"udapp.gasEstimationPromptText":"Gas estimation errored with the following message (see below). The transaction execution will likely fail. Do you want to force sending?"
"udapp.gasEstimationPromptText":"Gas estimation errored with the following message (see below). The transaction execution will likely fail. Do you want to force sending?",
"udapp.customVmForkProviderText":"Please provide information about the custom fork. If the node URL is not provided, the VM will start with an empty state.",
"udapp.nodeUrl":"Node URL",
"udapp.blockNumber":"Block number (or \"latest\")",
"udapp.externalHttpProviderText1":"Note: To use Geth & https://remix.ethereum.org, configure it to allow requests from Remix:(see <a>Geth Docs on rpc server</a>)",
"udapp.externalHttpProviderText2":"To run Remix & a local Geth test node, use this command: (see <a>Geth Docs on Dev mode</a>)",
"udapp.externalHttpProviderText3":"<b>WARNING:</b> It is not safe to use the --http.corsdomain flag with a wildcard: <b>--http.corsdomain *</b>",
"udapp.externalHttpProviderText4":"For more info: <a>Remix Docs on External HTTP Provider</a>",
"udapp.foundryProviderText1":"Note: To run Anvil on your system, run:",
"udapp.foundryProviderText2":"For more info, visit: <a>Foundry Documentation</a>",
"udapp.ganacheProviderText1":"Note: To run Ganache on your system, run:",
"udapp.ganacheProviderText2":"For more info, visit: <a>Ganache Documentation</a>",
"udapp.hardhatProviderText1":"Note: To run Hardhat network node on your system, go to hardhat project folder and run command:",
"udapp.hardhatProviderText2":"For more info, visit: <a>Hardhat Documentation</a>"