20 contract integration tests updated

aniket-engg 5 years ago committed by Aniket
parent 5ba3176d9e
commit 16144124a4
  1. 4
  2. 2
  3. 16
  4. 2
  5. 14
  6. 586
  7. 5

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { AnalyzerModule, ModuleAlgorithm, ModuleCategory, ReportObj, Compilation
export default class blockBlockhash implements AnalyzerModule {
warningNodes: FunctionCallAstNode[] = []
name: string = 'Block.blockhash usage: '
name: string = 'Blockhash usage: '
description: string = 'Semantics maybe unclear'
category: ModuleCategory = category.SECURITY
algorithm: ModuleAlgorithm = algorithm.EXACT
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export default class blockBlockhash implements AnalyzerModule {
report (compilationResults: CompilationResult): ReportObj[] {
return this.warningNodes.map((item, i) => {
return {
warning: `use of "block.blockhash": "block.blockhash" is used to access the last 256 block hashes.
warning: `use of "blockhash": "blockhash" is used to access the last 256 block hashes.
A miner computes the block hash by "summing up" the information in the current block mined.
By "summing up" the information in a clever way a miner can try to influence the outcome of a transaction in the current block.
This is especially easy if there are only a small number of equally likely outcomes.`,

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ export default class checksEffectsInteraction implements AnalyzerModule {
private isLocalCallWithStateChange (node: FunctionCallAstNode, context: Context): boolean {
if (isLocalCallGraphRelevantNode(node)) {
const func = resolveCallGraphSymbol(context.callGraph, getFullQualifiedFunctionCallIdent(context.currentContract.node, node))
return !func || (func && func['changesState'])
return !func || (func && func.node['changesState'])
return false

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { default as category } from './categories'
import { default as algorithm } from './algorithmCategories'
import { isTransfer } from './staticAnalysisCommon'
import { isLoop, isTransfer } from './staticAnalysisCommon'
import { AnalyzerModule, ModuleAlgorithm, ModuleCategory, ReportObj, CompilationResult, ForStatementAstNode, WhileStatementAstNode, CommonAstNode, ExpressionStatementAstNode} from './../../types'
export default class etherTransferInLoop implements AnalyzerModule {
@ -12,14 +12,16 @@ export default class etherTransferInLoop implements AnalyzerModule {
visit (node: ForStatementAstNode | WhileStatementAstNode): void {
let transferNodes: ExpressionStatementAstNode[] = []
if(node.body && node.body.nodeType === 'Block')
if(isLoop(node)) {
if(node.body && node.body.nodeType === 'Block')
transferNodes = node.body.statements.filter(child => ( child.nodeType === 'ExpressionStatement' &&
child.expression.nodeType === 'FunctionCall' && isTransfer(child.expression.expression)))
// When loop body is described without braces
else if(node.body && node.body.nodeType === 'ExpressionStatement' && node.body.expression.nodeType === 'FunctionCall' && isTransfer(node.body.expression.expression))
if (transferNodes.length > 0) {
// When loop body is described without braces
else if(node.body && node.body.nodeType === 'ExpressionStatement' && node.body.expression.nodeType === 'FunctionCall' && isTransfer(node.body.expression.expression))
if (transferNodes.length > 0) {

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export default class selfdestruct implements AnalyzerModule {
abstractAst: AbstractAst = new AbstractAst()
visit: Function = this.abstractAst.build_visit(
(node: any) => isStatement(node) || ( node.nodeType=== 'FunctionCall' && isSelfdestructCall(node.expression) )
(node: any) => isStatement(node) || (node.nodeType=== 'FunctionCall' && isSelfdestructCall(node))
report: Function = this.abstractAst.build_report(this._report.bind(this))

@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ function getFullQualifiedFunctionCallIdent (contract: ContractDefinitionAstNode,
else if (isThisLocalCall(func.expression)) return getThisLocalCallContractName(func) + '.' + getThisLocalCallName(func) + '(' + getFunctionCallTypeParameterType(func) + ')'
else if (isSuperLocalCall(func.expression)) return getContractName(contract) + '.' + getSuperLocalCallName(func) + '(' + getFunctionCallTypeParameterType(func) + ')'
else if (isExternalDirectCall(func)) return getExternalDirectCallContractName(func) + '.' + getExternalDirectCallMemberName(func) + '(' + getFunctionCallTypeParameterType(func) + ')'
else if (isLibraryCall(func.expression)) return getLibraryCallContractName(func.expression) + '.' + getLibraryCallMemberName(func) + '(' + getFunctionCallTypeParameterType(func) + ')'
else if (isLibraryCall(func.expression)) return getLibraryCallContractName(func) + '.' + getLibraryCallMemberName(func) + '(' + getFunctionCallTypeParameterType(func) + ')'
else throw new Error('staticAnalysisCommon.js: Can not get function name from non function call node')
@ -995,11 +995,11 @@ function isBytesLengthCheck (node: MemberAccessAstNode): boolean {
* @node {ASTNode} some AstNode
* @return {bool}
// function isLoop (node) {
// return nodeType(node, exactMatch(nodeTypes.FORSTATEMENT)) ||
// nodeType(node, exactMatch(nodeTypes.WHILESTATEMENT)) ||
// nodeType(node, exactMatch(nodeTypes.DOWHILESTATEMENT))
// }
function isLoop (node) {
return nodeType(node, exactMatch(nodeTypes.FORSTATEMENT)) ||
nodeType(node, exactMatch(nodeTypes.WHILESTATEMENT)) ||
nodeType(node, exactMatch(nodeTypes.DOWHILESTATEMENT))
* True if it is a 'for' loop
@ -1202,7 +1202,7 @@ export {
// isForLoop,
// #################### Trivial Node Identification

@ -17,19 +17,19 @@ const testFiles = [
// 'modifier1.sol',
// 'modifier2.sol',
// 'notReentrant.sol',
// 'structReentrant.sol',
// 'thisLocal.sol',
// 'globals.sol',
// 'library.sol',
// 'transfer.sol',
// 'ctor.sol',
// 'forgottenReturn.sol',
// 'selfdestruct.sol',
// 'deleteDynamicArray.sol',
// 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol',
// 'blockLevelCompare.sol',
// 'intDivisionTruncate.sol',
// 'ERC20.sol',
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ testFiles.forEach((fileName) => {
test('Integration test thisLocal.js', function (t) {
// console.log('testFileAsts---------',testFileAsts)
// t.plan(testFiles.length)
var module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/thisLocal').default
@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ test('Integration test thisLocal.js', function (t) {
'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0,
'cross_contract.sol': 0,
'inheritance.sol': 0,
// 'modifier1.sol': 0,
// 'modifier2.sol': 0,
// 'notReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'structReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'thisLocal.sol': 1,
// 'globals.sol': 0,
// 'library.sol': 0,
// 'transfer.sol': 0,
// 'ctor.sol': 0,
// 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
// 'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
// 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'modifier1.sol': 0,
'modifier2.sol': 0,
'notReentrant.sol': 0,
'structReentrant.sol': 0,
'thisLocal.sol': 1,
'globals.sol': 0,
'library.sol': 0,
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0,
// 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0,
// 'ERC20.sol': 0,
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ test('Integration test thisLocal.js', function (t) {
test('Integration test checksEffectsInteraction.js', function (t) {
var module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/checksEffectsInteraction').default
@ -101,19 +101,19 @@ test('Integration test checksEffectsInteraction.js', function (t) {
'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0,
'cross_contract.sol': 0,
'inheritance.sol': 1,
// 'modifier1.sol': 0,
// 'modifier2.sol': 0,
// 'notReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'structReentrant.sol': 1,
// 'thisLocal.sol': 0,
// 'globals.sol': 1,
// 'library.sol': 1,
// 'transfer.sol': 1,
// 'ctor.sol': 0,
// 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
// 'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
// 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'modifier1.sol': 0,
'modifier2.sol': 0,
'notReentrant.sol': 0,
'structReentrant.sol': 1,
'thisLocal.sol': 0,
'globals.sol': 1,
'library.sol': 1,
'transfer.sol': 1,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0,
// 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0,
// 'ERC20.sol': 0,
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ test('Integration test checksEffectsInteraction.js', function (t) {
test('Integration test constantFunctions.js', function (t) {
var module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/constantFunctions').default
@ -140,19 +140,19 @@ test('Integration test constantFunctions.js', function (t) {
'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0,
'cross_contract.sol': 0,
'inheritance.sol': 0,
// 'modifier1.sol': 1,
// 'modifier2.sol': 0,
// 'notReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'structReentrant.sol': 1,
// 'thisLocal.sol': 1,
// 'globals.sol': 0,
// 'library.sol': 3,
// 'transfer.sol': 0,
// 'ctor.sol': 0,
// 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
// 'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
// 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'modifier1.sol': 1,
'modifier2.sol': 0,
'notReentrant.sol': 0,
'structReentrant.sol': 1,
'thisLocal.sol': 1,
'globals.sol': 0,
'library.sol': 3,
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0,
// 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0,
// 'ERC20.sol': 0,
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ test('Integration test constantFunctions.js', function (t) {
test('Integration test inlineAssembly.js', function (t) {
var module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/inlineAssembly').default
@ -179,19 +179,19 @@ test('Integration test inlineAssembly.js', function (t) {
'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0,
'cross_contract.sol': 0,
'inheritance.sol': 0,
// 'modifier1.sol': 0,
// 'modifier2.sol': 0,
// 'notReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'structReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'thisLocal.sol': 0,
// 'globals.sol': 0,
// 'library.sol': 0,
// 'transfer.sol': 0,
// 'ctor.sol': 0,
// 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
// 'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
// 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'modifier1.sol': 0,
'modifier2.sol': 0,
'notReentrant.sol': 0,
'structReentrant.sol': 0,
'thisLocal.sol': 0,
'globals.sol': 0,
'library.sol': 0,
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0,
// 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0,
// 'ERC20.sol': 0,
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ test('Integration test inlineAssembly.js', function (t) {
test('Integration test txOrigin.js', function (t) {
var module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/txOrigin').default
@ -218,19 +218,19 @@ test('Integration test txOrigin.js', function (t) {
'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0,
'cross_contract.sol': 0,
'inheritance.sol': 0,
// 'modifier1.sol': 0,
// 'modifier2.sol': 0,
// 'notReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'structReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'thisLocal.sol': 0,
// 'globals.sol': 1,
// 'library.sol': 0,
// 'transfer.sol': 0,
// 'ctor.sol': 0,
// 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
// 'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
// 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'modifier1.sol': 0,
'modifier2.sol': 0,
'notReentrant.sol': 0,
'structReentrant.sol': 0,
'thisLocal.sol': 0,
'globals.sol': 1,
'library.sol': 0,
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0,
// 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0,
// 'ERC20.sol': 0,
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ test('Integration test txOrigin.js', function (t) {
test('Integration test gasCosts.js', function (t) {
var module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/gasCosts').default
@ -257,19 +257,19 @@ test('Integration test gasCosts.js', function (t) {
'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0,
'cross_contract.sol': 1,
'inheritance.sol': 1,
// 'modifier1.sol': 0,
// 'modifier2.sol': 1,
// 'notReentrant.sol': 1,
// 'structReentrant.sol': 1,
// 'thisLocal.sol': 1,
// 'globals.sol': 1,
// 'library.sol': 1,
// 'transfer.sol': 1,
// 'ctor.sol': 0,
// 'forgottenReturn.sol': 3,
// 'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
// 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 2,
// 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 1,
'modifier1.sol': 0,
'modifier2.sol': 1,
'notReentrant.sol': 1,
'structReentrant.sol': 1,
'thisLocal.sol': 1,
'globals.sol': 1,
'library.sol': 1,
'transfer.sol': 1,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 3,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 2,
'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 1,
// 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 1,
// 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 1,
// 'ERC20.sol': 2,
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ test('Integration test gasCosts.js', function (t) {
test('Integration test similarVariableNames.js', function (t) {
var module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/similarVariableNames').default
@ -296,19 +296,19 @@ test('Integration test similarVariableNames.js', function (t) {
'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0,
'cross_contract.sol': 0,
'inheritance.sol': 0,
// 'modifier1.sol': 0,
// 'modifier2.sol': 0,
// 'notReentrant.sol': 1,
// 'structReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'thisLocal.sol': 0,
// 'globals.sol': 0,
// 'library.sol': 0,
// 'transfer.sol': 0,
// 'ctor.sol': 1,
// 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
// 'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
// 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 1,
// 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'modifier1.sol': 0,
'modifier2.sol': 0,
'notReentrant.sol': 1,
'structReentrant.sol': 0,
'thisLocal.sol': 0,
'globals.sol': 0,
'library.sol': 0,
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 1,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 1,
'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0,
// 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0,
// 'ERC20.sol': 0,
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ test('Integration test similarVariableNames.js', function (t) {
test('Integration test blockTimestamp.js', function (t) {
var module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/blockTimestamp').default
@ -335,19 +335,19 @@ test('Integration test blockTimestamp.js', function (t) {
'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0,
'cross_contract.sol': 0,
'inheritance.sol': 0,
// 'modifier1.sol': 0,
// 'modifier2.sol': 0,
// 'notReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'structReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'thisLocal.sol': 0,
// 'globals.sol': 2,
// 'library.sol': 0,
// 'transfer.sol': 0,
// 'ctor.sol': 0,
// 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
// 'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
// 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'modifier1.sol': 0,
'modifier2.sol': 0,
'notReentrant.sol': 0,
'structReentrant.sol': 0,
'thisLocal.sol': 0,
'globals.sol': 2,
'library.sol': 0,
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0,
// 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0,
// 'ERC20.sol': 0,
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ test('Integration test blockTimestamp.js', function (t) {
test('Integration test lowLevelCalls.js', function (t) {
var module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/lowLevelCalls').default
@ -374,19 +374,19 @@ test('Integration test lowLevelCalls.js', function (t) {
'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0,
'cross_contract.sol': 1,
'inheritance.sol': 1,
// 'modifier1.sol': 0,
// 'modifier2.sol': 0,
// 'notReentrant.sol': 1,
// 'structReentrant.sol': 1,
// 'thisLocal.sol': 2,
// 'globals.sol': 1,
// 'library.sol': 1,
// 'transfer.sol': 0,
// 'ctor.sol': 0,
// 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
// 'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
// 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'modifier1.sol': 0,
'modifier2.sol': 0,
'notReentrant.sol': 1,
'structReentrant.sol': 1,
'thisLocal.sol': 2,
'globals.sol': 1,
'library.sol': 1,
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0,
// 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0,
// 'ERC20.sol': 0,
@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ test('Integration test lowLevelCalls.js', function (t) {
test('Integration test blockBlockhash.js', function (t) {
var module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/blockBlockhash').default
@ -413,19 +413,19 @@ test('Integration test blockBlockhash.js', function (t) {
'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0,
'cross_contract.sol': 0,
'inheritance.sol': 0,
// 'modifier1.sol': 0,
// 'modifier2.sol': 0,
// 'notReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'structReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'thisLocal.sol': 0,
// 'globals.sol': 0, // was 1 !! @TODO
// 'library.sol': 0,
// 'transfer.sol': 0,
// 'ctor.sol': 0,
// 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
// 'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
// 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'modifier1.sol': 0,
'modifier2.sol': 0,
'notReentrant.sol': 0,
'structReentrant.sol': 0,
'thisLocal.sol': 0,
'globals.sol': 1,
'library.sol': 0,
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0,
// 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0,
// 'ERC20.sol': 0,
@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ test('Integration test blockBlockhash.js', function (t) {
test('Integration test selfdestruct.js', function (t) {
var module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/selfdestruct').default
@ -452,19 +452,19 @@ test('Integration test selfdestruct.js', function (t) {
'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0,
'cross_contract.sol': 0,
'inheritance.sol': 0,
// 'modifier1.sol': 0,
// 'modifier2.sol': 0,
// 'notReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'structReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'thisLocal.sol': 0,
// 'globals.sol': 2,
// 'library.sol': 0,
// 'transfer.sol': 0,
// 'ctor.sol': 0,
// 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
// 'selfdestruct.sol': 3,
// 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'modifier1.sol': 0,
'modifier2.sol': 0,
'notReentrant.sol': 0,
'structReentrant.sol': 0,
'thisLocal.sol': 0,
'globals.sol': 2,
'library.sol': 0,
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 3,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0,
// 'ERC20.sol': 0,
// 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 5,
@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ test('Integration test selfdestruct.js', function (t) {
test('Integration test guardConditions.js', function (t) {
var module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/guardConditions').default
@ -491,19 +491,19 @@ test('Integration test guardConditions.js', function (t) {
'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0,
'cross_contract.sol': 0,
'inheritance.sol': 0,
// 'modifier1.sol': 0,
// 'modifier2.sol': 0,
// 'notReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'structReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'thisLocal.sol': 0,
// 'globals.sol': 1,
// 'library.sol': 0,
// 'transfer.sol': 0,
// 'ctor.sol': 0,
// 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
// 'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
// 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 1,
// 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'modifier1.sol': 0,
'modifier2.sol': 0,
'notReentrant.sol': 0,
'structReentrant.sol': 0,
'thisLocal.sol': 0,
'globals.sol': 1,
'library.sol': 0,
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 1,
'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0,
// 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 1,
// 'ERC20.sol': 0,
@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ test('Integration test guardConditions.js', function (t) {
test('Integration test deleteDynamicArrays.js', function (t) {
var module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/deleteDynamicArrays').default
@ -530,19 +530,19 @@ test('Integration test deleteDynamicArrays.js', function (t) {
'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0,
'cross_contract.sol': 0,
'inheritance.sol': 0,
// 'modifier1.sol': 0,
// 'modifier2.sol': 0,
// 'notReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'structReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'thisLocal.sol': 0,
// 'globals.sol': 0,
// 'library.sol': 0,
// 'transfer.sol': 0,
// 'ctor.sol': 0,
// 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
// 'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
// 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 2,
// 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'modifier1.sol': 0,
'modifier2.sol': 0,
'notReentrant.sol': 0,
'structReentrant.sol': 0,
'thisLocal.sol': 0,
'globals.sol': 0,
'library.sol': 0,
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 2,
'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0,
// 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0,
// 'ERC20.sol': 0,
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ test('Integration test deleteDynamicArrays.js', function (t) {
test('Integration test deleteFromDynamicArray.js', function (t) {
var module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/deleteFromDynamicArray').default
@ -569,19 +569,19 @@ test('Integration test deleteFromDynamicArray.js', function (t) {
'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0,
'cross_contract.sol': 0,
'inheritance.sol': 0,
// 'modifier1.sol': 0,
// 'modifier2.sol': 0,
// 'notReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'structReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'thisLocal.sol': 0,
// 'globals.sol': 0,
// 'library.sol': 0,
// 'transfer.sol': 0,
// 'ctor.sol': 0,
// 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
// 'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
// 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 1,
'modifier1.sol': 0,
'modifier2.sol': 0,
'notReentrant.sol': 0,
'structReentrant.sol': 0,
'thisLocal.sol': 0,
'globals.sol': 0,
'library.sol': 0,
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 1,
// 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0,
// 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0,
// 'ERC20.sol': 0,
@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ test('Integration test deleteFromDynamicArray.js', function (t) {
test('Integration test assignAndCompare.js', function (t) {
var module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/assignAndCompare').default
@ -608,19 +608,19 @@ test('Integration test assignAndCompare.js', function (t) {
'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0,
'cross_contract.sol': 0,
'inheritance.sol': 0,
// 'modifier1.sol': 0,
// 'modifier2.sol': 0,
// 'notReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'structReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'thisLocal.sol': 0,
// 'globals.sol': 0,
// 'library.sol': 0,
// 'transfer.sol': 0,
// 'ctor.sol': 0,
// 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
// 'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
// 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'modifier1.sol': 0,
'modifier2.sol': 0,
'notReentrant.sol': 0,
'structReentrant.sol': 0,
'thisLocal.sol': 0,
'globals.sol': 0,
'library.sol': 0,
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 8,
// 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0,
// 'ERC20.sol': 0,
@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ test('Integration test assignAndCompare.js', function (t) {
test('Integration test intDivisionTruncate.js', function (t) {
var module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/intDivisionTruncate').default
@ -647,19 +647,19 @@ test('Integration test intDivisionTruncate.js', function (t) {
'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0,
'cross_contract.sol': 0,
'inheritance.sol': 0,
// 'modifier1.sol': 0,
// 'modifier2.sol': 0,
// 'notReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'structReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'thisLocal.sol': 0,
// 'globals.sol': 0,
// 'library.sol': 0,
// 'transfer.sol': 0,
// 'ctor.sol': 0,
// 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
// 'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
// 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'modifier1.sol': 0,
'modifier2.sol': 0,
'notReentrant.sol': 0,
'structReentrant.sol': 0,
'thisLocal.sol': 0,
'globals.sol': 0,
'library.sol': 0,
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0,
// 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 2,
// 'ERC20.sol': 0,
@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ test('Integration test intDivisionTruncate.js', function (t) {
test('Integration test erc20Decimal.js', function (t) {
var module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/erc20Decimals').default
@ -686,19 +686,19 @@ test('Integration test erc20Decimal.js', function (t) {
'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0,
'cross_contract.sol': 0,
'inheritance.sol': 0,
// 'modifier1.sol': 0,
// 'modifier2.sol': 0,
// 'notReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'structReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'thisLocal.sol': 0,
// 'globals.sol': 0,
// 'library.sol': 0,
// 'transfer.sol': 0,
// 'ctor.sol': 0,
// 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
// 'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
// 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'modifier1.sol': 0,
'modifier2.sol': 0,
'notReentrant.sol': 0,
'structReentrant.sol': 0,
'thisLocal.sol': 0,
'globals.sol': 0,
'library.sol': 0,
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0,
// 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0,
// 'ERC20.sol': 1,
@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ test('Integration test erc20Decimal.js', function (t) {
test('Integration test stringBytesLength.js', function (t) {
var module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/stringBytesLength').default
@ -725,19 +725,19 @@ test('Integration test stringBytesLength.js', function (t) {
'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0,
'cross_contract.sol': 0,
'inheritance.sol': 0,
// 'modifier1.sol': 0,
// 'modifier2.sol': 0,
// 'notReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'structReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'thisLocal.sol': 0,
// 'globals.sol': 0,
// 'library.sol': 0,
// 'transfer.sol': 0,
// 'ctor.sol': 0,
// 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
// 'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
// 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'modifier1.sol': 0,
'modifier2.sol': 0,
'notReentrant.sol': 0,
'structReentrant.sol': 0,
'thisLocal.sol': 0,
'globals.sol': 0,
'library.sol': 0,
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0,
// 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0,
// 'ERC20.sol': 0,
@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ test('Integration test stringBytesLength.js', function (t) {
test('Integration test etherTransferInLoop.js', function (t) {
var module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/etherTransferInLoop').default
@ -764,19 +764,19 @@ test('Integration test etherTransferInLoop.js', function (t) {
'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0,
'cross_contract.sol': 0,
'inheritance.sol': 0,
// 'modifier1.sol': 0,
// 'modifier2.sol': 0,
// 'notReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'structReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'thisLocal.sol': 0,
// 'globals.sol': 0,
// 'library.sol': 0,
// 'transfer.sol': 0,
// 'ctor.sol': 0,
// 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
// 'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
// 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'modifier1.sol': 0,
'modifier2.sol': 0,
'notReentrant.sol': 0,
'structReentrant.sol': 0,
'thisLocal.sol': 0,
'globals.sol': 0,
'library.sol': 0,
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0,
// 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0,
// 'ERC20.sol': 0,
@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ test('Integration test etherTransferInLoop.js', function (t) {
test('Integration test forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.js', function (t) {
var module = require('../../dist/src/solidity-analyzer/modules/forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray').default
@ -803,19 +803,19 @@ test('Integration test forLoopIteratesOverDynamicArray.js', function (t) {
'ballot_withoutWarnings.sol': 0,
'cross_contract.sol': 0,
'inheritance.sol': 0,
// 'modifier1.sol': 0,
// 'modifier2.sol': 0,
// 'notReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'structReentrant.sol': 0,
// 'thisLocal.sol': 0,
// 'globals.sol': 0,
// 'library.sol': 0,
// 'transfer.sol': 0,
// 'ctor.sol': 0,
// 'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
// 'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
// 'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'modifier1.sol': 0,
'modifier2.sol': 0,
'notReentrant.sol': 0,
'structReentrant.sol': 0,
'thisLocal.sol': 0,
'globals.sol': 0,
'library.sol': 0,
'transfer.sol': 0,
'ctor.sol': 0,
'forgottenReturn.sol': 0,
'selfdestruct.sol': 0,
'deleteDynamicArray.sol': 0,
'deleteFromDynamicArray.sol': 0,
// 'blockLevelCompare.sol': 0,
// 'intDivisionTruncate.sol': 0,
// 'ERC20.sol': 0,

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
pragma solidity >=0.4.9 <0.7.0;
pragma solidity >=0.4.9 <0.6.0;
library Set {
// We define a new struct datatype that will be used to
@ -51,8 +51,5 @@ contract C {
function testt() public view returns (uint) {
return block.timestamp;
// In this contract, we can also directly access knownValues.flags, if we want.