"remixd.connectionAlert1":"Cannot connect to the remixd daemon. Please make sure you have the remixd running in the background.",
"remixd.connectionAlert2":"Connection to remixd terminated. Please make sure remixd is still running in the background.",
"remixd.remixdConnect":"Access file system using remixd",
"remixd.text1":"Access your local file system from Remix IDE using <a>Remixd NPM package</a>.",
"remixd.text2":"Remixd <a>documentation</a>.",
"remixd.text3":"The remixd command is:",
"remixd.text4":"The remixd command without options uses the terminal's current directory as the shared directory and the shared Remix domain can only be https://remix.ethereum.org, https://remix-alpha.ethereum.org, or https://remix-beta.ethereum.org",
"remixd.text5":"Example command with flags:",
"remixd.text6":"For info about ports, see <a>Remixd ports usage</a>",
"remixd.text7":"This feature is still in Alpha. We recommend to keep a backup of the shared folder.",
"remixd.text8":"Before using, make sure remixd version is latest i.e.",