/* global prompt */
'use strict'
var $ = require('jquery')
var ethJSUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
var ethJSABI = require('ethereumjs-abi')
var BN = ethJSUtil.BN
var EventManager = require('./lib/eventManager')
var crypto = require('crypto')
var async = require('async')
var TxRunner = require('./app/txRunner')
trigger debugRequested
function UniversalDApp (executionContext, options, txdebugger) {
this.event = new EventManager()
var self = this
self.options = options || {}
self.$el = $('<div class="udapp" />')
self.personalMode = self.options.personalMode || false
self.txdebugger = txdebugger // temporary: will not be needed anymore when we'll add memory support to the VM
var defaultRenderOutputModifier = function (name, content) { return content }
self.renderOutputModifier = defaultRenderOutputModifier
self.web3 = executionContext.web3()
self.vm = executionContext.vm()
self.executionContext = executionContext
self.executionContext.event.register('contextChanged', this, function (context) {
self.txRunner = new TxRunner(executionContext, {}, {
queueTxs: true,
personalMode: this.personalMode
UniversalDApp.prototype.reset = function (contracts, getAddress, getValue, getGasLimit, renderer) {
this.contracts = contracts
this.getAddress = getAddress
this.getValue = getValue
this.getGasLimit = getGasLimit
this.renderOutputModifier = renderer
this.accounts = {}
if (this.executionContext.isVM()) {
this.txRunner = new TxRunner(this.executionContext, this.accounts, {
queueTxs: true,
personalMode: this.personalMode
UniversalDApp.prototype.newAccount = function (password) {
if (!this.executionContext.isVM()) {
if (!this.personalMode) {
throw new Error('Not running in personal mode')
} else {
var privateKey
do {
privateKey = crypto.randomBytes(32)
} while (!ethJSUtil.isValidPrivate(privateKey))
UniversalDApp.prototype._addAccount = function (privateKey, balance) {
var self = this
if (!self.executionContext.isVM()) {
throw new Error('_addAccount() cannot be called in non-VM mode')
if (self.accounts) {
privateKey = new Buffer(privateKey, 'hex')
var address = ethJSUtil.privateToAddress(privateKey)
// FIXME: we don't care about the callback, but we should still make this proper
self.vm.stateManager.putAccountBalance(address, balance || 'f00000000000000001', function cb () {})
self.accounts['0x' + address.toString('hex')] = { privateKey: privateKey, nonce: 0 }
UniversalDApp.prototype.getAccounts = function (cb) {
var self = this
if (!self.executionContext.isVM()) {
// Weirdness of web3: listAccounts() is sync, `getListAccounts()` is async
// See: https://github.com/ethereum/web3.js/issues/442
if (self.personalMode) {
} else {
} else {
if (!self.accounts) {
return cb('No accounts?')
cb(null, Object.keys(self.accounts))
UniversalDApp.prototype.getBalance = function (address, cb) {
var self = this
address = ethJSUtil.stripHexPrefix(address)
if (!self.executionContext.isVM()) {
self.web3.eth.getBalance(address, function (err, res) {
if (err) {
} else {
cb(null, res.toString(10))
} else {
if (!self.accounts) {
return cb('No accounts?')
self.vm.stateManager.getAccountBalance(new Buffer(address, 'hex'), function (err, res) {
if (err) {
cb('Account not found')
} else {
cb(null, new BN(res).toString(10))
UniversalDApp.prototype.render = function () {
var self = this
// NOTE: don't display anything if there are no contracts to display
if (self.contracts.length === 0) {
return self.$el
var $legend = $('<div class="legend" />')
.append($('<div class="attach"/>').text('Attach'))
.append($('<div class="transact"/>').text('Transact'))
.append($('<div class="call"/>').text('Call'))
for (var c in self.contracts) {
var $contractEl = $('<div class="contract"/>')
if (self.contracts[c].address) {
self.getInstanceInterface(self.contracts[c], self.contracts[c].address, $contractEl)
} else {
var $title = $('<span class="title"/>').text(self.contracts[c].name)
if (self.contracts[c].bytecode) {
$title.append($('<div class="size"/>').text((self.contracts[c].bytecode.length / 2) + ' bytes'))
$contractEl.append($title).append(self.getCreateInterface($contractEl, self.contracts[c]))
self.$el.append(self.renderOutputModifier(self.contracts[c].name, $contractEl))
return self.$el
UniversalDApp.prototype.getContractByName = function (contractName) {
var self = this
for (var c in self.contracts) {
if (self.contracts[c].name === contractName) {
return self.contracts[c]
return null
UniversalDApp.prototype.getCreateInterface = function ($container, contract) {
var self = this
var $createInterface = $('<div class="create"/>')
if (self.options.removable) {
var $close = $('<div class="udapp-close" />')
$close.click(function () { self.$el.remove() })
var $atButton = $('<button class="atAddress"/>').text('At Address').click(function () { self.clickContractAt(self, $container.find('.createContract'), contract) })
var $newButton = self.getInstanceInterface(contract)
if (!$newButton) {
return $createInterface
// Only display creation interface for non-abstract contracts.
// FIXME: maybe have a flag for this in the JSON?
// FIXME: maybe fix getInstanceInterface() below for this case
if (contract.bytecode.length === 0) {
var $createButton = $newButton.find('.constructor .call')
// NOTE: we must show the button to have CSS properly lined up
$createButton.attr('disabled', 'disabled')
$createButton.attr('title', 'This contract does not implement all functions and thus cannot be created.')
return $createInterface
UniversalDApp.prototype.getInstanceInterface = function (contract, address, $target) {
var self = this
var abi = JSON.parse(contract.interface).sort(function (a, b) {
if (a.name > b.name) {
return -1
} else {
return 1
}).sort(function (a, b) {
if (a.constant === true) {
return -1
} else {
return 1
var funABI = self.getConstructorInterface(abi)
if (!funABI) {
var $createInterface = $('<div class="createContract"/>')
var appendFunctions = function (address, $el) {
var $instance = $('<div class="instance"/>')
if (self.options.removable_instances) {
var $close = $('<div class="udapp-close" />')
$close.click(function () { $instance.remove() })
var context = self.executionContext.isVM() ? 'memory' : 'blockchain'
address = (address.slice(0, 2) === '0x' ? '' : '0x') + address.toString('hex')
var $title = $('<span class="title"/>').text(contract.name + ' at ' + address + ' (' + context + ')')
$title.click(function () {
var $events = $('<div class="events"/>')
var parseLogs = function (err, response) {
if (err) {
var $event = $('<div class="event" />')
var $close = $('<div class="udapp-close" />')
$close.click(function () { $event.remove() })
$event.append($('<span class="name"/>').text(response.event))
.append($('<span class="args" />').text(JSON.stringify(response.args, null, 2)))
if (self.executionContext.isVM()) {
// FIXME: support indexed events
var eventABI = {}
$.each(abi, function (i, funABI) {
if (funABI.type !== 'event') {
var hash = ethJSABI.eventID(funABI.name, funABI.inputs.map(function (item) { return item.type }))
eventABI[hash.toString('hex')] = { event: funABI.name, inputs: funABI.inputs }
self.vm.on('afterTx', function (response) {
for (var i in response.vm.logs) {
// [address, topics, mem]
var log = response.vm.logs[i]
var event
var decoded
try {
var abi = eventABI[log[1][0].toString('hex')]
event = abi.event
var types = abi.inputs.map(function (item) {
return item.type
decoded = ethJSABI.rawDecode(types, log[2])
decoded = ethJSABI.stringify(types, decoded)
} catch (e) {
decoded = '0x' + log[2].toString('hex')
parseLogs(null, { event: event, args: decoded })
} else {
var eventFilter = self.web3.eth.contract(abi).at(address).allEvents()
// Add the fallback function
var fallback = self.getFallbackInterface(abi)
if (fallback) {
abi: fallback,
encode: function (args) {
return ''
address: address
$.each(abi, function (i, funABI) {
if (funABI.type !== 'function') {
// @todo getData cannot be used with overloaded functions
abi: funABI,
encode: function (args) {
var types = []
for (var i = 0; i < funABI.inputs.length; i++) {
return Buffer.concat([ ethJSABI.methodID(funABI.name, types), ethJSABI.rawEncode(types, args) ]).toString('hex')
address: address
$el = $el || $createInterface
if (!address || !$target) {
abi: funABI,
encode: function (args) {
var types = []
for (var i = 0; i < funABI.inputs.length; i++) {
// NOTE: the caller will concatenate the bytecode and this
// it could be done here too for consistency
return ethJSABI.rawEncode(types, args).toString('hex')
contractName: contract.name,
bytecode: contract.bytecode,
appendFunctions: appendFunctions
} else {
appendFunctions(address, $target)
return $createInterface
UniversalDApp.prototype.getConstructorInterface = function (abi) {
for (var i = 0; i < abi.length; i++) {
if (abi[i].type === 'constructor') {
return abi[i]
return { 'type': 'constructor', 'payable': false, 'inputs': [] }
UniversalDApp.prototype.getFallbackInterface = function (abi) {
for (var i = 0; i < abi.length; i++) {
if (abi[i].type === 'fallback') {
return abi[i]
UniversalDApp.prototype.getCallButton = function (args) {
var self = this
// args.abi, args.encode, args.bytecode [constr only], args.address [fun only]
// args.contractName [constr only], args.appendFunctions [constr only]
var isConstructor = args.bytecode !== undefined
var lookupOnly = (args.abi.constant && !isConstructor)
var inputs = ''
if (args.abi.inputs) {
$.each(args.abi.inputs, function (i, inp) {
if (inputs !== '') {
inputs += ', '
inputs += inp.type + ' ' + inp.name
var inputField = $('<input/>').attr('placeholder', inputs).attr('title', inputs)
var $outputOverride = $('<div class="value" />')
var outputSpan = $('<div class="output"/>')
var getReturnOutput = function (result) {
var returnName = lookupOnly ? 'Value' : 'Result'
var returnCls = lookupOnly ? 'value' : 'returned'
return $('<div class="' + returnCls + '">').html('<strong>' + returnName + ':</strong> ' + JSON.stringify(result, null, 2))
var getDebugTransaction = function (result) {
var $debugTx = $('<div class="debugTx">')
var $button = $('<button title="Launch Debugger" class="debug"><i class="fa fa-bug"></i></button>')
$button.click(function () {
self.event.trigger('debugRequested', [result])
return $debugTx
var getDebugCall = function (result) {
var $debugTx = $('<div class="debugCall">')
var $button = $('<button title="Launch Debugger" class="debug"><i class="fa fa-bug"></i></button>')
$button.click(function () {
self.event.trigger('debugRequested', [result])
return $debugTx
var getGasUsedOutput = function (result, vmResult) {
var $gasUsed = $('<div class="gasUsed">')
var caveat = lookupOnly ? '<em>(<span class="caveat" title="Cost only applies when called by a contract">caveat</span>)</em>' : ''
var gas
if (result.gasUsed) {
gas = result.gasUsed.toString(10)
$gasUsed.html('<strong>Transaction cost:</strong> ' + gas + ' gas. ' + caveat)
if (vmResult && vmResult.gasUsed) {
var $callGasUsed = $('<div class="gasUsed">')
gas = vmResult.gasUsed.toString(10)
$callGasUsed.append('<strong>Execution cost:</strong> ' + gas + ' gas.')
return $gasUsed
var getDecodedOutput = function (result) {
var $decoded
if (Array.isArray(result)) {
$decoded = $('<ol>')
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
} else {
$decoded = result
return $('<div class="decoded">').html('<strong>Decoded:</strong> ').append($decoded)
var getOutput = function () {
var $result = $('<div class="result" />')
var $close = $('<div class="udapp-close" />')
$close.click(function () { $result.remove() })
return $result
var clearOutput = function ($result) {
$(':not(.udapp-close)', $result).remove()
var replaceOutput = function ($result, message) {
var handleCallButtonClick = function (ev, $result) {
if (!$result) {
$result = getOutput()
if (lookupOnly && !inputs.length) {
} else {
var funArgs = ''
try {
funArgs = $.parseJSON('[' + inputField.val() + ']')
} catch (e) {
replaceOutput($result, $('<span/>').text('Error encoding arguments: ' + e))
var data = ''
if (!isConstructor || funArgs.length > 0) {
try {
data = args.encode(funArgs)
} catch (e) {
replaceOutput($result, $('<span/>').text('Error encoding arguments: ' + e))
if (data.slice(0, 9) === 'undefined') {
data = data.slice(9)
if (data.slice(0, 2) === '0x') {
data = data.slice(2)
replaceOutput($result, $('<span>Waiting for transaction to be mined...</span>'))
if (isConstructor) {
if (args.bytecode.indexOf('_') >= 0) {
replaceOutput($result, $('<span>Deploying and linking required libraries...</span>'))
self.linkBytecode(args.contractName, function (err, bytecode) {
if (err) {
replaceOutput($result, $('<span/>').text('Error deploying required libraries: ' + err))
} else {
args.bytecode = bytecode
handleCallButtonClick(ev, $result)
} else {
data = args.bytecode + data
var decodeResponse = function (response) {
// Only decode if there supposed to be fields
if (args.abi.outputs && args.abi.outputs.length > 0) {
try {
var i
var outputTypes = []
for (i = 0; i < args.abi.outputs.length; i++) {
// decode data
var decodedObj = ethJSABI.rawDecode(outputTypes, response)
// format decoded data
decodedObj = ethJSABI.stringify(outputTypes, decodedObj)
for (i = 0; i < outputTypes.length; i++) {
var name = args.abi.outputs[i].name
if (name.length > 0) {
decodedObj[i] = outputTypes[i] + ' ' + name + ': ' + decodedObj[i]
} else {
decodedObj[i] = outputTypes[i] + ': ' + decodedObj[i]
return getDecodedOutput(decodedObj)
} catch (e) {
return getDecodedOutput('Failed to decode output: ' + e)
var decoded
self.runTx({ to: args.address, data: data, useCall: args.abi.constant && !isConstructor }, function (err, txResult) {
if (!txResult) {
replaceOutput($result, $('<span/>').text('callback contain no result ' + err).addClass('error'))
var result = txResult.result
if (err) {
replaceOutput($result, $('<span/>').text(err).addClass('error'))
// VM only
} else if (self.executionContext.isVM() && result.vm.exception === 0 && result.vm.exceptionError) {
replaceOutput($result, $('<span/>').text('VM Exception: ' + result.vm.exceptionError).addClass('error'))
// VM only
} else if (self.executionContext.isVM() && result.vm.return === undefined) {
replaceOutput($result, $('<span/>').text('Exception during execution.').addClass('error'))
} else if (isConstructor) {
replaceOutput($result, getGasUsedOutput(result, result.vm))
args.appendFunctions(self.executionContext.isVM() ? result.createdAddress : result.contractAddress)
} else if (self.executionContext.isVM()) {
var outputObj = '0x' + result.vm.return.toString('hex')
$result.append(getReturnOutput(outputObj)).append(getGasUsedOutput(result, result.vm))
decoded = decodeResponse(result.vm.return)
if (decoded) {
if (args.abi.constant) {
} else {
} else if (args.abi.constant && !isConstructor) {
decoded = decodeResponse(ethJSUtil.toBuffer(result))
if (decoded) {
} else {
var title
if (isConstructor) {
title = 'Create'
} else if (args.abi.name) {
title = args.abi.name
} else {
title = '(fallback)'
var button = $('<button />')
.attr('title', title)
if (lookupOnly && !inputs.length) {
var $contractProperty = $('<div class="contractProperty"/>')
.toggleClass('constant', !isConstructor && args.abi.constant)
.toggleClass('hasArgs', args.abi.inputs && args.abi.inputs.length > 0)
.toggleClass('constructor', isConstructor)
.append((lookupOnly && !inputs.length) ? $outputOverride : inputField)
return $contractProperty.append(outputSpan)
UniversalDApp.prototype.linkBytecode = function (contractName, cb) {
var self = this
var bytecode = self.getContractByName(contractName).bytecode
if (bytecode.indexOf('_') < 0) {
return cb(null, bytecode)
var m = bytecode.match(/__([^_]{1,36})__/)
if (!m) {
return cb('Invalid bytecode format.')
var libraryName = m[1]
if (!self.getContractByName(libraryName)) {
return cb('Library ' + libraryName + ' not found.')
self.deployLibrary(libraryName, function (err, address) {
if (err) {
return cb(err)
var libLabel = '__' + libraryName + Array(39 - libraryName.length).join('_')
var hexAddress = address.toString('hex')
if (hexAddress.slice(0, 2) === '0x') {
hexAddress = hexAddress.slice(2)
hexAddress = Array(40 - hexAddress.length + 1).join('0') + hexAddress
while (bytecode.indexOf(libLabel) >= 0) {
bytecode = bytecode.replace(libLabel, hexAddress)
self.getContractByName(contractName).bytecode = bytecode
self.linkBytecode(contractName, cb)
UniversalDApp.prototype.deployLibrary = function (contractName, cb) {
var self = this
if (self.getContractByName(contractName).address) {
return cb(null, self.getContractByName(contractName).address)
var bytecode = self.getContractByName(contractName).bytecode
if (bytecode.indexOf('_') >= 0) {
self.linkBytecode(contractName, function (err, bytecode) {
if (err) cb(err)
else self.deployLibrary(contractName, cb)
} else {
self.runTx({ data: bytecode, useCall: false }, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
return cb(err)
var address = self.executionContext.isVM() ? result.createdAddress : result.contractAddress
self.getContractByName(contractName).address = address
cb(err, address)
UniversalDApp.prototype.clickContractAt = function (self, $output, contract) {
var address = prompt('What Address is this contract at in the Blockchain? ie: 0xdeadbeaf...')
self.getInstanceInterface(contract, address, $output)
UniversalDApp.prototype.runTx = function (args, cb) {
var self = this
var tx = {
to: args.to,
data: args.data,
useCall: args.useCall
// query gas limit
function (callback) {
tx.gasLimit = 3000000
if (self.getGasLimit) {
self.getGasLimit(function (err, ret) {
if (err) {
return callback(err)
tx.gasLimit = ret
} else {
// query value
function (callback) {
tx.value = 0
if (self.getValue) {
self.getValue(function (err, ret) {
if (err) {
return callback(err)
tx.value = ret
} else {
// query address
function (callback) {
if (self.getAddress) {
self.getAddress(function (err, ret) {
if (err) {
return callback(err)
tx.from = ret
} else {
self.getAccounts(function (err, ret) {
if (err) {
return callback(err)
if (ret.length === 0) {
return callback('No accounts available')
if (self.executionContext.isVM() && !self.accounts[ret[0]]) {
return callback('Invalid account selected')
tx.from = ret[0]
// run transaction
function (callback) {
self.txRunner.rawRun(tx, function (error, result) { callback(error, result) })
], cb)
module.exports = UniversalDApp