remix-project mirror
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Remix Plugin API usage
This section list all the available key and value pair which define this API:
## 1) notifications
### app (key: app)
- unfocus `[]`
- focus `[]`
### compiler (key: compiler)
- compilationFinished `[success (bool), data (obj), source (obj)]`
- compilationData `[compilationResult (obj)]`
### transaction listener (key: txlistener)
- newTransaction `[tx (obj)]`
### addendum
`newTransaction` is broadcasted to all loaded plugins.
`compilationFinished` is sent to the plugin that currently has the focus.
`focus / unfocus` is sent to the plugin which currently has the focus or is unfocused.
`compilationData` is sent always just upon the `focus` event and gives the last compilation result.
## 2) requests
### app
- getExecutionContextProvider `@return {String} provider (injected | web3 | vm)`
- updateTitle `@param {String} title`
### config
- setConfig `@param {String} path, @param {String} content`
- getConfig `@param {String} path`
- removeConfig `@param {String} path`
### compiler
- getCompilationResult `@return {Object} compilation result`
### udapp (only VM)
- runTx `@param {Object} tx`
- getAccounts `@return {Array} acccounts`
- createVMAccount `@param {String} privateKey, @param {String} balance (hex)`