import fs from './fileSystem'
import async from 'async'
import path from 'path'
import { Compiler as RemixCompiler } from '@remix-project/remix-solidity'
import { SrcIfc, CompilerConfiguration, CompilationErrors } from './types'
function regexIndexOf (inputString: string, regex: RegExp, startpos = 0) {
const indexOf = inputString.substring(startpos).search(regex)
return (indexOf >= 0) ? (indexOf + (startpos)) : indexOf
function writeTestAccountsContract (accounts: string[]) {
const testAccountContract = require('../sol/tests_accounts.sol')
let body = `address[${accounts.length}] memory accounts;`
if (!accounts.length) body += ';'
else {
accounts.map((address, index) => {
body += `\naccounts[${index}] = ${address};\n`
return testAccountContract.replace('>accounts<', body)
* @dev Check if path includes name of a remix test file
* @param path file path to check
function isRemixTestFile(path: string) {
return ['tests.sol', 'remix_tests.sol', 'remix_accounts.sol'].some(name => path.includes(name))
* @dev Process file to prepare sources object to be passed in solc compiler input
* See: https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/latest/using-the-compiler.html#input-description
* @param filePath path of file to process
* @param sources existing 'sources' object in which keys are the "global" names of the source files and
* value is object containing content of corresponding file with under key 'content'
* @param isRoot True, If file is a root test contract file which is getting processed, not an imported file
function processFile(filePath: string, sources: SrcIfc, isRoot = false) {
const importRegEx = /import ['"](.+?)['"];/g;
let group: RegExpExecArray| null = null;
const isFileAlreadyInSources: boolean = Object.keys(sources).includes(filePath)
// Return if file is a remix test file or already processed
if(isRemixTestFile(filePath) || isFileAlreadyInSources)
let content: string = fs.readFileSync(filePath, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
const testFileImportRegEx = /^(import)\s['"](remix_tests.sol|tests.sol)['"];/gm
// import 'remix_tests.sol', if file is a root test contract file and doesn't already have it
if (isRoot && filePath.endsWith('_test.sol') && regexIndexOf(content, testFileImportRegEx) < 0) {
const includeTestLibs = '\nimport \'remix_tests.sol\';\n'
content = includeTestLibs.concat(content)
sources[filePath] = {content};
importRegEx.exec(''); // Resetting state of RegEx
// Process each 'import' in file content
while ((group = importRegEx.exec(content))) {
const importedFile: string = group[1];
const importedFilePath: string = path.join(path.dirname(filePath), importedFile);
processFile(importedFilePath, sources)
const userAgent = (typeof (navigator) !== 'undefined') && navigator.userAgent ? navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() : '-'
const isBrowser = !(typeof (window) === 'undefined' || userAgent.indexOf(' electron/') > -1)
* @dev Compile file or files before running tests (used for CLI execution)
* @param filename Name of file
* @param isDirectory True, if path is a directory
* @param opts Options
* @param cb Callback
* TODO: replace this with remix's own compiler code
export function compileFileOrFiles(filename: string, isDirectory: boolean, opts: any, cb): void {
let compiler: any
const accounts: string[] = opts.accounts || []
const sources: SrcIfc = {
'tests.sol': { content: require('../sol/tests.sol') },
'remix_tests.sol': { content: require('../sol/tests.sol') },
'remix_accounts.sol': { content: writeTestAccountsContract(accounts) }
const filepath: string = (isDirectory ? filename : path.dirname(filename))
try {
if(!isDirectory && fs.existsSync(filename)) {
if (filename.split('.').pop() === 'sol') {
processFile(filename, sources, true)
} else {
throw new Error('Not a solidity file')
} else {
// walkSync only if it is a directory
fs.walkSync(filepath, (foundpath: string) => {
// only process .sol files
if (foundpath.split('.').pop() === 'sol') {
processFile(foundpath, sources, true)
} catch (e) { // eslint-disable-line no-useless-catch
throw e
} finally {
function loadCompiler(next) {
compiler = new RemixCompiler()
// compiler.event.register('compilerLoaded', this, function (version) {
// });
function doCompilation(next) {
// @ts-ignore
compiler.event.register('compilationFinished', this, (success, data, source) => {
next(null, data)
compiler.compile(sources, filepath)
], function (err: Error | null | undefined, result: any) {
const error: Error[] = []
if (result.error) error.push(result.error)
const errors = (result.errors || error).filter((e) => e.type === 'Error' || e.severity === 'error')
if (errors.length > 0) {
if (!isBrowser) require('signale').fatal(errors)
return cb(new CompilationErrors(errors))
cb(err, result.contracts, result.sources) //return callback with contract details & ASTs
* @dev Compile contract source before running tests (used for IDE tests execution)
* @param sources sources
* @param compilerConfig current compiler configuration
* @param importFileCb Import file callback
* @param opts Options
* @param cb Callback
export function compileContractSources(sources: SrcIfc, compilerConfig: CompilerConfiguration, importFileCb: any, opts: any, cb): void {
let compiler, filepath: string
const accounts: string[] = opts.accounts || []
// Iterate over sources keys. Inject test libraries. Inject test library import statements.
if (!('remix_tests.sol' in sources) && !('tests.sol' in sources)) {
sources['tests.sol'] = { content: require('../sol/tests.sol.js') }
sources['remix_tests.sol'] = { content: require('../sol/tests.sol.js') }
sources['remix_accounts.sol'] = { content: writeTestAccountsContract(accounts) }
const testFileImportRegEx = /^(import)\s['"](remix_tests.sol|tests.sol)['"];/gm
const includeTestLibs = '\nimport \'remix_tests.sol\';\n'
for (const file in sources) {
const c: string = sources[file].content
if (file.endsWith('_test.sol') && c && regexIndexOf(c, testFileImportRegEx) < 0) {
sources[file].content = includeTestLibs.concat(c)
function loadCompiler (next) {
const {currentCompilerUrl, evmVersion, optimize, usingWorker} = compilerConfig
compiler = new RemixCompiler(importFileCb)
compiler.set('evmVersion', evmVersion)
compiler.set('optimize', optimize)
compiler.loadVersion(usingWorker, currentCompilerUrl)
// @ts-ignore
compiler.event.register('compilerLoaded', this, (version) => {
function doCompilation (next) {
// @ts-ignore
compiler.event.register('compilationFinished', this, (success, data, source) => {
next(null, data)
compiler.compile(sources, filepath)
], function (err: Error | null | undefined , result: any) {
const error: Error[] = []
if (result.error) error.push(result.error)
const errors = (result.errors || error).filter((e) => e.type === 'Error' || e.severity === 'error')
if (errors.length > 0) {
if (!isBrowser) require('signale').fatal(errors)
return cb(new CompilationErrors(errors))
cb(err, result.contracts, result.sources) // return callback with contract details & ASTs