'use strict'
import { BN , bufferToHex , keccak , setLengthLeft } from 'ethereumjs-util'
/ *
contains misc util : @TODO should be splitted
- hex conversion
- binary search
- CALL related look up
- sha3 calculation
- swarm hash extraction
- bytecode comparison
* /
/ *
ints : IntArray
* /
export function hexConvert ( ints ) {
let ret = '0x'
for ( let i = 0 ; i < ints . length ; i ++ ) {
const h = ints [ i ]
if ( h ) {
ret += ( h <= 0xf ? '0' : '' ) + h . toString ( 16 )
} else {
ret += '00'
return ret
/ * *
* Converts a hex string to an array of integers .
* /
export function hexToIntArray ( hexString ) {
if ( hexString . slice ( 0 , 2 ) === '0x' ) {
hexString = hexString . slice ( 2 )
const integers = [ ]
for ( let i = 0 ; i < hexString . length ; i += 2 ) {
integers . push ( parseInt ( hexString . slice ( i , i + 2 ) , 16 ) )
return integers
/ *
ints : list of BNs
* /
export function hexListFromBNs ( bnList ) {
const ret = [ ]
for ( const k in bnList ) {
const v = bnList [ k ]
if ( BN . isBN ( v ) ) {
ret . push ( '0x' + v . toString ( 'hex' , 64 ) )
} else {
ret . push ( '0x' + ( new BN ( v ) ) . toString ( 'hex' , 64 ) ) // TEMP FIX TO REMOVE ONCE https://github.com/ethereumjs/ethereumjs-vm/pull/293 is released
return ret
/ *
ints : list of IntArrays
* /
export function hexListConvert ( intsList ) {
const ret = [ ]
for ( const k in intsList ) {
ret . push ( this . hexConvert ( intsList [ k ] ) )
return ret
/ *
ints : ints : IntArray
* /
export function formatMemory ( mem ) {
const hexMem = this . hexConvert ( mem ) . substr ( 2 )
const ret = [ ]
for ( let k = 0 ; k < hexMem . length ; k += 32 ) {
const row = hexMem . substr ( k , 32 )
ret . push ( row )
return ret
/ *
Binary Search :
Assumes that @arg array is sorted increasingly
return largest i such that array [ i ] <= target ; return - 1 if array [ 0 ] > target || array is empty
* /
export function findLowerBound ( target , array ) {
let start = 0
let length = array . length
while ( length > 0 ) {
const half = length >> 1
const middle = start + half
if ( array [ middle ] <= target ) {
length = length - 1 - half
start = middle + 1
} else {
length = half
return start - 1
/ *
Binary Search :
Assumes that @arg array is sorted increasingly
return largest array [ i ] such that array [ i ] <= target ; return null if array [ 0 ] > target || array is empty
* /
export function findLowerBoundValue ( target , array ) {
const index = this . findLowerBound ( target , array )
return index >= 0 ? array [ index ] : null
/ *
Binary Search :
Assumes that @arg array is sorted increasingly
return Return i such that | array [ i ] - target | is smallest among all i and - 1 for an empty array .
Returns the smallest i for multiple candidates .
* /
export function findClosestIndex ( target , array ) : number {
if ( array . length === 0 ) {
return - 1
const index = this . findLowerBound ( target , array )
if ( index < 0 ) {
return 0
} else if ( index >= array . length - 1 ) {
return array . length - 1
} else {
const middle = ( array [ index ] + array [ index + 1 ] ) / 2
return target <= middle ? index : index + 1
/ * *
* Find the call from @args rootCall which contains @args index ( recursive )
* @param { Int } index - index of the vmtrace
* @param { Object } rootCall - call tree , built by the trace analyser
* @return { Object } - return the call which include the @args index
* /
export function findCall ( index , rootCall ) {
const ret = buildCallPath ( index , rootCall )
return ret [ ret . length - 1 ]
/ * *
* Find calls path from @args rootCall which leads to @args index ( recursive )
* @param { Int } index - index of the vmtrace
* @param { Object } rootCall - call tree , built by the trace analyser
* @return { Array } - return the calls path to @args index
* /
export function buildCallPath ( index , rootCall ) {
const ret = [ ]
findCallInternal ( index , rootCall , ret )
return ret
/ * *
* sha3 the given @arg value ( left pad to 32 bytes )
* @param { String } value - value to sha3
* @return { Object } - return sha3ied value
* /
// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
export function sha3_256 ( value ) {
if ( typeof value === 'string' && value . indexOf ( '0x' ) !== 0 ) {
value = '0x' + value
const retInBuffer : Buffer = keccak ( setLengthLeft ( Buffer . from ( value . replace ( '0x' , '' ) , 'hex' ) , 32 ) )
return bufferToHex ( retInBuffer )
/ * *
* return a regex which extract the swarmhash from the bytecode .
* @return { RegEx }
* /
export function swarmHashExtraction ( ) {
return /a165627a7a72305820([0-9a-f]{64})0029$/
/ * *
* return a regex which extract the swarmhash from the bytecode , from POC 0.3
* @return { RegEx }
* /
export function swarmHashExtractionPOC31 ( ) {
return /a265627a7a72315820([0-9a-f]{64})64736f6c6343([0-9a-f]{6})0032$/
/ * *
* return a regex which extract the swarmhash from the bytecode , from POC 0.3
* @return { RegEx }
* /
export function swarmHashExtractionPOC32 ( ) {
return /a265627a7a72305820([0-9a-f]{64})64736f6c6343([0-9a-f]{6})0032$/
/ * *
* return a regex which extract the cbor encoded metadata : { "ipfs" : < IPFS hash > , "solc" : < compiler version > } from the bytecode .
* ref https : //solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.6.6/metadata.html?highlight=ipfs#encoding-of-the-metadata-hash-in-the-bytecode
* @return { RegEx }
* /
export function cborEncodedValueExtraction ( ) {
return /64697066735822([0-9a-f]{68})64736f6c6343([0-9a-f]{6})0033$/
export function extractcborMetadata ( value ) {
return value . replace ( this . cborEncodedValueExtraction ( ) , '' )
export function extractSwarmHash ( value ) {
value = value . replace ( this . swarmHashExtraction ( ) , '' )
value = value . replace ( this . swarmHashExtractionPOC31 ( ) , '' )
value = value . replace ( this . swarmHashExtractionPOC32 ( ) , '' )
return value
/ * *
* Compare bytecode . return true if the code is equal ( handle swarm hash and library references )
* @param { String } code1 - the bytecode that is actually deployed ( contains resolved library reference and a potentially different swarmhash )
* @param { String } code2 - the bytecode generated by the compiler ( contains unresolved library reference and a potentially different swarmhash )
this will return false if the generated bytecode is empty ( asbtract contract cannot be deployed )
* @return { bool }
* /
export function compareByteCode ( code1 , code2 ) {
if ( code1 === code2 ) return true
if ( code2 === '0x' ) return false // abstract contract. see comment
if ( code2 . substr ( 2 , 46 ) === '7300000000000000000000000000000000000000003014' ) {
// testing the following signature: PUSH20 00..00 ADDRESS EQ
// in the context of a library, that slot contains the address of the library (pushed by the compiler to avoid calling library other than with a DELEGATECALL)
// if code2 is not a library, well we still suppose that the comparison remain relevant even if we remove some information from `code1`
code1 = replaceLibReference ( code1 , 4 )
let pos = - 1
while ( ( pos = code2 . search ( /__(.*)__/ ) ) !== - 1 ) {
code2 = replaceLibReference ( code2 , pos )
code1 = replaceLibReference ( code1 , pos )
code1 = this . extractSwarmHash ( code1 )
code1 = this . extractcborMetadata ( code1 )
code2 = this . extractSwarmHash ( code2 )
code2 = this . extractcborMetadata ( code2 )
if ( code1 && code2 && code1 . indexOf ( code2 ) === 0 ) {
return true
return false
/* util extracted out from remix-ide. @TODO split this file, cause it mix real util fn with solidity related stuff ... */
export function groupBy ( arr , key ) {
return arr . reduce ( ( sum , item ) = > {
const groupByVal = item [ key ]
const groupedItems = sum [ groupByVal ] || [ ]
groupedItems . push ( item )
sum [ groupByVal ] = groupedItems
return sum
} , { } )
export function concatWithSeperator ( list , seperator ) {
return list . reduce ( ( sum , item ) = > sum + item + seperator , '' ) . slice ( 0 , - seperator . length )
export function escapeRegExp ( str ) {
return str . replace ( /[-[\]/{}()+?.\\^$|]/g , '\\$&' )
function replaceLibReference ( code , pos ) {
return code . substring ( 0 , pos ) + '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' + code . substring ( pos + 40 )
function findCallInternal ( index , rootCall , callsPath ) {
const calls = Object . keys ( rootCall . calls )
const ret = rootCall
callsPath . push ( rootCall )
for ( const k in calls ) {
const subCall = rootCall . calls [ calls [ k ] ]
if ( index >= subCall . start && index <= subCall . return ) {
findCallInternal ( index , subCall , callsPath )
return ret