #group1' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
browser . waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="verticalIconsKindfilePanel"]' )
. addFile ( 'tests/simple_storage_test.sol' , sources [ 0 ] [ 'tests/simple_storage_test.sol' ] )
. click ( '*[data-id="verticalIconsKindsolidityUnitTesting"]' )
. waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="testTabCheckAllTests"]' )
. click ( '*[data-id="testTabCheckAllTests"]' )
. clickElementAtPosition ( '.singleTestLabel' , 1 )
. scrollAndClick ( '*[data-id="testTabRunTestsTabRunAction"]' )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' , 'MyTest (tests/simple_storage_test.sol)' , 120000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' , '✓ Initial value should be100' , 120000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' , '✓ Value is set200' , 120000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' , '✘ Should fail for wrong value200' , 120000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' , 'Passed: 2' , 120000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' , 'Failed: 1' , 120000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' , 'FAILMyTest (tests/simple_storage_test.sol)' , 120000 )
// '.failed_tests_simple_storage_test_solMyTest' is the class for 'FAIL' label
. verify . elementPresent ( '.failed_tests_simple_storage_test_solMyTest' )
} ,
'Should run advance unit test using natspec and experimental ABIEncoderV2 `ks2b_test.sol` #group2' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
browser . waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="verticalIconsKindfilePanel"]' )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'filePanel' )
. addFile ( 'tests/ks2b_test.sol' , sources [ 0 ] [ 'tests/ks2b_test.sol' ] )
. click ( '*[data-id="verticalIconsKindsolidityUnitTesting"]' )
. waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="testTabCheckAllTests"]' )
. click ( '*[data-id="testTabCheckAllTests"]' )
. clickElementAtPosition ( '.singleTestLabel' , 1 )
. scrollAndClick ( '*[data-id="testTabRunTestsTabRunAction"]' )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' , 'tests/ks2b_test.sol' , 120000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' , '✓ Check project exists' , 120000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' , '✘ Check wrong project owner' , 120000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' , '✘ Check wrong sender' , 120000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' , '✘ Check wrong value' , 120000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' , '✓ Check project is fundable' , 120000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' , 'owner is incorrect' , 120000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' , 'wrong sender' , 120000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' , 'wrong value' , 120000 )
} ,
'Should stop unit tests during test execution` #group2' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
browser . waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="verticalIconsKindfilePanel"]' )
. waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="testTabRunTestsTabRunAction"]' )
. clickElementAtPosition ( '.singleTestLabel' , 0 )
. scrollAndClick ( '*[data-id="testTabRunTestsTabRunAction"]' )
. click ( '*[data-id="testTabRunTestsTabStopAction"]' )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' , 'tests/4_Ballot_test.sol' , 200000 )
. notContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' , 'tests/ks2b_test.sol' )
. notContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' , 'tests/simple_storage_test.sol' )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabTestsExecutionStopped"]' , 'The test execution has been stopped' , 60000 )
} ,
'Should fail on compilation, open file on error click, not disappear error #group2' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
browser . waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="verticalIconsKindfilePanel"]' )
. addFile ( 'tests/compilationError_test.sol' , sources [ 0 ] [ 'compilationError_test.sol' ] )
. click ( 'div[title="default_workspace/tests/compilationError_test.sol"] span[class="close-tabs"]' )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'solidityUnitTesting' )
. pause ( 2000 )
. click ( '*[data-id="testTabCheckAllTests"]' )
// .click('#singleTesttests/compilationError_test.sol')
. clickElementAtPosition ( '.singleTestLabel' , 2 )
. scrollAndClick ( '*[data-id="testTabRunTestsTabRunAction"]' )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' , 'SyntaxError: No visibility specified' , 120000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabTestsExecutionStoppedError"]' , 'The test execution has been stopped because of error(s) in your test file' , 120000 )
. click ( '#solidityUnittestsOutput *[data-id="tests/compilationError_test.sol"]' )
. pause ( 1000 )
. getEditorValue ( ( content ) = > browser . assert . ok ( content . indexOf ( 'contract failOnCompilation {' ) !== - 1 ) )
// Verify that compilation error is still present after a file is opened
// usually, tests result is cleared on opening a new file
. verify . elementPresent ( '#solidityUnittestsOutput *[data-id="tests/compilationError_test.sol"]' )
} ,
'Should fail on deploy #group3' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
browser . waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="verticalIconsKindfilePanel"]' )
. addFile ( 'tests/deployError_test.sol' , sources [ 0 ] [ 'tests/deployError_test.sol' ] )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'filePanel' )
. openFile ( 'tests/deployError_test.sol' )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'solidityUnitTesting' )
. click ( '*[data-id="testTabCheckAllTests"]' )
. clickElementAtPosition ( '.singleTestLabel' , 1 )
. scrollAndClick ( '*[data-id="testTabRunTestsTabRunAction"]' )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' , 'contract deployment failed after trying twice' , 120000 )
} ,
'Should fail when parameters are passed to method in test contract #group3' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
browser . waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="verticalIconsKindfilePanel"]' )
. addFile ( 'tests/methodFailure_test.sol' , sources [ 0 ] [ 'tests/methodFailure_test.sol' ] )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'filePanel' )
. openFile ( 'tests/methodFailure_test.sol' )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'solidityUnitTesting' )
. click ( '*[data-id="testTabCheckAllTests"]' )
. clickElementAtPosition ( '.singleTestLabel' , 2 )
. scrollAndClick ( '*[data-id="testTabRunTestsTabRunAction"]' )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' , 'Method \'add\' can not have parameters inside a test contract' , 120000 )
} ,
'Changing current path #group3' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
. waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="verticalIconsKindfilePanel"]' )
. addFile ( 'myTests/simple_storage_test.sol' , sources [ 0 ] [ 'tests/simple_storage_test.sol' ] )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'solidityUnitTesting' )
. clearValue ( '*[data-id="uiPathInput"]' )
. setValue ( '*[data-id="uiPathInput"]' , 'myTests' )
. click ( '*[data-id="testTabGenerateTestFolder"]' )
. clickElementAtPosition ( '.singleTest' , 0 , { forceSelectIfUnselected : true } )
. scrollAndClick ( '*[data-id="testTabRunTestsTabRunAction"]' )
. waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutputheader"]' , 60000 )
. waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutput"]' )
. clearValue ( '*[data-id="uiPathInput"]' )
. setValue ( '*[data-id="uiPathInput"]' , 'tests' )
. click ( '*[data-id="testTabGenerateTestFolder"]' )
} ,
'Changing current path when workspace changed and checking test files creation #group4' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
. waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="verticalIconsKindfilePanel"]' )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'settings' )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'solidityUnitTesting' )
. waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="uiPathInput"]' , 3000 )
. clearValue ( '*[data-id="uiPathInput"]' )
. setValue ( '*[data-id="uiPathInput"]' , 'tests1' )
. click ( '*[data-id="testTabGenerateTestFolder"]' )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'filePanel' )
// creating a new workspace
. click ( '*[data-id="workspaceCreate"]' )
. waitForElementVisible ( '*[data-id="modalDialogCustomPromptTextCreate"]' )
// eslint-disable-next-line dot-notation
. execute ( function ( ) { document . querySelector ( '*[data-id="modalDialogCustomPromptTextCreate"]' ) [ 'value' ] = 'workspace_new' } )
. waitForElementVisible ( '*[data-id="fileSystem-modal-footer-ok-react"]' )
. execute ( function ( ) { ( document . querySelector ( '[data-id="fileSystem-modal-footer-ok-react"]' ) as HTMLElement ) . click ( ) } )
. waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="workspacesSelect"] option[value="workspace_new"]' )
. waitForElementVisible ( 'li[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItem.deps/remix-tests/remix_tests.sol"]' )
. waitForElementVisible ( 'li[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItem.deps/remix-tests/remix_accounts.sol"]' )
. openFile ( '.deps/remix-tests/remix_tests.sol' )
// remix_test.sol should be opened in editor
. getEditorValue ( ( content ) = > browser . assert . ok ( content . indexOf ( 'library Assert {' ) !== - 1 ) )
. openFile ( '.deps/remix-tests/remix_accounts.sol' )
// remix_accounts.sol should be opened in editor
. getEditorValue ( ( content ) = > browser . assert . ok ( content . indexOf ( 'library TestsAccounts {' ) !== - 1 ) )
// end of creating
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'solidityUnitTesting' )
. pause ( 2000 )
. verify . attributeEquals ( '*[data-id="uiPathInput"]' , 'value' , 'tests' )
} ,
'Solidity Unit tests Basic #group4' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
. waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="verticalIconsKindfilePanel"]' )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'filePanel' )
. click ( '*[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemcontracts"]' )
. openFile ( 'contracts/3_Ballot.sol' )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'solidityUnitTesting' )
. pause ( 2000 )
. verify . attributeEquals ( '*[data-id="uiPathInput"]' , 'value' , 'tests' )
. pause ( 2000 )
. scrollAndClick ( '#runTestsTabRunAction' )
. waitForElementVisible ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutputheader"]' , 120000 )
. waitForElementPresent ( '#solidityUnittestsOutput div[class^="testPass"]' , 60000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '#solidityUnittestsOutput' , 'tests/4_Ballot_test.sol' , 60000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '#solidityUnittestsOutput' , '✓ Check winning proposal' , 60000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '#solidityUnittestsOutput' , '✓ Check winnin proposal with return value' , 60000 )
} ,
'Solidity Unit tests with hardhat console log #group4' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
const runtimeBrowser = browser . options . desiredCapabilities . browserName
. waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="verticalIconsKindfilePanel"]' )
. perform ( ( done ) = > {
if ( runtimeBrowser !== 'chrome' ) {
browser . clickLaunchIcon ( 'filePanel' )
. waitForElementVisible ( '[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemtests"]' )
done ( )
} )
. addFile ( 'tests/hhLogs_test.sol' , sources [ 0 ] [ 'tests/hhLogs_test.sol' ] )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'solidityUnitTesting' )
. waitForElementVisible ( '*[id="singleTesttests/4_Ballot_test.sol"]' , 60000 )
. click ( '*[id="singleTesttests/4_Ballot_test.sol"]' )
. click ( '#runTestsTabRunAction' )
. pause ( 2000 )
. waitForElementVisible ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutputheader"]' , 120000 )
. waitForElementPresent ( '#solidityUnittestsOutput div[class^="testPass"]' , 60000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '#solidityUnittestsOutput' , 'tests/hhLogs_test.sol' , 60000 )
. assert . containsText ( '#journal > div:nth-child(2) > span' , 'Before all:' )
. assert . containsText ( '#journal > div:nth-child(2) > span' , 'Inside beforeAll' )
. assert . containsText ( '#journal > div:nth-child(3) > span' , 'Check sender:' )
. assert . containsText ( '#journal > div:nth-child(3) > span' , 'msg.sender is 0x5B38Da6a701c568545dCfcB03FcB875f56beddC4' )
. assert . containsText ( '#journal > div:nth-child(4) > span' , 'Check int logs:' )
. assert . containsText ( '#journal > div:nth-child(4) > span' , '10 20' )
. assert . containsText ( '#journal > div:nth-child(4) > span' , 'Number is 25' )
. openFile ( 'tests/hhLogs_test.sol' )
. removeFile ( 'tests/hhLogs_test.sol' , 'workspace_new' )
} ,
'Solidity Unit tests with hardhat console log for EVM revert #group5' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
. waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="verticalIconsKindfilePanel"]' )
. addFile ( 'tests/ballotFailedLog_test.sol' , sources [ 0 ] [ 'tests/ballotFailedLog_test.sol' ] )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'solidityUnitTesting' )
. waitForElementVisible ( '*[id="singleTesttests/4_Ballot_test.sol"]' , 60000 )
. click ( '*[id="singleTesttests/4_Ballot_test.sol"]' )
. click ( '#runTestsTabRunAction' )
. pause ( 2000 )
. waitForElementVisible ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutputheader"]' , 120000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '#solidityUnittestsOutput' , 'tests/ballotFailedLog_test.sol' , 60000 )
. assert . containsText ( '#journal' , 'Check winning proposal:' )
. assert . containsText ( '#journal' , 'Inside checkWinningProposal' )
. openFile ( 'tests/ballotFailedLog_test.sol' )
. removeFile ( 'tests/ballotFailedLog_test.sol' , 'workspace_new' )
} ,
'Debug tests using debugger #group5' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
. waitForElementPresent ( '*[data-id="verticalIconsKindfilePanel"]' )
. addFile ( 'tests/ballotFailedDebug_test.sol' , sources [ 0 ] [ 'tests/ballotFailedDebug_test.sol' ] )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'solidityUnitTesting' )
. waitForElementVisible ( '*[id="singleTesttests/4_Ballot_test.sol"]' , 60000 )
. click ( '*[id="singleTesttests/4_Ballot_test.sol"]' )
. click ( '#runTestsTabRunAction' )
. waitForElementVisible ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutputheader"]' , 120000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '#solidityUnittestsOutput' , 'tests/ballotFailedDebug_test.sol' , 60000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '#solidityUnittestsOutput' , '✘ Check winning proposal failed' , 60000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '#solidityUnittestsOutput' , '✓ Check winning proposal passed' , 60000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '#solidityUnittestsOutput' , '✘ Check winning proposal again' , 60000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '#solidityUnittestsOutput' , '✓ Check winnin proposal with return value' , 60000 )
. click ( '#Check_winning_proposal_failed' )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="sidePanelSwapitTitle"]' , 'DEBUGGER' , 60000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="functionPanel"]' , 'checkWinningProposalFailed()' , 60000 )
. waitForElementVisible ( '*[data-id="dropdownPanelSolidityLocals"]' ) . pause ( 1000 )
. click ( '*[data-id="dropdownPanelSolidityLocals"]' )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="solidityLocals"]' , 'no locals' , 60000 )
// eslint-disable-next-line dot-notation
. execute ( function ( ) { document . getElementById ( 'slider' ) [ 'value' ] = '315' } ) // It only moves slider to 315 but vm traces are not updated
. setValue ( '*[data-id="slider"]' , new Array ( 1 ) . fill ( browser . Keys . RIGHT_ARROW ) )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="functionPanel"]' , 'checkWinningProposalFailed()' , 60000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="functionPanel"]' , 'vote(proposal)' , 60000 )
. pause ( 1000 )
. checkVariableDebug ( 'soliditylocals' , locals )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'solidityUnitTesting' )
. scrollAndClick ( '#Check_winning_proposal_passed' )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="sidePanelSwapitTitle"]' , 'DEBUGGER' , 60000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="functionPanel"]' , 'checkWinningProposalPassed()' , 60000 )
// eslint-disable-next-line dot-notation
. execute ( function ( ) { document . getElementById ( 'slider' ) [ 'value' ] = '1450' } )
. setValue ( '*[data-id="slider"]' , new Array ( 1 ) . fill ( browser . Keys . RIGHT_ARROW ) )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="functionPanel"]' , 'equal(a, b, message)' , 60000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="functionPanel"]' , 'checkWinningProposalPassed()' , 60000 )
// remix_test.sol should be opened in editor
. getEditorValue ( ( content ) = > browser . assert . ok ( content . indexOf ( 'library Assert {' ) !== - 1 ) )
. pause ( 1000 )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'solidityUnitTesting' )
. scrollAndClick ( '#Check_winning_proposal_again' )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="sidePanelSwapitTitle"]' , 'DEBUGGER' , 60000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="functionPanel"]' , 'checkWinningProposalAgain()' , 60000 )
// eslint-disable-next-line dot-notation
. execute ( function ( ) { document . getElementById ( 'slider' ) [ 'value' ] = '1150' } )
. setValue ( '*[data-id="slider"]' , new Array ( 1 ) . fill ( browser . Keys . RIGHT_ARROW ) )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="functionPanel"]' , 'equal(a, b, message)' , 60000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="functionPanel"]' , 'checkWinningProposalAgain()' , 60000 )
. pause ( 1000 )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'solidityUnitTesting' )
. scrollAndClick ( '#Check_winnin_proposal_with_return_value' )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="sidePanelSwapitTitle"]' , 'DEBUGGER' , 60000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="functionPanel"]' , 'checkWinninProposalWithReturnValue()' , 60000 )
// eslint-disable-next-line dot-notation
. execute ( function ( ) { document . getElementById ( 'slider' ) [ 'value' ] = '320' } )
. setValue ( '*[data-id="slider"]' , new Array ( 1 ) . fill ( browser . Keys . RIGHT_ARROW ) )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '*[data-id="functionPanel"]' , 'checkWinninProposalWithReturnValue()' , 60000 )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'filePanel' )
. pause ( 2000 )
. openFile ( 'tests/ballotFailedDebug_test.sol' )
. removeFile ( 'tests/ballotFailedDebug_test.sol' , 'workspace_new' )
} ,
'Basic Solidity Unit tests with local compiler #group6' : function ( browser : NightwatchBrowser ) {
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'solidity' )
. setSolidityCompilerVersion ( 'builtin' )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'filePanel' )
. click ( '*[data-id="treeViewLitreeViewItemcontracts"]' )
. openFile ( 'contracts/3_Ballot.sol' )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'pluginManager' )
. scrollAndClick ( '[data-id="pluginManagerComponentDeactivateButtonsolidityUnitTesting"]' )
. pause ( 2000 )
. scrollAndClick ( '[data-id="pluginManagerComponentActivateButtonsolidityUnitTesting"]' )
. pause ( 5000 )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'solidityUnitTesting' )
. scrollAndClick ( '#runTestsTabRunAction' )
. waitForElementVisible ( '*[data-id="testTabSolidityUnitTestsOutputheader"]' , 120000 )
. waitForElementPresent ( '#solidityUnittestsOutput div[class^="testPass"]' , 60000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '#solidityUnittestsOutput' , 'tests/4_Ballot_test.sol' , 60000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '#solidityUnittestsOutput' , '✓ Check winning proposal' , 60000 )
. waitForElementContainsText ( '#solidityUnittestsOutput' , '✓ Check winnin proposal with return value' , 60000 )
. end ( )
const sources = [
'simple_storage.sol' : {
content : `
pragma solidity >= 0.4 . 22 < 0.9.0 ;
contract SimpleStorage {
uint public storedData ;
constructor ( ) {
storedData = 100 ;
function set ( uint x ) public {
storedData = x ;
function get ( ) public view returns ( uint retVal ) {
return storedData ;
} ,
'tests/simple_storage_test.sol' : {
content : `
pragma solidity >= 0.4 . 22 < 0.9.0 ;
import "remix_tests.sol" ;
import "../simple_storage.sol" ;
contract MyTest {
SimpleStorage foo ;
function beforeEach ( ) public {
foo = new SimpleStorage ( ) ;
function initialValueShouldBe100 ( ) public returns ( bool ) {
return Assert . equal ( foo . get ( ) , 100 , "initial value is not correct" ) ;
function valueIsSet200 ( ) public returns ( bool ) {
foo . set ( 200 ) ;
return Assert . equal ( foo . get ( ) , 200 , "value is not 200" ) ;
function shouldFailForWrongValue200 ( ) public returns ( bool ) {
foo . set ( 300 ) ;
return Assert . equal ( foo . get ( ) , 200 , "value is not 200" ) ;
} ,
'ks2a.sol' : {
content : `
pragma solidity >= 0.4 . 22 < 0.9.0 ;
contract Kickstarter {
enum State { Started , Completed }
struct Project {
address owner ;
string name ;
uint goal ;
uint fundsAvailable ; // added
uint amountContributed ; // added
State state ;
mapping ( address = > uint ) funders ; // added
uint numProjects ;
Project [ ] public projects ;
constructor ( ) {
function createProject ( string memory name , uint goal ) public {
projects . push ( ) ; // new line
Project storage project = projects [ projects . length - 1 ] ;
project . name = name ;
project . goal = goal ;
project . owner = msg . sender ;
project . state = State . Started ;
function fundProject ( uint projectId ) payable public {
Project storage project = projects [ projectId ] ;
// require project exists
// PLEASE CHECK / or erase
// not this: require(projects[projectId].exists, "the project must exist to be funded");
// require for... underflow/overflow protection
project . funders [ msg . sender ] += msg . value ;
project . amountContributed += msg . value ;
project . fundsAvailable += msg . value ;
if ( project . amountContributed >= project . goal ) {
project . state = State . Completed ;
// this function is here because we can't use web3 when using the VM
function getContractBalance ( ) public view returns ( uint balance ) {
return address ( this ) . balance ;
} ,
'tests/ks2b_test.sol' : {
content : `
pragma solidity >= 0.4 . 22 < 0.9.0 ;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2 ;
import "remix_tests.sol" ; // this import is automatically injected by Remix.
import "remix_accounts.sol" ;
import "../ks2a.sol" ;
contract kickstarterTest {
enum State { Started , Completed }
Kickstarter kickstarter ;
function beforeAll ( ) public {
kickstarter = new Kickstarter ( ) ;
kickstarter . createProject ( "ProjectA" , 123000 ) ;
kickstarter . createProject ( "ProjectB" , 100 ) ;
/// #sender: account-1
/// #value: 10000000
function checkProjectExists ( ) public payable {
( address owner , string memory name , uint goal , uint fundsAvailable , uint amountContributed , Kickstarter . State state ) = kickstarter . projects ( 0 ) ;
Assert . equal ( name , "ProjectA" , "project name is incorrect" ) ;
Assert . equal ( goal , 123000 , "funding goal is incorrect" ) ;
Assert . equal ( owner , address ( this ) , "owner is incorrect" ) ;
Assert . equal ( msg . sender , TestsAccounts . getAccount ( 1 ) , "wrong sender" ) ;
Assert . equal ( msg . value , 10000000 , "wrong value" ) ;
/// #sender: account-1
/// #value: 10000000
function checkWrongProjectOwner ( ) public payable {
( address owner , , , , , ) = kickstarter . projects ( 0 ) ;
Assert . equal ( owner , TestsAccounts . getAccount ( 0 ) , "owner is incorrect" ) ; //failing case
/// #sender: account-1
/// #value: 10000000
function checkWrongSender ( ) public payable {
Assert . equal ( msg . sender , TestsAccounts . getAccount ( 0 ) , "wrong sender" ) ; //failing case
/// #sender: account-1
/// #value: 10000000
function checkWrongValue ( ) public payable {
Assert . equal ( msg . value , 5000000 , "wrong value" ) ; //failing case
function checkProjectIsFundable ( ) public {
kickstarter . fundProject { value :120000 } ( 0 ) ;
( address owner , string memory name , uint goal , uint fundsAvailable , uint amountContributed , Kickstarter . State state ) = kickstarter . projects ( 0 ) ;
Assert . equal ( amountContributed , 120000 , "contributed amount is incorrect" ) ;
} ,
'compilationError_test.sol' : {
content : `
pragma solidity ^ 0.8 . 0 ;
contract failOnCompilation {
fallback() {
} ,
'tests/deployError_test.sol' : {
content : `
pragma solidity ^ 0.8 . 0 ;
contract failingDeploy {
constructor ( ) {
revert ( 'Deploy Failed' ) ;
} ,
'tests/methodFailure_test.sol' : {
content : `
pragma solidity ^ 0.8 . 0 ;
contract methodfailure {
function add ( uint a , uint b ) public {
uint c = a + b ;
Assert . equal ( a + b , c , "wrong value" ) ;
} ,
'tests/ballotFailedDebug_test.sol' : {
content : ` // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >= 0.7 . 0 < 0.9.0 ;
import "remix_tests.sol" ; // this import is automatically injected by Remix.
import "../contracts/3_Ballot.sol" ;
contract BallotTest {
bytes32 [ ] proposalNames ;
Ballot ballotToTest ;
function beforeAll ( ) public {
proposalNames . push ( bytes32 ( "candidate1" ) ) ;
ballotToTest = new Ballot ( proposalNames ) ;
function checkWinningProposalFailed ( ) public {
ballotToTest . vote ( 1 ) ;
Assert . equal ( ballotToTest . winningProposal ( ) , uint ( 0 ) , "proposal at index 0 should be the winning proposal" ) ;
function checkWinningProposalPassed ( ) public {
ballotToTest . vote ( 0 ) ;
Assert . equal ( ballotToTest . winningProposal ( ) , uint ( 0 ) , "proposal at index 0 should be the winning proposal" ) ;
function checkWinningProposalAgain ( ) public {
Assert . equal ( ballotToTest . winningProposal ( ) , uint ( 1 ) , "proposal at index 0 should be the winning proposal" ) ;
function checkWinninProposalWithReturnValue ( ) public view returns ( bool ) {
return ballotToTest . winningProposal ( ) == 0 ;
} `
} ,
'tests/ballotFailedLog_test.sol' : {
content : ` // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >= 0.7 . 0 < 0.9.0 ;
import "remix_tests.sol" ; // this import is automatically injected by Remix.
import "../contracts/3_Ballot.sol" ;
import "hardhat/console.sol" ;
contract BallotTest {
bytes32 [ ] proposalNames ;
Ballot ballotToTest ;
function beforeAll ( ) public {
proposalNames . push ( bytes32 ( "candidate1" ) ) ;
ballotToTest = new Ballot ( proposalNames ) ;
function checkWinningProposal ( ) public {
console . log ( "Inside checkWinningProposal" ) ;
ballotToTest . vote ( 1 ) ; // This will revert the transaction
} `
} ,
'tests/hhLogs_test.sol' : {
content : ` // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >= 0.7 . 0 < 0.9.0 ;
import "remix_tests.sol" ; // this import is automatically injected by Remix.
import "hardhat/console.sol" ;
contract hhLogs {
function beforeAll ( ) public {
console . log ( 'Inside beforeAll' ) ;
function checkSender ( ) public {
console . log ( 'msg.sender is %s' , msg . sender ) ;
Assert . ok ( true , "should be true" ) ;
function checkIntLogs ( ) public {
console . log ( 10 , 20 ) ;
console . log ( 'Number is %d' , 25 ) ;
Assert . ok ( true , "should be true" ) ;
} `
const locals = {
sender : {
value : {
weight : {
value : '1' ,
type : 'uint256'
} ,
voted : {
value : false ,
type : 'bool'
} ,
delegate : {
value : '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' ,
type : 'address'
} ,
vote : {
value : '0' ,
type : 'uint256'
} ,
type : 'struct Ballot.Voter'
} ,
proposal : {
value : '1' ,
type : 'uint256'