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// import { default as test} from "tape"
// import { helpers } from 'remix-lib'
// import { readFileSync } from 'fs'
// import { join } from 'path'
// import { default as StatRunner } from '../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer'
// import { install, require as requireNPMmodule } from 'npm-install-version'
// install('solc@0.5.0')
// const compiler = requireNPMmodule('solc@0.5.0')
// const {compilerInput } = helpers.compiler
// const folder = 'solidity-v0.5'
// function compile (fileName) {
// const content = readFileSync(join(__dirname, 'test-contracts/' + folder, fileName), 'utf8')
// return JSON.parse(compiler.compile(compilerInput(content)))
// }
// test('staticAnalysisIssues.functionParameterPassingError', function (t) {
// //
// t.plan(2)
// const res = compile('functionParameters.sol')
// const Module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/checksEffectsInteraction').default
// const statRunner = new StatRunner()
// t.doesNotThrow(() => {
// statRunner.runWithModuleList(res, [{ name: new Module().name, mod: new Module() }], (reports) => {
// })
// }, 'Analysis should not throw')
// statRunner.runWithModuleList(res, [{ name: new Module().name, mod: new Module() }], (reports) => {
// t.ok(!reports.some((mod) => => rep.warning.includes('INTERNAL ERROR')), 'Should not have internal errors'))
// })
// })