Moved getFolder to new API readdir

ioedeveloper 5 years ago
parent 03f51b5cad
commit 3a7007bdab
  1. 214
  2. 2

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ const profile = {
icon: '',
permission: true,
version: packageJson.version,
methods: ['getFolder', 'getCurrentFile', 'getFile', 'setFile', 'switchFile'],
methods: ['getCurrentFile', 'getFile', 'setFile', 'switchFile', 'file', 'exists', 'open', 'writeFile', 'readFile', 'copyFile', 'unlink', 'rename', 'readdir', 'rmdir'],
kind: 'file-system'
@ -42,6 +42,206 @@ class FileManager extends Plugin {
* Emit error if path doesn't exist
* @param {string} path path of the file/directory
* @param {string} message message to display if path doesn't exist.
_handleExists (path, message) {
if (!this.exists(path)) {
this._handleError({ code: 'ENOENT', message })
* Emit error if path is not a file
* @param {string} path path of the file/directory
* @param {string} message message to display if path is not a file.
_handleIsFile (path, message) {
if (!this.isFile(path)) {
this._handleError({ message: `Path ${path} is not a file: ${message}.` })
* Emit error if path is not a directory
* @param {string} path path of the file/directory
* @param {string} message message to display if path is not a directory.
_handleIsDir (path, message) {
if (this.isFile(path)) {
throw new Error(`Path ${path} is not a directory: ${message}.`)
* Emit error based on error code
* @param {object} error error { code, message }
_handleError (error) {
if (error.message) {
throw new Error(message)
if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
throw new Error('No such file or directory')
if (error.code === 'EISDIR') {
throw new Error('Invalid operation on a directory')
if (error.code === 'EEXIST') {
throw new Error('File already exists')
if (error.code === 'EPERM' || error.code === 'EACCESS') {
throw new Error('Permission denied')
return error
/** The current opened file */
file () {
return this.currentFile()
* Verify if the path exists (directory or file)
* @param {string} path path of the directory or file
* @returns {boolean} true if the path exists
exists(path) {
const provider = this.fileProviderOf(path)
return provider ? true : false
* Verify if the path provided is a file
* @param {string} path path of the directory or file
* @returns {boolean} true if path is a file.
isFile (path) {
const extension = path.split('.').pop()
return !!extension && extension.split('/').length === 0
* Open the content of the file in the context (eg: Editor)
* @param {string} path path of the file
* @returns {void}
open (path) {
this._handleExists(path, 'Cannot open file')
this._handleIsFile(path, 'Cannot open file')
* Set the content of a specific file
* @param {string} path path of the file
* @param {string} data content to write on the file
* @returns {void}
writeFile (path, data) {
this._handleIsFile(path, 'Cannot write file')
this.setFile(path, data)
* Return the content of a specific file
* @param {string} path path of the file
* @returns {string} content of the file
readFile (path) {
this._handleExists(path, 'Cannot read file')
this._handleIsFile(path, 'Cannot read file')
* Upsert a file with the content of the source file
* @param {string} src path of the source file
* @param {string} dest path of the destrination file
* @returns {void}
copyFile (src, dest) {
this._handleExists(src, 'Cannot copy from it')
this._handleIsFile(src, 'Cannot copy from it')
this._handleIsFile(dest, 'Cannot paste content into it')
const content = this.readFile(src)
this.writeFile(dest, content)
* Removes a file
* @param {string} path path of the file to remove
* @note will not work on a directory, use `rmdir` instead
* @returns {void}
unlink(path) {
this._handleExists(path, 'Cannot remove file')
this._handleIsDir(path, 'Cannot remove file')
* Change the path of a file/directory
* @param {string} oldPath current path of the file/directory
* @param {string} newPath new path of the file/directory
* @returns {void}
rename (oldPath, newPath) {
this.__handleExists(oldPath, 'Cannot rename')
// todo: should we verify if newPath exists here ?
const isFile = this.isFile(oldPath)
this.fileRenamedEvent(oldPath, newPath, !isFile)
* Create a directory
* @param {string} path path of the new directory
* @returns {void}
mkdir (path) {
if (this.exists(path)) {
throw new Error(`Path ${path} already exists: Cannot create a directory`)
// To implement
* Get the list of files in the directory
* @param {string} path path of the directory
* @returns {string[]} list of the file/directory name in this directory
readdir (path) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const provider = this.fileProviderOf(path)
provider.resolveDirectory(path, (error, filesProvider) => {
if (error) reject(error)
* Removes a directory recursively
* @param {string} path path of the directory to remove
* @note will not work on a file, use `unlink` instead
* @returns {void}
rmdir(path) {
this._handleExists(path, 'Cannot remove directory')
this._handleIsDir(path, 'Cannot remove directory')
// To implement
init () {
this._deps = {
config: this._components.registry.get('config').api,
@ -264,18 +464,6 @@ class FileManager extends Plugin {
getFolder (path) {
// TODO : Change provider with promise
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const provider = this.fileProviderOf(path)
if (!provider) return reject(`provider for path ${path} not found`)
provider.resolveDirectory(path, (error, filesProvider) => {
if (error) reject(error)
getProvider (name) {
return this._deps.filesProviders[name]

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class TestTabLogic {
const tests = []
let files
try {
files = await this.fileManager.getFolder(path)
files = await this.fileManager.readdir(path)
} catch (e) {
