import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect, useReducer } from 'react' // eslint-disable-line
import Editor from '@monaco-editor/react'
import { reducerActions, reducerListener, initialState } from './actions/editor'
import { language, conf } from './syntax'
import './remix-ui-editor.css'
type cursorPosition = {
startLineNumber: number,
startColumn: number,
endLineNumber: number,
endColumn: number
type sourceAnnotation = {
row: number,
column: number,
text: string,
type: 'error' | 'warning' | 'info'
hide: boolean
from: string // plugin name
type sourceMarker = {
position: {
start: {
line: number
column: number
end: {
line: number
column: number
from: string // plugin name
hide: boolean
type sourceAnnotationMap = {
[key: string]: [sourceAnnotation];
type sourceMarkerMap = {
[key: string]: [sourceMarker];
/* eslint-disable-next-line */
export interface EditorUIProps {
activated: boolean
themeType: string
currentFile: string
sourceAnnotationsPerFile: sourceAnnotationMap
markerPerFile: sourceMarkerMap
events: {
onBreakPointAdded: (file: string, line: number) => void
onBreakPointCleared: (file: string, line: number) => void
onDidChangeContent: (file: string) => void
onEditorMounted: () => void
plugin: {
on: (plugin: string, event: string, listener: any) => void
editorAPI: {
findMatches: (uri: string, value: string) => any
getFontSize: () => number,
getValue: (uri: string) => string
getCursorPosition: () => cursorPosition
export const EditorUI = (props: EditorUIProps) => {
const [, setCurrentBreakpoints] = useState({})
const [currentAnnotations, setCurrentAnnotations] = useState({})
const [currentMarkers, setCurrentMarkers] = useState({})
const editorRef = useRef(null)
const monacoRef = useRef(null)
const currentFileRef = useRef('')
const [editorModelsState, dispatch] = useReducer(reducerActions, initialState)
const formatColor = (name) => {
let color = window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(name).trim()
if (color.length === 4) {
color = color.concat(color.substr(1))
return color
const defineAndSetTheme = (monaco) => {
const themeType = props.themeType === 'dark' ? 'vs-dark' : 'vs'
const themeName = props.themeType === 'dark' ? 'remix-dark' : 'remix-light'
// see https://microsoft.github.io/monaco-editor/playground.html#customizing-the-appearence-exposed-colors
const lightColor = formatColor('--light')
const infoColor = formatColor('--info')
const darkColor = formatColor('--dark')
const secondaryColor = formatColor('--secondary')
const textColor = formatColor('--text') || darkColor
const textbackground = formatColor('--text-background') || lightColor
const blueColor = formatColor('--blue')
const successColor = formatColor('--success')
const warningColor = formatColor('--warning')
const yellowColor = formatColor('--yellow')
const pinkColor = formatColor('--pink')
const locationColor = '#9e7e08'
//const purpleColor = formatColor('--purple')
const dangerColor = formatColor('--danger')
const greenColor = formatColor('--green')
const orangeColor = formatColor('--orange')
const grayColor = formatColor('--gray')
monaco.editor.defineTheme(themeName, {
base: themeType,
inherit: true, // can also be false to completely replace the builtin rules
rules: [
{ background: darkColor.replace('#', '') },
{ foreground: textColor.replace('#', '') },
// global variables
{ token: 'keyword.abi', foreground: blueColor },
{ token: 'keyword.block', foreground: blueColor },
{ token: 'keyword.bytes', foreground: blueColor },
{ token: 'keyword.msg', foreground: blueColor },
{ token: 'keyword.tx', foreground: blueColor },
// global functions
{ token: 'keyword.assert', foreground: blueColor },
{ token: 'keyword.require', foreground: blueColor },
{ token: 'keyword.revert', foreground: blueColor },
{ token: 'keyword.blockhash', foreground: blueColor },
{ token: 'keyword.keccak256', foreground: blueColor },
{ token: 'keyword.sha256', foreground: blueColor },
{ token: 'keyword.ripemd160', foreground: blueColor },
{ token: 'keyword.ecrecover', foreground: blueColor },
{ token: 'keyword.addmod', foreground: blueColor },
{ token: 'keyword.mulmod', foreground: blueColor },
{ token: 'keyword.selfdestruct', foreground: blueColor },
{ token: 'keyword.type ', foreground: blueColor },
{ token: 'keyword.gasleft', foreground: blueColor },
// specials
{ token: 'keyword.super', foreground: infoColor },
{ token: 'keyword.this', foreground: infoColor },
{ token: 'keyword.virtual', foreground: infoColor },
// for state variables
{ token: 'keyword.constants', foreground: grayColor },
{ token: 'keyword.override', foreground: grayColor },
{ token: 'keyword.immutable', foreground: grayColor },
// data location
{ token: 'keyword.memory', foreground: locationColor },
{ token: 'keyword.storage', foreground: locationColor },
{ token: 'keyword.calldata', foreground: locationColor },
// for Events
{ token: 'keyword.indexed', foreground: yellowColor },
{ token: 'keyword.anonymous', foreground: yellowColor },
// for functions
{ token: 'keyword.external', foreground: successColor },
{ token: 'keyword.internal', foreground: successColor },
{ token: 'keyword.private', foreground: successColor },
{ token: 'keyword.public', foreground: successColor },
{ token: 'keyword.view', foreground: successColor },
{ token: 'keyword.pure', foreground: successColor },
{ token: 'keyword.payable', foreground: successColor },
{ token: 'keyword.nonpayable', foreground: successColor },
// Errors
{ token: 'keyword.Error', foreground: dangerColor },
{ token: 'keyword.Panic', foreground: dangerColor },
// special functions
{ token: 'keyword.fallback', foreground: pinkColor },
{ token: 'keyword.receive', foreground: pinkColor },
{ token: 'keyword.constructor', foreground: pinkColor },
// identifiers
{ token: 'keyword.identifier', foreground: warningColor },
{ token: 'keyword.for', foreground: warningColor },
{ token: 'keyword.break', foreground: warningColor },
{ token: 'keyword.continue', foreground: warningColor },
{ token: 'keyword.while', foreground: warningColor },
{ token: 'keyword.do', foreground: warningColor },
{ token: 'keyword.if', foreground: yellowColor },
{ token: 'keyword.else', foreground: yellowColor },
{ token: 'keyword.throw', foreground: orangeColor },
{ token: 'keyword.catch', foreground: orangeColor },
{ token: 'keyword.try', foreground: orangeColor },
// returns
{ token: 'keyword.returns', foreground: greenColor },
{ token: 'keyword.return', foreground: greenColor }
colors: {
// see https://code.visualstudio.com/api/references/theme-color for more settings
'editor.background': textbackground,
'editorSuggestWidget.background': lightColor,
'editorSuggestWidget.selectedBackground': lightColor,
'editorSuggestWidget.highlightForeground': infoColor,
'editor.lineHighlightBorder': secondaryColor,
'editor.lineHighlightBackground': textbackground === darkColor ? lightColor : secondaryColor,
'editorGutter.background': lightColor,
'minimap.background': lightColor
useEffect(() => {
if (!monacoRef.current) return
const setAnnotationsbyFile = (uri) => {
if (props.sourceAnnotationsPerFile[uri]) {
const model = editorModelsState[uri]?.model
const newAnnotations = []
for (const annotation of props.sourceAnnotationsPerFile[uri]) {
if (!annotation.hide) {
range: new monacoRef.current.Range(annotation.row + 1, 1, annotation.row + 1, 1),
options: {
isWholeLine: false,
glyphMarginHoverMessage: { value: (annotation.from ? `from ${annotation.from}:\n` : '') + annotation.text },
glyphMarginClassName: `fal fa-exclamation-square text-${annotation.type === 'error' ? 'danger' : (annotation.type === 'warning' ? 'warning' : 'info')}`
setCurrentAnnotations(prevState => {
prevState[uri] = model.deltaDecorations(currentAnnotations[uri] || [], newAnnotations)
return prevState
const setMarkerbyFile = (uri) => {
if (props.markerPerFile[uri]) {
const model = editorModelsState[uri]?.model
const newMarkers = []
for (const marker of props.markerPerFile[uri]) {
if (!marker.hide) {
let isWholeLine = false
if (marker.position.start.line === marker.position.end.line && marker.position.end.column - marker.position.start.column < 3) {
// in this case we force highlighting the whole line (doesn't make sense to highlight 2 chars)
isWholeLine = true
range: new monacoRef.current.Range(marker.position.start.line + 1, marker.position.start.column + 1, marker.position.end.line + 1, marker.position.end.column + 1),
options: {
inlineClassName: `bg-info highlightLine${marker.position.start.line + 1}`
setCurrentMarkers(prevState => {
prevState[uri] = model.deltaDecorations(currentMarkers[uri] || [], newMarkers)
return prevState
useEffect(() => {
if (!editorRef.current) return
currentFileRef.current = props.currentFile
const file = editorModelsState[props.currentFile]
editorRef.current.updateOptions({ readOnly: editorModelsState[props.currentFile].readOnly })
if (file.language === 'sol') monacoRef.current.editor.setModelLanguage(file.model, 'remix-solidity')
}, [props.currentFile])
useEffect(() => {
}, [JSON.stringify(props.sourceAnnotationsPerFile)])
useEffect(() => {
}, [JSON.stringify(props.markerPerFile)])
props.editorAPI.findMatches = (uri: string, value: string) => {
if (!editorRef.current) return
const model = editorModelsState[uri]?.model
if (model) return model.findMatches(value)
props.editorAPI.getValue = (uri: string) => {
if (!editorRef.current) return
const model = editorModelsState[uri]?.model
if (model) {
return model.getValue()
props.editorAPI.getCursorPosition = () => {
if (!monacoRef.current) return
const model = editorModelsState[currentFileRef.current]?.model
if (model) {
return model.getOffsetAt(editorRef.current.getPosition())
props.editorAPI.getFontSize = () => {
if (!editorRef.current) return
return editorRef.current.getOption(42).fontSize
(window as any).addRemixBreakpoint = (position) => { // make it available from e2e testing...
const model = editorRef.current.getModel()
if (model) {
setCurrentBreakpoints(prevState => {
const currentFile = currentFileRef.current
if (!prevState[currentFile]) prevState[currentFile] = {}
const decoration = Object.keys(prevState[currentFile]).filter((line) => parseInt(line) === position.lineNumber)
if (decoration.length) {
props.events.onBreakPointCleared(currentFile, position.lineNumber)
model.deltaDecorations([prevState[currentFile][position.lineNumber]], [])
delete prevState[currentFile][position.lineNumber]
} else {
props.events.onBreakPointAdded(currentFile, position.lineNumber)
const decorationIds = model.deltaDecorations([], [{
range: new monacoRef.current.Range(position.lineNumber, 1, position.lineNumber, 1),
options: {
isWholeLine: false,
glyphMarginClassName: 'fas fa-circle text-info'
prevState[currentFile][position.lineNumber] = decorationIds[0]
return prevState
function handleEditorDidMount (editor) {
editorRef.current = editor
reducerListener(props.plugin, dispatch, monacoRef.current, editorRef.current, props.events)
editor.onMouseUp((e) => {
if (e && e.target && e.target.toString().startsWith('GUTTER')) {
(window as any).addRemixBreakpoint(e.target.position)
editor.addCommand(monacoRef.current.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monacoRef.current.KeyCode.US_EQUAL, () => {
editor.updateOptions({ fontSize: editor.getOption(42).fontSize + 1 })
editor.addCommand(monacoRef.current.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monacoRef.current.KeyCode.US_MINUS, () => {
editor.updateOptions({ fontSize: editor.getOption(42).fontSize - 1 })
function handleEditorWillMount (monaco) {
monacoRef.current = monaco
// Register a new language
monacoRef.current.languages.register({ id: 'remix-solidity' })
// Register a tokens provider for the language
monacoRef.current.languages.setMonarchTokensProvider('remix-solidity', language)
monacoRef.current.languages.setLanguageConfiguration('remix-solidity', conf)
return (
language={editorModelsState[props.currentFile] ? editorModelsState[props.currentFile].language : 'text'}
options={{ glyphMargin: true }}
export default EditorUI