import Web3 from 'web3'
import { toChecksumAddress, BN } from 'ethereumjs-util'
import { processTx } from './txProcess'
export class Transactions {
constructor (executionContext) {
this.executionContext = executionContext
init (accounts) {
this.accounts = accounts
methods () {
return {
eth_sendTransaction: this.eth_sendTransaction.bind(this),
eth_getTransactionReceipt: this.eth_getTransactionReceipt.bind(this),
eth_getCode: this.eth_getCode.bind(this),
eth_call: this.eth_call.bind(this),
eth_estimateGas: this.eth_estimateGas.bind(this),
eth_getTransactionCount: this.eth_getTransactionCount.bind(this),
eth_getTransactionByHash: this.eth_getTransactionByHash.bind(this),
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex: this.eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex.bind(this),
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex: this.eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex.bind(this)
eth_sendTransaction (payload, cb) {
// from might be lowercased address (web3)
if (payload.params && payload.params.length > 0 && payload.params[0].from) {
payload.params[0].from = toChecksumAddress(payload.params[0].from)
processTx(this.executionContext, this.accounts, payload, false, cb)
eth_getTransactionReceipt (payload, cb) {
this.executionContext.web3().eth.getTransactionReceipt(payload.params[0], (error, receipt) => {
if (error) {
return cb(error)
const txBlock = this.executionContext.txs[receipt.hash]
const r: Record <string, unknown> = {
transactionHash: receipt.hash,
transactionIndex: '0x00',
blockHash: '0x' + txBlock.hash().toString('hex'),
blockNumber: '0x' + txBlock.header.number.toString('hex'),
gasUsed: Web3.utils.toHex(receipt.gas),
cumulativeGasUsed: Web3.utils.toHex(receipt.gas),
contractAddress: receipt.contractAddress,
logs: receipt.logs,
status: receipt.status,
to: receipt.to
if (r.blockNumber === '0x') {
r.blockNumber = '0x0'
cb(null, r)
eth_estimateGas (payload, cb) {
cb(null, 3000000)
eth_getCode (payload, cb) {
const address = payload.params[0]
this.executionContext.web3().eth.getCode(address, (error, result) => {
if (error) {
console.dir('error getting code')
cb(error, result)
eth_call (payload, cb) {
// from might be lowercased address (web3)
if (payload.params && payload.params.length > 0 && payload.params[0].from) {
payload.params[0].from = toChecksumAddress(payload.params[0].from)
if (payload.params && payload.params.length > 0 && payload.params[0].to) {
payload.params[0].to = toChecksumAddress(payload.params[0].to)
payload.params[0].value = undefined
processTx(this.executionContext, this.accounts, payload, true, cb)
eth_getTransactionCount (payload, cb) {
const address = payload.params[0]
this.executionContext.vm().stateManager.getAccount(address, (err, account) => {
if (err) {
return cb(err)
const nonce = new BN(account.nonce).toString(10)
cb(null, nonce)
eth_getTransactionByHash (payload, cb) {
const address = payload.params[0]
this.executionContext.web3().eth.getTransactionReceipt(address, (error, receipt) => {
if (error) {
return cb(error)
const txBlock = this.executionContext.txs[receipt.transactionHash]
// TODO: params to add later
const r: Record<string, unknown> = {
blockHash: '0x' + txBlock.hash().toString('hex'),
blockNumber: '0x' + txBlock.header.number.toString('hex'),
from: receipt.from,
gas: Web3.utils.toHex(receipt.gas),
// 'gasPrice': '2000000000000', // 0x123
gasPrice: '0x4a817c800', // 20000000000
hash: receipt.transactionHash,
input: receipt.input,
nonce: 2, // 0x15 // the nonce should be updated
// "transactionIndex": 0,
value: receipt.value
// "value":"0xf3dbb76162000" // 4290000000000000
// "v": "0x25", // 37
// "r": "0x1b5e176d927f8e9ab405058b2d2457392da3e20f328b16ddabcebc33eaac5fea",
// "s": "0x4ba69724e8f69de52f0125ad8b3c5c2cef33019bac3249e2c0a2192766d1721c"
if (receipt.to) {
r['to'] = receipt.to
if (r.value === '0x') {
r.value = '0x0'
if (r.blockNumber === '0x') {
r.blockNumber = '0x0'
cb(null, r)
eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex (payload, cb) {
const txIndex = payload.params[1]
const txBlock = this.executionContext.blocks[payload.params[0]]
const txHash = '0x' + txBlock.transactions[Web3.utils.toDecimal(txIndex)].hash().toString('hex')
this.executionContext.web3().eth.getTransactionReceipt(txHash, (error, receipt) => {
if (error) {
return cb(error)
// TODO: params to add later
const r: Record<string, unknown> = {
blockHash: '0x' + txBlock.hash().toString('hex'),
blockNumber: '0x' + txBlock.header.number.toString('hex'),
from: receipt.from,
gas: Web3.utils.toHex(receipt.gas),
// 'gasPrice': '2000000000000', // 0x123
gasPrice: '0x4a817c800', // 20000000000
hash: receipt.transactionHash,
input: receipt.input,
nonce: 2, // 0x15 // the nonce should be updated
// "transactionIndex": 0,
value: receipt.value
// "value":"0xf3dbb76162000" // 4290000000000000
// "v": "0x25", // 37
// "r": "0x1b5e176d927f8e9ab405058b2d2457392da3e20f328b16ddabcebc33eaac5fea",
// "s": "0x4ba69724e8f69de52f0125ad8b3c5c2cef33019bac3249e2c0a2192766d1721c"
if (receipt.to) {
r['to'] = receipt.to
if (r.value === '0x') {
r.value = '0x0'
cb(null, r)
eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex (payload, cb) {
const txIndex = payload.params[1]
const txBlock = this.executionContext.blocks[payload.params[0]]
const txHash = '0x' + txBlock.transactions[Web3.utils.toDecimal(txIndex)].hash().toString('hex')
this.executionContext.web3().eth.getTransactionReceipt(txHash, (error, receipt) => {
if (error) {
return cb(error)
// TODO: params to add later
const r: Record<string, unknown> = {
blockHash: '0x' + txBlock.hash().toString('hex'),
blockNumber: '0x' + txBlock.header.number.toString('hex'),
from: receipt.from,
gas: Web3.utils.toHex(receipt.gas),
// 'gasPrice': '2000000000000', // 0x123
gasPrice: '0x4a817c800', // 20000000000
hash: receipt.transactionHash,
input: receipt.input,
nonce: 2, // 0x15 // the nonce should be updated
// "transactionIndex": 0,
value: receipt.value
// "value":"0xf3dbb76162000" // 4290000000000000
// "v": "0x25", // 37
// "r": "0x1b5e176d927f8e9ab405058b2d2457392da3e20f328b16ddabcebc33eaac5fea",
// "s": "0x4ba69724e8f69de52f0125ad8b3c5c2cef33019bac3249e2c0a2192766d1721c"
if (receipt.to) {
r['to'] = receipt.to
if (r.value === '0x') {
r.value = '0x0'
cb(null, r)