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2 years ago
import { CompilerAbstract } from '@remix-project/remix-solidity'
import { EventManager } from '../../../src/eventManager'
import { compilerInput } from '../../helpers/compilerHelper'
import { TraceManager } from '../../../src/trace/traceManager'
2 years ago
import { CodeManager } from '../../../src/code/codeManager'
import { compile } from 'solc'
import * as stateDecoder from '../../../src/solidity-decoder/stateDecoder'
2 years ago
import { SolidityProxy } from '../../../src/solidity-decoder/solidityProxy'
import { InternalCallTree } from '../../../src/solidity-decoder/internalCallTree'
import * as vmCall from '../../vmCall'
import { StorageResolver } from '../../../src/storage/storageResolver'
import { StorageViewer } from '../../../src/storage/storageViewer'
import { Address, bytesToHex } from '@ethereumjs/util'
7 years ago
module.exports = async function testMappingStorage (st, cb) {
# This is a combination of 50 commits. # This is the 1st commit message: executors # This is the commit message #2: libs # This is the commit message #3: remixd # This is the commit message #4: add react app # This is the commit message #5: debugging # This is the commit message #6: debug + sol # This is the commit message #7: fixes # This is the commit message #8: tsconfig # This is the commit message #9: ast walker # This is the commit message #10: as walker # This is the commit message #11: remixd etc # This is the commit message #12: commander # This is the commit message #13: remove jest # This is the commit message #14: rm ui files # This is the commit message #15: rm reserved keywords # This is the commit message #16: testrunner # This is the commit message #17: compiler # This is the commit message #18: production build # This is the commit message #19: config # This is the commit message #20: config # This is the commit message #21: web types # This is the commit message #22: update react # This is the commit message #23: add vm # This is the commit message #24: add workers # This is the commit message #25: worker2 # This is the commit message #26: rm react app # This is the commit message #27: remixd # This is the commit message #28: worker fix # This is the commit message #29: fix detection # This is the commit message #30: revert react # This is the commit message #31: rename type # This is the commit message #32: loading handler # This is the commit message #33: remove import # This is the commit message #34: rename # This is the commit message #35: local plugin # This is the commit message #36: etherscan # This is the commit message #37: revert react # This is the commit message #38: port # This is the commit message #39: rm worker # This is the commit message #40: publicpath # This is the commit message #41: fix test # This is the commit message #42: 112 # This is the commit message #43: show version # This is the commit message #44: "axios": "1.1.2", # This is the commit message #45: config # This is the commit message #46: lint # This is the commit message #47: fix build # This is the commit message #48: lint # This is the commit message #49: error on purpose # This is the commit message #50: test error
2 years ago
const mappingStorage = require('../contracts/mappingStorage')
const privateKey = Buffer.from('503f38a9c967ed597e47fe25643985f032b072db8075426a92110f82df48dfcb', 'hex')
let output = compile(compilerInput(mappingStorage.contract))
output = JSON.parse(output);
2 years ago
const sources = {
target: 'test.sol',
sources: { 'test.sol': { content: mappingStorage.contract } }
const compilationResults = new CompilerAbstract('json', output, sources)
const web3 = await (vmCall as any).getWeb3();
(vmCall as any).sendTx(web3, { nonce: 0, privateKey: privateKey }, undefined, 0, output.contracts['test.sol']['SimpleMappingState'].evm.bytecode.object, function (error, hash) {
7 years ago
if (error) {
} else {
6 months ago
.then(tx => {
// const storage = await this.vm.stateManager.dumpStorage(
6 months ago
// web3.eth.getCode(tx.contractAddress).then((code) => console.log('code:---', code))
// (vmCall as any).web3().debug.traceTransaction(hash).then((code) => console.log('trace:', code))
2 years ago
testMapping(st, privateKey, tx.contractAddress, output, compilationResults, web3, cb)
6 months ago
// st.end()
.catch(error => {
7 years ago
2 years ago
function testMapping (st, privateKey, contractAddress, output, compilationResults, web3, cb) {
(vmCall as any).sendTx(web3, { nonce: 1, privateKey: privateKey }, contractAddress, 0, '2fd0a83a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001074686973206973206120737472696e6700000000000000000000000000000000',
function (error, hash) {
if (error) {
} else {
.then(tx => {
const traceManager = new TraceManager({ web3 })
const codeManager = new CodeManager(traceManager)
const solidityProxy = new SolidityProxy({
getCurrentCalledAddressAt: traceManager.getCurrentCalledAddressAt.bind(traceManager),
getCode: codeManager.getCode.bind(codeManager),
compilationResult: () => compilationResults
const debuggerEvent = new EventManager()
const callTree = new InternalCallTree(debuggerEvent, traceManager, solidityProxy, codeManager, { includeLocalVariables: true })
callTree.event.register('callTreeBuildFailed', (error) => {
callTree.event.register('callTreeNotReady', (reason) => {
callTree.event.register('callTreeReady', (scopes, scopeStarts) => {
const storageViewer = new StorageViewer({
6 months ago
stepIndex: 472,
tx: tx,
address: contractAddress
}, new StorageResolver({ web3 }), traceManager)
const stateVars = stateDecoder.extractStateVariables('SimpleMappingState', output.sources)
stateDecoder.decodeState(stateVars, storageViewer).then((result) => {
st.equal(result['_num'].value, '1')
st.equal(result['_num'].type, 'uint256')
st.equal(result['_iBreakSolidityState'].type, 'mapping(string => uint256)')
st.equal(result['_iBreakSolidityState'].value['74686973206973206120737472696e67'].value, '1')
st.equal(result['_iBreakSolidityState'].value['74686973206973206120737472696e67'].type, 'uint256')
st.equal(result['_iBreakSolidityStateInt'].type, 'mapping(uint256 => uint256)')
st.equal(result['_iBreakSolidityStateInt'].value['0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001'].value, '1')
st.equal(result['_iBreakSolidityStateInt'].value['0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001'].type, 'uint256')
}, (reason) => {
2 years ago
traceManager.resolveTrace(tx).then(() => {
debuggerEvent.trigger('newTraceLoaded', [traceManager.trace])
}).catch((error) => {
7 years ago
.catch(error => {
7 years ago