'use strict'
var contractHelper = require ( '../helpers/contracts' )
var init = require ( '../helpers/init' )
var sauce = require ( './sauce' )
var async = require ( 'async' )
var testRecorder = require ( './units/testRecorder' )
module . exports = {
before : function ( browser , done ) {
init ( browser , done )
} ,
'@sources' : function ( ) {
return sources
} ,
'Compiling' : function ( browser ) {
runTests ( browser )
} ,
tearDown : sauce
function runTests ( browser ) {
browser . testFunction = contractHelper . testFunction
browser . clickFunction = contractHelper . clickFunction
browser . setEditorValue = contractHelper . setEditorValue
browser . modalFooterOKClick = contractHelper . modalFooterOKClick
browser . getEditorValue = contractHelper . getEditorValue
browser . clickLaunchIcon = contractHelper . clickLaunchIcon
. waitForElementVisible ( '#icon-panel' , 10000 )
. clickLaunchIcon ( 'solidity' )
. perform ( ( ) => {
// the first fn is used to pass browser to the other ones.
async . waterfall ( [ function ( callback ) { callback ( null , browser ) } , testSimpleContract , testReturnValues , testInputValues , testRecorder . test ] , function ( ) {
browser . end ( )
} )
} )
function testSimpleContract ( browser , callback ) {
contractHelper . testContracts ( browser , 'Untitled.sol' , sources [ 0 ] [ 'browser/Untitled.sol' ] , [ 'TestContract' ] , function ( ) {
browser . clickLaunchIcon ( 'run transactions' )
. click ( '#runTabView button[class^="instanceButton"]' )
. waitForElementPresent ( '.instance:nth-of-type(2)' )
. click ( '.instance:nth-of-type(2)' )
. click ( '#runTabView .instance div[class^="title"]' )
. click ( '#runTabView .instance div[class^="title"]' )
. testFunction ( 'f - transact (not payable)' ,
'0xa178c603400a184ce5fedbcfab392d9b77822f6ffa7facdec693aded214523bc' ,
` [vm] \n from:0xca3...a733c \n to:TestContract.f() 0x692...77b3a \n value:0 wei \n data:0x261...21ff0 \n logs:0 \n hash:0xa17...523bc ` , null ,
` {
"0" : "uint256: 8"
} ` )
. pause ( 500 )
. perform ( ( client , done ) => {
contractHelper . useFilter ( browser , '0x12332162e2e31397dc1e07ed0a1cf08f728e9b4487c6f9ed79d2f39410c92782' , '' , ( ) => {
done ( )
} )
} )
. testFunction ( 'g - transact (not payable)' ,
'0xb1532162e2e31397dc1e07ed0a1cf08f728e9b4487c6f9ed79d2f39410c92781' ,
` [vm] \n from:0xca3...a733c \n to:TestContract.g() 0x692...77b3a \n value:0 wei \n data:0xe21...79b8e \n logs:0 \n hash:0xb15...92781 ` , null , ` {
"0" : "uint256: 345" ,
"1" : "string: comment_comment_" ,
"2" : "bool: true" ,
"3" : "uint256: 4"
} ` ).click('i[class^="clearinstance"]').perform(() => { callback(null, browser) })
} )
function testReturnValues ( browser , callback ) {
contractHelper . testContracts ( browser , 'returnValues.sol' , sources [ 1 ] [ 'browser/returnValues.sol' ] , [ 'testReturnValues' ] , function ( ) {
browser . clickLaunchIcon ( 'run transactions' )
. click ( '#runTabView button[class^="instanceButton"]' )
. waitForElementPresent ( '.instance:nth-of-type(2)' )
. click ( '.instance:nth-of-type(2)' )
. testFunction ( 'retunValues1 - transact (not payable)' ,
'0xc3660c7ab6899f196e77d3ab3749169e22c00ae7f1b8fe3af0ce54df49504019' ,
` [vm] \n from:0xca3...a733c \n to:testReturnValues.retunValues1() 0x5e7...26e9f \n value:0 wei \n data:0x9ed...59eb7 \n logs:0 \n hash:0xc36...04019 ` ,
null ,
` {
"0" : "bool: _b true" ,
"1" : "uint256: _u 345" ,
"2" : "int256: _i -345" ,
"3" : "address: _a 0xCA35b7d915458EF540aDe6068dFe2F44E8fa733c"
} ` )
. testFunction ( 'retunValues2 - transact (not payable)' ,
'0xc8cc8150fcb0b09cdf51e7357341272118888fe8c4efe32881b56e891377aad9' ,
` [vm] \n from:0xca3...a733c \n to:testReturnValues.retunValues2() 0x5e7...26e9f \n value:0 wei \n data:0xf57...4036c \n logs:0 \n hash:0xc8c...7aad9 ` , null , ` {
"0" : "bytes1: _b 0x12" ,
"1" : "bytes2: _b2 0x1223" ,
"2" : "bytes3: _b3 0x000000" ,
"3" : "bytes: _blit 0x123498" ,
"4" : "bytes5: _b5 0x0432450000" ,
"5" : "bytes6: _b6 0x234553253200" ,
"6" : "string: _str this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string" ,
"7" : "bytes7: _b7 0x03252353253253" ,
"8" : "bytes22: _b22 0x32523523532532532523532500000000000000000000" ,
"9" : "bytes32: _b32 0x0325235325325235325235325235320000000000000000000000000000000000"
} ` ).pause(500).testFunction('retunValues3 - transact (not payable)',
'0x94c4b4324bad773dec29af3ffe26a698c32b5caf8a1eedf8889563158639d28a' ,
'[vm]\nfrom:0xca3...a733c\nto:testReturnValues.retunValues3() 0x5e7...26e9f\nvalue:0 wei\ndata:0x033...e0a7d\nlogs:0\nhash:0x94c...9d28a' , null , ` {
"0" : "uint8: _en 2" ,
"1" : "int256[5][]: _a1 1,-45,-78,56,60,-1,42,334,-45455,-446,1,10,-5435,45,-7"
} ` ).click('i[class^="clearinstance"]').perform(() => { callback(null, browser) })
} )
function testInputValues ( browser , callback ) {
contractHelper . testContracts ( browser , 'inputValues.sol' , sources [ 2 ] [ 'browser/inputValues.sol' ] , [ 'test' ] , function ( ) {
browser . clickLaunchIcon ( 'run transactions' )
. click ( '#runTabView button[class^="instanceButton"]' )
. waitForElementPresent ( '.instance:nth-of-type(2)' )
. click ( '.instance:nth-of-type(2)' )
. testFunction ( 'inputValue1 - transact (not payable)' ,
'0xf3265e3d9cd9299958bf81bed3cdfdd537942f85b9e0b95c5468c691d9396505' ,
` [vm] \n from:0xca3...a733c \n to:test.inputValue1(uint256,int256,string) 0x8c1...401f5 \n value:0 wei \n data:0xd69...00000 \n logs:0 \n hash:0xf32...96505 ` ,
{ types : 'uint256 _u, int256 _i, string _str' , values : '"2343242", "-4324324", "string _ string _ string _ string _ string _ string _ string _ string _ string _ string _"' } ,
` {
"0" : "uint256: _uret 2343242" ,
"1" : "int256: _iret -4324324" ,
"2" : "string: _strret string _ string _ string _ string _ string _ string _ string _ string _ string _ string _"
} ` ).pause(500).testFunction('inputValue2 - transact (not payable)',
'0xd9ec6d8aa73d81755447190f52939ee3084e105b988d445a11e7ac718392ff5a' ,
` [vm] \n from:0xca3...a733c \n to:test.inputValue2(uint256[3],bytes8[4]) 0x8c1...401f5 \n value:0 wei \n data:0x1b7...00000 \n logs:1 \n hash:0xd9e...2ff5a ` ,
{ types : 'uint256[3] _n, bytes8[4] _b8' , values : '[1,2,3], ["0x1234", "0x1234","0x1234","0x1234"]' } ,
` {
"0" : "uint256[3]: _nret 1,2,3" ,
"1" : "bytes8[4]: _b8ret 0x1234000000000000,0x1234000000000000,0x1234000000000000,0x1234000000000000"
} ` , ` [
"from" : "0x8c1ed7e19abaa9f23c476da86dc1577f1ef401f5" ,
"topic" : "0xd30981760edbf605bda8689e945f622877f230c9a77cbfbd448aa4b7d8ac6e7f" ,
"event" : "event1" ,
"args" : {
"0" : "-123" ,
"1" : "123" ,
"2" : {
"indexed" : true ,
"hash" : "0x9c22ff5f21f0b81b113e63f7db6da94fedef11b2119b4088b89664fb9a3cb658"
} ,
"3" : "0x12340000" ,
"4" : "test _ test _ test _ test test _ test test _ test test _ test test _ test test _ test test _ test " ,
"_i" : "-123" ,
"_u" : "123" ,
"_str" : {
"indexed" : true ,
"hash" : "0x9c22ff5f21f0b81b113e63f7db6da94fedef11b2119b4088b89664fb9a3cb658"
} ,
"_b" : "0x12340000" ,
"_notIndexed" : "test _ test _ test _ test test _ test test _ test test _ test test _ test test _ test test _ test " ,
"length" : 5
] ` )
. click ( 'i[class^="clearinstance"]' ) . perform ( ( ) => { callback ( null , browser ) } )
} )
// @TODO test: bytes8[3][] type as input
var sources = [
{ 'browser/Untitled.sol' : { content : `
contract TestContract { function f ( ) public returns ( uint ) { return 8 ; }
function g ( ) public returns ( uint , string memory , bool , uint ) {
uint payment = 345 ;
bool payed = true ;
string memory comment = "comment_comment_" ;
uint month = 4 ;
return ( payment , comment , payed , month ) ; } } ` }},
{ 'browser/returnValues.sol' : { content : `
contract testReturnValues {
enum ActionChoices { GoLeft , GoRight , GoStraight , SitStill }
function retunValues1 ( ) public returns ( bool _b , uint _u , int _i , address _a ) {
_b = true ;
_u = 345 ;
_i = - 345 ;
_a = msg . sender ;
function retunValues2 ( ) public returns ( byte _b , bytes2 _b2 , bytes3 _b3 , bytes memory _blit , bytes5 _b5 , bytes6 _b6 , string memory _str , bytes7 _b7 , bytes22 _b22 , bytes32 _b32 ) {
_b = 0x12 ;
_b2 = 0x1223 ;
_b5 = hex "043245" ;
_b6 = hex "2345532532" ;
_b7 = hex "03252353253253" ;
_b22 = hex "325235235325325325235325" ;
_b32 = hex "032523532532523532523532523532" ;
_blit = hex "123498" ;
_str = "this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string _ this is a long string" ;
function retunValues3 ( ) public returns ( ActionChoices _en , int [ 5 ] [ ] memory _a1 ) {
_en = ActionChoices . GoStraight ;
int [ 5 ] [ ] memory a = new int [ 5 ] [ ] ( 3 ) ;
a [ 0 ] = [ int ( 1 ) , - 45 , - 78 , 56 , 60 ] ;
a [ 1 ] = [ int ( - 1 ) , 42 , 334 , - 45455 , - 446 ] ;
a [ 2 ] = [ int ( 1 ) , 10 , - 5435 , 45 , - 7 ] ;
_a1 = a ;
} ` }},
{ 'browser/inputValues.sol' : { content : `
contract test {
event event1 ( int _i , uint indexed _u , string indexed _str , bytes4 _b , string _notIndexed ) ;
function inputValue1 ( uint _u , int _i , string memory _str ) public returns ( uint _uret , int _iret , string memory _strret ) {
_uret = _u ;
_iret = _i ;
_strret = _str ;
function inputValue2 ( uint [ 3 ] memory _n , bytes8 [ 4 ] memory _b8 ) public returns ( uint [ 3 ] memory _nret , bytes8 [ 4 ] memory _b8ret ) {
_nret = _n ;
_b8ret = _b8 ;
emit event1 ( - 123 , 123 , "test" , hex "1234" , "test _ test _ test _ test test _ test test _ test test _ test test _ test test _ test test _ test " ) ;
} ` }}