bunsenstraat 8 months ago
parent cff9d30dc0
commit 04d5f1f872
  1. 161

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ module.exports = {
.click('*[data-id="terminalClearConsole"]') // clear the terminal
.click('*[data-id="treeViewDivMenu"]') // make sure we create the file at the root folder
.click('*[data-id="treeViewUltreeViewMenu"]') // make sure we create the file at the root folder
.addFile('deployWithEthersJs.js', { content: deployWithEthersJs })
// .openFile('deployWithEthersJs.js')
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ module.exports = {
'Should print hardhat logs #group4': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
.addFile('printHardhatlog.sol', { content: hardhatLog })
.addFile('printHardhatlog.sol', { content: hardhatLog })
.click('*[data-id="terminalClearConsole"]') // clear the terminal
@ -266,22 +266,22 @@ module.exports = {
if (Array.isArray(result.value) && result.value.length > 0) {
console.log('Found ' + result.value.length + ' transactions')
selector: '[data-id="listenNetworkCheckInput"]',
selector: '*[data-id="terminalClearConsole"]',
selector: '*[data-id="compilerContainerCompileAndRunBtn"]',
locateStrategy: 'xpath',
selector: "//*[@class='remix_ui_terminal_log' and contains(.,'to:') and contains(.,'from:')]",
timeout: 120000
selector: '[data-id="listenNetworkCheckInput"]',
selector: '*[data-id="terminalClearConsole"]',
selector: '*[data-id="compilerContainerCompileAndRunBtn"]',
locateStrategy: 'xpath',
selector: "//*[@class='remix_ui_terminal_log' and contains(.,'to:') and contains(.,'from:')]",
timeout: 120000
} else {
.assert.fail('No transaction found')
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ module.exports = {
.execute(() => {
(document.querySelector('*[data-id="vm-custom-forkModalDialogContainer-react"] input[data-id="CustomForkNodeUrl"]') as any).focus()
(document.querySelector('*[data-id="vm-custom-forkModalDialogContainer-react"] input[data-id="CustomForkNodeUrl"]') as any).focus()
}, [], () => { })
.clearValue('*[data-id="CustomForkNodeUrl"]').pause(1000).setValue('*[data-id="CustomForkNodeUrl"]', 'https://go.getblock.io/ee42d0a88f314707be11dd799b122cb9')
.execute(() => {
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ module.exports = {
.executeScriptInTerminal(`web3.eth.getCode('0x75F509A4eDA030470272DfBAf99A47D587E76709')`) // sepolia contract
.waitForElementContainsText('*[data-id="terminalJournal"]', byteCodeInSepolia, 120000)
'Should run a free function while being connected to mainnet #group9': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
const script = `
@ -359,10 +359,10 @@ module.exports = {
.addFile('test_mainnet.sol', { content: script })
const path = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'resolveENS') and contains(.,'view')]//span//span[contains(.,'(')]"
const path = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'resolveENS') and contains(.,'view')]//span//span[contains(.,'(')]"
const pathRunFunction = `//li//*[@aria-label='Run the free function "resolveENS"']`
.pause(10000) // the parser need to parse the code
@ -371,25 +371,25 @@ module.exports = {
.perform(function () {
const actions = this.actions({ async: true });
return actions
.waitForElementContainsText('*[data-id="terminalJournal"]', '0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045', 120000)
'Should run free function which logs in the terminal #group10': function (browser: NightwatchBrowser) {
const script = `import "hardhat/console.sol";
function runSomething () view {
console.log("test running free function");
.addFile('test.sol', { content: script })
const path = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'runSomething') and contains(.,'view')]//span//span[contains(.,'(')]"
const path = "//*[@class='view-line' and contains(.,'runSomething') and contains(.,'view')]//span//span[contains(.,'(')]"
const pathRunFunction = `//li//*[@aria-label='Run the free function "runSomething"']`
@ -398,18 +398,15 @@ module.exports = {
.perform(function () {
const actions = this.actions({ async: true });
return actions
.waitForElementContainsText('*[data-id="terminalJournal"]', 'test running free function', 120000)
const asyncAwait = `
var p = function () {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
@ -417,7 +414,7 @@ const asyncAwait = `
resolve("Promise Resolved")
}, 5000)
var run = async () => {
console.log('Waiting Promise')
@ -455,7 +452,7 @@ const resolveExternalUrlAndSave = `
} catch (e) {
const resolveExternalUrlAndSaveToaPath = `
@ -466,7 +463,7 @@ const resolveExternalUrlAndSaveToaPath = `
} catch (e) {
const resolveUrl = `
@ -477,7 +474,7 @@ const resolveUrl = `
} catch (e) {
const deployWithEthersJs = `
@ -485,32 +482,32 @@ const deployWithEthersJs = `
(async () => {
try {
console.log('Running deployWithEthers script...')
const constructorArgs = [] // Put constructor args (if any) here for your contract
// Note that the script needs the ABI which is generated from the compilation artifact.
// Make sure contract is compiled and artifacts are generated
const artifactsPath = 'contracts/artifacts/Owner.json' // Change this for different path
const metadata = JSON.parse(await remix.call('fileManager', 'getFile', artifactsPath))
// 'web3Provider' is a remix global variable object
const signer = (new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(web3Provider)).getSigner()
let factory = new ethers.ContractFactory(metadata.abi, metadata.data.bytecode.object, signer)
let contract = await factory.deploy(...constructorArgs);
console.log('Contract Address: ', contract.address);
// The contract is NOT deployed yet; we must wait until it is mined
await contract.deployed()
console.log('Deployment successful.')
contract.on('OwnerSet', (previousOwner, newOwner) => {
console.log('previousOwner' , previousOwner)
console.log('newOwner' , newOwner)
} catch (e) {
@ -577,12 +574,12 @@ contract StorageWithLib {
* @dev Store valrue in variable
* @param num value to store
function store(uint256 num) public {
number = num;
function store(uint256 num) public {
number = num;
* @dev Return value
* @dev Return value
* @return value of 'number'
function retrieve() public view returns (uint256){
@ -629,11 +626,11 @@ describe("Storage", function () {
deployedLinkReferences: metadata.data.deployedBytecode.linkReferences,
const options = {
libraries: {
libraries: {
'Lib': lib.address
const factory = await ethers.getContractFactoryFromArtifact(artifact, options)
const storage = await factory.deploy();
await storage.deployed()
@ -657,10 +654,10 @@ import "hardhat/console.sol";
contract OwnerTest {
address private owner;
// event for EVM logging
event OwnerSet(address indexed oldOwner, address indexed newOwner);
// modifier to check if caller is owner
modifier isOwner() {
// If the first argument of 'require' evaluates to 'false', execution terminates and all
@ -671,7 +668,7 @@ contract OwnerTest {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Caller is not owner");
* @dev Set contract deployer as owner
@ -692,7 +689,7 @@ contract OwnerTest {
* @dev Return owner address
* @dev Return owner address
* @return address of owner
function getOwner() external view returns (address) {
@ -705,39 +702,39 @@ const scriptAutoExec = {
contract: `// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.8.2 <0.9.0;
library lib {
function test () public view returns (uint) {
return 147;
* @title Storage
* @dev Store & retrieve value inr a variable
* @custom:dev-run-script ./scripts/deploy_storage.js
contract Storage {
uint256 number;
* @dev Store valrue in variable
* @param num value to store
function store(uint256 num) public {
number = num;
number = num;
* @dev Return value
* @dev Return value
* @return value of 'number'
function retrieve() public view returns (uint256){
return number;
function getFromLib() public view returns (uint) {
return lib.test();
@ -747,16 +744,16 @@ const scriptAutoExec = {
// Right click on the script name and hit "Run" to execute
const { expect } = require("chai");
const { ethers } = require("hardhat");
(async () => {
try {
// function getContractFactoryFromArtifact(artifact: Artifact, signer?: ethers.Signer): Promise<ethers.ContractFactory>;
// function getContractFactoryFromArtifact(artifact: Artifact, factoryOptions: FactoryOptions): Promise<ethers.ContractFactory>;
const metadataLib = JSON.parse(await remix.call('fileManager', 'readFile', 'contracts/artifacts/lib.json'))
console.log('deploying lib:')
const artifactLib = {
contractName: 'Lib',
sourceName: 'contracts/1_Storage.sol',
@ -767,15 +764,15 @@ const scriptAutoExec = {
deployedLinkReferences: metadataLib.data.deployedBytecode.linkReferences,
const optionsLib = {}
const factoryLib = await ethers.getContractFactoryFromArtifact(artifactLib, optionsLib)
const lib = await factoryLib.deploy();
await lib.deployed()
console.log('lib deployed', lib.address)
const metadata = JSON.parse(await remix.call('fileManager', 'readFile', 'contracts/artifacts/Storage.json'))
const artifact = {
contractName: 'Storage',
@ -787,25 +784,25 @@ const scriptAutoExec = {
deployedLinkReferences: metadata.data.deployedBytecode.linkReferences,
const options = {
libraries: {
libraries: {
'lib': lib.address
const factory = await ethers.getContractFactoryFromArtifact(artifact, options)
const storage = await factory.deploy();
await storage.deployed()
const storeValue = await storage.store(333);
// wait until the transaction is mined
await storeValue.wait();
console.log((await storage.getFromLib()).toString())
// expect((await storage.getFromLib()).toString()).to.equal('34');
} catch (e) {
