Merge branch 'master' into fixDocs

yann300 7 years ago committed by GitHub
commit 136d043db2
  1. 3
  2. 6
  3. 8
  4. 6
  5. 10
  6. 29
  7. 2
  8. 3
  9. 10
  10. 81
  11. 44
  12. 77
  13. 37

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import os
# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
from recommonmark.parser import CommonMarkParser
from recommonmark.transform import AutoStructify
source_parsers = {'.md': CommonMarkParser}
# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------
@ -301,4 +300,4 @@ def setup(app):
'enable_eval_rst': True,
'enable_auto_doc_ref': True,
}, True)

@ -187,6 +187,12 @@ module.exports = {
if (code1 === code2) return true
if (code2 === '0x') return false // abstract contract. see comment
if (code2.substr(2, 46) === '7300000000000000000000000000000000000000003014') {
// testing the following signature: PUSH20 00..00 ADDRESS EQ
// in the context of a library, that slot contains the address of the library (pushed by the compiler to avoid calling library other than with a DELEGATECALL)
// if code2 is not a library, well we still suppose that the comparison remain relevant even if we remove some information from `code1`
code1 = replaceLibReference(code1, 4)
var pos = -1
while ((pos =*)__/)) !== -1) {
code2 = replaceLibReference(code2, pos)

@ -69,3 +69,11 @@ tape('util.escapeRegExp', function (t) {
t.ok(new RegExp(util.escapeRegExp(original)).test(original), 'should still test for original string')
tape('util.compareByteCode', function (t) {
var address = 'c2a9cef5420203c2672f0e4325cca774893cca98'
var nullAddress = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
var deployedLibraryByteCode = '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'
t.ok(util.compareByteCode(deployedLibraryByteCode, deployedLibraryByteCode.replace(address, nullAddress)), 'library bytecode should be the same')

@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ function report (contracts, multipleContractsWithSameName) {
contract.functions.forEach((func) => {
if (isPotentialVulnerableFunction(func, getContext(callGraph, contract, func))) {
var funcName = common.getFullQuallyfiedFuncDefinitionIdent(contract.node, func.node, func.parameters)
var comments = (hasModifiers) ? '<br/><i>Note:</i> Modifiers are currently not considered by this static analysis.' : ''
comments += (multipleContractsWithSameName) ? '<br/><i>Note:</i> Import aliases are currently not supported by this static analysis.' : ''
var comments = (hasModifiers) ? 'Note: Modifiers are currently not considered by this static analysis.' : ''
comments += (multipleContractsWithSameName) ? 'Note: Import aliases are currently not supported by this static analysis.' : ''
warning: `Potential Violation of Checks-Effects-Interaction pattern in <i>${funcName}</i>: Could potentially lead to re-entrancy vulnerability. ${comments}`,
warning: `Potential Violation of Checks-Effects-Interaction pattern in ${funcName}: Could potentially lead to re-entrancy vulnerability. ${comments}`,
location: func.src,
more: ''

@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ function constantFunctions () {
common.isLocalCallGraphRelevantNode(node) ||
common.isInlineAssembly(node) ||
common.isNewExpression(node) ||
common.isSelfdestructCall(node) ||
) = this.abstractAst.build_report(report)
@ -45,8 +46,8 @@ function report (contracts, multipleContractsWithSameName) {
contract.functions.filter((func) => common.hasFunctionBody(func.node)).forEach((func) => {
if (common.isConstantFunction(func.node) !== func.potentiallyshouldBeConst) {
var funcName = common.getFullQuallyfiedFuncDefinitionIdent(contract.node, func.node, func.parameters)
var comments = (hasModifiers) ? '<br/><i>Note:</i> Modifiers are currently not considered by this static analysis.' : ''
comments += (multipleContractsWithSameName) ? '<br/><i>Note:</i> Import aliases are currently not supported by this static analysis.' : ''
var comments = (hasModifiers) ? 'Note: Modifiers are currently not considered by this static analysis.' : ''
comments += (multipleContractsWithSameName) ? 'Note: Import aliases are currently not supported by this static analysis.' : ''
if (func.potentiallyshouldBeConst) {
warning: `${funcName} : Potentially should be constant but is not. ${comments}`,
@ -87,7 +88,8 @@ function isConstBreaker (node, context) {
common.isCallToNonConstLocalFunction(node) ||
common.isInlineAssembly(node) ||
common.isNewExpression(node) ||
common.isSelfdestructCall(node) ||
function isCallOnNonConstExternalInterfaceFunction (node, context) {

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
var name = 'Delete on dynamic Array: '
var desc = 'Use require and appropriately'
var categories = require('./categories')
var common = require('./staticAnalysisCommon')
function deleteDynamicArrays () {
this.rel = []
deleteDynamicArrays.prototype.visit = function (node) {
if (common.isDeleteOfDynamicArray(node)) this.rel.push(node)
} = function (compilationResults) {
return => {
return {
warning: 'The “delete” operation when applied to a dynamically sized array in Solidity generates code to delete each of the elements contained. If the array is large, this operation can surpass the block gas limit and raise an OOG exception. Also nested dynamically sized objects can produce the same results.',
location: node.src,
more: ''
module.exports = {
name: name,
description: desc,
category: categories.GAS,
Module: deleteDynamicArrays

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ guardConditions.prototype.visit = function (node) { = function (compilationResults) {
if (this.guards.length > 0) {
return [{
warning: 'Use <i>assert(x)</i> if you never ever want <i>x</i> to be false, not in any circumstance (apart from a bug in your code). Use <i>require(x)</i> if <i>x</i> can be false, due to e.g. invalid input or a failing external component.',
warning: 'Use assert(x) if you never ever want x to be false, not in any circumstance (apart from a bug in your code). Use require(x) if x can be false, due to e.g. invalid input or a failing external component.',
more: ''

@ -11,5 +11,6 @@ module.exports = [

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ var categories = require('./categories')
var common = require('./staticAnalysisCommon')
var AbstractAst = require('./abstractAstView')
var levenshtein = require('fast-levenshtein')
var remixLib = require('remix-lib')
var util = remixLib.util
function similarVariableNames () {
this.abstractAst = new AbstractAst()
@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ function findSimilarVarNames (vars) {
var similar = []
var comb = {} => => {
if (varName1.length > 1 && varName2.length > 1 && varName2 !== varName1 && !isCommonPrefixedVersion(varName1, varName2) && !(comb[varName1 + ';' + varName2] || comb[varName2 + ';' + varName1])) {
if (varName1.length > 1 && varName2.length > 1 && varName2 !== varName1 && !isCommonPrefixedVersion(varName1, varName2) && !isCommonNrSuffixVersion(varName1, varName2) && !(comb[varName1 + ';' + varName2] || comb[varName2 + ';' + varName1])) {
comb[varName1 + ';' + varName2] = true
var distance = levenshtein.get(varName1, varName2)
if (distance <= 2) similar.push({ var1: varName1, var2: varName2, distance: distance })
@ -66,6 +68,12 @@ function isCommonPrefixedVersion (varName1, varName2) {
return (varName1.startsWith('_') && varName1.slice(1) === varName2) || (varName2.startsWith('_') && varName2.slice(1) === varName1)
function isCommonNrSuffixVersion (varName1, varName2) {
var ref = '^' + util.escapeRegExp(varName1.slice(0, -1)) + '[0-9]*$'
return varName2.match(ref) != null
function getFunctionVariables (contract, func) {
return contract.stateVariables.concat(func.localVariables)

@ -27,7 +27,10 @@ var basicTypes = {
UINT: 'uint256',
BOOL: 'bool',
ADDRESS: 'address',
BYTES32: 'bytes32'
BYTES32: 'bytes32',
STRING_MEM: 'string memory',
BYTES_MEM: 'bytes memory',
BYTES4: 'bytes4'
var basicRegex = {
@ -57,8 +60,12 @@ var builtinFunctions = {
'mulmod(uint256,uint256,uint256)': true,
'selfdestruct(address)': true,
'revert()': true,
'revert(string memory)': true,
'assert(bool)': true,
'require(bool)': true
'require(bool)': true,
'require(bool,string memory)': true,
'gasleft()': true,
'blockhash(uint)': true
var lowLevelCallTypes = {
@ -78,6 +85,29 @@ var specialVariables = {
var abiNamespace = {
obj: 'abi',
member: 'encode',
type: buildFunctionSignature([], [basicTypes.BYTES_MEM], false, 'pure')
obj: 'abi',
member: 'encodePacked',
type: buildFunctionSignature([], [basicTypes.BYTES_MEM], false, 'pure')
obj: 'abi',
member: 'encodeWithSelector',
type: buildFunctionSignature([basicTypes.BYTES4], [basicTypes.BYTES_MEM], false, 'pure')
obj: 'abi',
member: 'encodeWithSignature',
type: buildFunctionSignature([basicTypes.STRING_MEM], [basicTypes.BYTES_MEM], false, 'pure')
// #################### Trivial Getters
function getType (node) {
@ -404,6 +434,24 @@ function hasFunctionBody (funcNode) {
return findFirstSubNodeLTR(funcNode, exactMatch(nodeTypes.BLOCK)) != null
* True if node is a delete instruction of a dynamic array
* @node {ASTNode} node to check for
* @return {bool}
function isDeleteOfDynamicArray (node) {
return isDeleteUnaryOperation(node) && isDynamicArrayAccess(node.children[0])
* True if node is node is a ref to a dynamic array
* @node {ASTNode} node to check for
* @return {bool}
function isDynamicArrayAccess (node) {
return node && nodeType(node, exactMatch(nodeTypes.IDENTIFIER)) && (node.attributes.type.endsWith('[] storage ref') || node.attributes.type === 'bytes storage ref' || node.attributes.type === 'string storage ref')
* True if call to code within the current contracts context including (delegate) library call
* @node {ASTNode} some AstNode
@ -419,7 +467,16 @@ function isLocalCallGraphRelevantNode (node) {
* @return {bool}
function isBuiltinFunctionCall (node) {
return isLocalCall(node) && builtinFunctions[getLocalCallName(node) + '(' + getFunctionCallTypeParameterType(node) + ')'] === true
return (isLocalCall(node) && builtinFunctions[getLocalCallName(node) + '(' + getFunctionCallTypeParameterType(node) + ')'] === true) || isAbiNamespaceCall(node)
* True if is builtin function like assert, sha3, erecover, ...
* @node {ASTNode} some AstNode
* @return {bool}
function isAbiNamespaceCall (node) {
return Object.keys(abiNamespace).some((key) => abiNamespace.hasOwnProperty(key) && node.children && node.children[0] && isSpecialVariableAccess(node.children[0], abiNamespace[key]))
@ -540,6 +597,15 @@ function isPlusPlusUnaryOperation (node) {
return nodeType(node, exactMatch(nodeTypes.UNARYOPERATION)) && operator(node, exactMatch(util.escapeRegExp('++')))
* True if unary delete operation
* @node {ASTNode} some AstNode
* @return {bool}
function isDeleteUnaryOperation (node) {
return nodeType(node, exactMatch(nodeTypes.UNARYOPERATION)) && operator(node, exactMatch(util.escapeRegExp('delete')))
* True if unary decrement operation
* @node {ASTNode} some AstNode
@ -778,8 +844,8 @@ function exactMatch (regexStr) {
* list of return type names
* @return {Boolean} isPayable
function buildFunctionSignature (paramTypes, returnTypes, isPayable) {
return 'function (' + util.concatWithSeperator(paramTypes, ',') + ')' + ((isPayable) ? ' payable' : '') + ((returnTypes.length) ? ' returns (' + util.concatWithSeperator(returnTypes, ',') + ')' : '')
function buildFunctionSignature (paramTypes, returnTypes, isPayable, additionalMods) {
return 'function (' + util.concatWithSeperator(paramTypes, ',') + ')' + ((isPayable) ? ' payable' : '') + ((additionalMods) ? ' ' + additionalMods : '') + ((returnTypes.length) ? ' returns (' + util.concatWithSeperator(returnTypes, ',') + ')' : '')
@ -827,6 +893,10 @@ module.exports = {
getFunctionOrModifierDefinitionReturnParameterPart: getFunctionOrModifierDefinitionReturnParameterPart,
// #################### Complex Node Identification
isDeleteOfDynamicArray: isDeleteOfDynamicArray,
isAbiNamespaceCall: isAbiNamespaceCall,
isSpecialVariableAccess: isSpecialVariableAccess,
isDynamicArrayAccess: isDynamicArrayAccess,
hasFunctionBody: hasFunctionBody,
isInteraction: isInteraction,
isEffect: isEffect,
@ -858,6 +928,7 @@ module.exports = {
isRequireCall: isRequireCall,
// #################### Trivial Node Identification
isDeleteUnaryOperation: isDeleteUnaryOperation,
isFunctionDefinition: isFunctionDefinition,
isModifierDefinition: isModifierDefinition,
isInheritanceSpecifier: isInheritanceSpecifier,

@ -7,12 +7,20 @@ function escapeRegExp (str) {
test('staticAnalysisCommon.helpers.buildFunctionSignature', function (t) {
t.equal(common.helpers.buildFunctionSignature([common.basicTypes.UINT, common.basicTypes.ADDRESS], [common.basicTypes.BOOL], false),
'function (uint256,address) returns (bool)',
'two params and return value without payable')
t.equal(common.helpers.buildFunctionSignature([common.basicTypes.UINT, common.basicTypes.ADDRESS], [common.basicTypes.BOOL], false, 'pure'),
'function (uint256,address) pure returns (bool)',
'two params and return value without payable but pure')
t.equal(common.helpers.buildFunctionSignature([common.basicTypes.UINT, common.basicTypes.ADDRESS], [common.basicTypes.BOOL], true, 'pure'),
'function (uint256,address) payable pure returns (bool)',
'two params and return value without payable but pure')
t.equal(common.helpers.buildFunctionSignature([common.basicTypes.UINT, common.basicTypes.BYTES32, common.basicTypes.BYTES32], [], true),
'function (uint256,bytes32,bytes32) payable',
'three params and no return with payable')
@ -2094,3 +2102,37 @@ test('staticAnalysisCommon: function call with of function with function paramet
t.equals(common.getFunctionCallTypeParameterType(node1), 'function (uint256,uint256) pure returns (uint256),uint256,uint256', 'Extracts param right type')
test('staticAnalysisCommon: require call', function (t) {
var node = {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'isStructConstructorCall': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'names': [null], 'type': 'tuple()', 'type_conversion': false}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': [{'typeIdentifier': 't_bool', 'typeString': 'bool'}, {'typeIdentifier': 't_stringliteral_80efd193f332877914d93edb0b3ef5c6a7eecd00c6251c3fd7f146b60b40e6cd', 'typeString': 'literal_string \'fuu\''}], 'overloadedDeclarations': [90, 91], 'referencedDeclaration': 91, 'type': 'function (bool,string memory) pure', 'value': 'require'}, 'id': 50, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '462:7:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'commonType': {'typeIdentifier': 't_address', 'typeString': 'address'}, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'operator': '==', 'type': 'bool'}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'member_name': 'sender', 'referencedDeclaration': null, 'type': 'address'}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 87, 'type': 'msg', 'value': 'msg'}, 'id': 51, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '470:3:0'}], 'id': 52, 'name': 'MemberAccess', 'src': '470:10:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 10, 'type': 'address', 'value': 'owner'}, 'id': 53, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '484:5:0'}], 'id': 54, 'name': 'BinaryOperation', 'src': '470:19:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'hexvalue': '667575', 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': true, 'lValueRequested': false, 'subdenomination': null, 'token': 'string', 'type': 'literal_string \'fuu\'', 'value': 'fuu'}, 'id': 55, 'name': 'Literal', 'src': '491:5:0'}], 'id': 56, 'name': 'FunctionCall', 'src': '462:35:0'}
t.equals(common.isRequireCall(node), true)
t.equals(common.getFunctionCallType(node), 'function (bool,string memory) pure', 'Extracts right type')
t.equals(common.getFunctionCallTypeParameterType(node), 'bool,string memory', 'Extracts param right type')
test('staticAnalysisCommon: isDeleteOfDynamicArray', function (t) {
var node = {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'operator': 'delete', 'prefix': true, 'type': 'tuple()'}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 4, 'type': 'uint256[] storage ref', 'value': 'users'}, 'id': 58, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '514:5:0'}], 'id': 59, 'name': 'UnaryOperation', 'src': '507:12:0'}
t.equals(common.isDeleteOfDynamicArray(node), true)
t.equals(common.isDynamicArrayAccess(node.children[0]), true, 'Extracts right type')
test('staticAnalysisCommon: isAbiNamespaceCall', function (t) {
var node1 = {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'isStructConstructorCall': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'names': [null], 'type': 'bytes memory', 'type_conversion': false}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': [{'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}, {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}], 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'member_name': 'encode', 'referencedDeclaration': null, 'type': 'function () pure returns (bytes memory)'}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 64, 'type': 'abi', 'value': 'abi'}, 'id': 26, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '245: 3:0'}], 'id': 28, 'name': 'MemberAccess', 'src': '245:10:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 7, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'a'}, 'id': 29, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '256:1:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 15, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'b'}, 'id': 30, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '258:1:0'}], 'id': 31, 'name': 'FunctionCall', 'src': '245:15:0'}
var node2 = {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'isStructConstructorCall': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'names': [null], 'type': 'bytes memory', 'type_conversion': false}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': [{'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}, {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}], 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'member_name': 'encodePacked', 'referencedDeclaration': null, 'type': 'function () pure returns (bytes memory)'}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 64, 'type': 'abi', 'value': 'abi'}, 'id': 33, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '279:3:0'}], 'id': 35, 'name': 'MemberAccess', 'src': '279:16:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 7, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'a'}, 'id': 36, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '296:1:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 15, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'b'}, 'id': 37, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '298:1:0'}], 'id': 38, 'name': 'FunctionCall', 'src': '279:21:0'}
var node3 = {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'isStructConstructorCall': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'names': [null], 'type': 'bytes memory', 'type_conversion': false}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': [{'typeIdentifier': 't_bytes4', 'typeString': 'bytes4'}, {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}, {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}], 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'member_name': 'encodeWithSelector', 'referencedDeclaration': null, 'type': 'function (bytes4) pure returns (bytes memory)'}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 64, 'type': 'abi', 'value': 'abi'}, 'id': 40, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '319:3:0'}], 'id': 42, 'name': 'MemberAccess', 'src': '319:22:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 19, 'type': 'bytes4', 'value': 'selector'}, 'id': 43, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '342:8:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 7, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'a'}, 'id': 44, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '352:1:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 15, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'b'}, 'id': 45, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '355:1:0'}], 'id': 46, 'name': 'FunctionCall', 'src': '319:38:0'}
var node4 = {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'isStructConstructorCall': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'names': [null], 'type': 'bytes memory', 'type_conversion': false}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': [{'typeIdentifier': 't_string_memory_ptr', 'typeString': 'string memory'}, {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}, {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}], 'isConstant': false, 'isLValue': false, 'isPure': false, 'lValueRequested': false, 'member_name': 'encodeWithSignature', 'referencedDeclaration': null, 'type': 'function (string memory) pure returns (bytes memory)'}, 'children': [{'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 64, 'type': 'abi', 'value': 'abi'}, 'id': 48, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '367:3:0'}], 'id': 50, 'name': 'MemberAccess', 'src': '367:23:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 11, 'type': 'string memory', 'value': 'sig'}, 'id': 51, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '391:3:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 7, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'a'}, 'id': 52, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '396:1:0'}, {'attributes': {'argumentTypes': null, 'overloadedDeclarations': [null], 'referencedDeclaration': 15, 'type': 'uint256', 'value': 'b'}, 'id': 53, 'name': 'Identifier', 'src': '399:1:0'}], 'id': 54, 'name': 'FunctionCall', 'src': '367:34:0'}
t.equals(common.isAbiNamespaceCall(node1), true, 'encode abi')
t.equals(common.isAbiNamespaceCall(node2), true, 'encodePacked abi')
t.equals(common.isAbiNamespaceCall(node3), true, 'encodeWithSelector abi')
t.equals(common.isAbiNamespaceCall(node4), true, 'encodeWithSignature abi')
t.equals(common.isBuiltinFunctionCall(node1), true, 'encode Builtin')
t.equals(common.isBuiltinFunctionCall(node2), true, 'encodePacked Builtin')
t.equals(common.isBuiltinFunctionCall(node3), true, 'encodeWithSelector Builtin')
t.equals(common.isBuiltinFunctionCall(node4), true, 'encodeWithSignature Builtin')

@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ var testFiles = [
var testFileAsts = {}
@ -60,7 +61,8 @@ test('Integration test thisLocal.js', function (t) {
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0
runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file, report) => {
@ -91,7 +93,8 @@ test('Integration test checksEffectsInteraction.js', function (t) {
'transfer.sol': 1,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0
runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file, report) => {
@ -122,7 +125,8 @@ test('Integration test constantFunctions.js', function (t) {
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 1
'selfdestruct.sol': 1,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0
runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file, report) => {
@ -153,7 +157,8 @@ test('Integration test inlineAssembly.js', function (t) {
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0
runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file, report) => {
@ -184,7 +189,8 @@ test('Integration test txOrigin.js', function (t) {
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0
runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file, report) => {
@ -215,7 +221,8 @@ test('Integration test gasCosts.js', function (t) {
'transfer.sol': 1,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 3,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 2
runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file, report) => {
@ -246,7 +253,8 @@ test('Integration test similarVariableNames.js', function (t) {
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 1,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 1
runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file, report) => {
@ -277,7 +285,8 @@ test('Integration test inlineAssembly.js', function (t) {
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0
runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file, report) => {
@ -308,7 +317,8 @@ test('Integration test blockTimestamp.js', function (t) {
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0
runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file, report) => {
@ -339,7 +349,8 @@ test('Integration test lowLevelCalls.js', function (t) {
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0
runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file, report) => {
@ -370,7 +381,8 @@ test('Integration test blockBlockhash.js', function (t) {
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0
runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file, report) => {
@ -401,7 +413,8 @@ test('Integration test noReturn.js', function (t) {
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 1,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0
runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file, report) => {
@ -432,7 +445,8 @@ test('Integration test selfdestruct.js', function (t) {
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 2
'selfdestruct.sol': 2,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0
runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file, report) => {
@ -463,7 +477,8 @@ test('Integration test guardConditions.js', function (t) {
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 1
runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file, report) => {
@ -471,6 +486,38 @@ test('Integration test guardConditions.js', function (t) {
test('Integration test deleteDynamicArrays.js', function (t) {
var module = require('../../src/analysis/modules/deleteDynamicArrays')
var lengthCheck = {
'KingOfTheEtherThrone.sol': 0,
'assembly.sol': 0,
'ballot.sol': 0,
'ballot_reentrant.sol': 0,
'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0,
'cross_contract.sol': 0,
'inheritance.sol': 0,
'modifier1.sol': 0,
'modifier2.sol': 0,
'notReentrant.sol': 0,
'structReentrant.sol': 0,
'thisLocal.sol': 0,
'globals.sol': 0,
'library.sol': 0,
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 2
runModuleOnFiles(module, t, (file, report) => {
t.equal(report.length, lengthCheck[file], `${file} has right amount of deleteDynamicArrays warnings`)
// #################### Helpers
function runModuleOnFiles (module, t, cb) {
var statRunner = new StatRunner()

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
pragma solidity ^0.4.22;
contract arr {
uint[] users;
bytes access_rights_per_user;
uint user_index;
address owner;
string grr = "message";
uint[100] last_100_users;
constructor(address owner1) public {
owner = owner1;
user_index = 0;
function addUser(uint id, byte rights) public{
users[user_index] = id;
last_100_users[user_index % 100] = id;
access_rights_per_user[user_index] = rights;
function resetState() public{
require(msg.sender == owner, grr);
delete users;
delete access_rights_per_user;
delete last_100_users;
function bla(string bal) public {
grr = bal;