@ -1,79 +1,38 @@ |
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
import React, { useState } from 'react' |
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react' |
import { shortenAddress } from 'apps/remix-ide/src/lib/helper' |
import { UdappProps } from '../types' |
import { FuncABI, UdappProps } from '../types' |
import { CopyToClipboard } from '@remix-ui/clipboard' |
import * as remixLib from '@remix-project/remix-lib' |
import * as ethJSUtil from 'ethereumjs-util' |
import { ContractGUI } from './contractGUI' |
export function UniversalDappUI (props: UdappProps) { |
const [toggleExpander, setToggleExpander] = useState<boolean>(false) |
// const self = this
// address = (address.slice(0, 2) === '0x' ? '' : '0x') + address.toString('hex')
// address = ethJSUtil.toChecksumAddress(address)
// var instance = yo`<div class="instance run-instance border-dark ${css.instance} ${css.hidesub}" id="instance${address}" data-shared="universalDappUiInstance"></div>`
// const context = this.blockchain.context()
// var shortAddress = helper.shortenAddress(address)
// var title = yo`
// <div class="${css.title} alert alert-secondary">
// <button data-id="universalDappUiTitleExpander" class="btn ${css.titleExpander}" onclick="${(e) => { toggleClass(e) }}">
// <i class="fas fa-angle-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>
// </button>
// <div class="input-group ${css.nameNbuts}">
// <div class="${css.titleText} input-group-prepend">
// <span class="input-group-text ${css.spanTitleText}">
// ${contractName} at ${shortAddress} (${context})
// </span>
// </div>
// <div class="btn-group">
// <button class="btn p-1 btn-secondary">${copyToClipboard(() => address)}</button>
// </div>
// </div>
// </div>
// `
// var close = yo`
// <button
// class="${css.udappClose} mr-1 p-1 btn btn-secondary align-items-center"
// data-id="universalDappUiUdappClose"
// onclick=${remove}
// title="Remove from the list"
// >
// <i class="${css.closeIcon} fas fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i>
// </button>`
// title.querySelector('.btn-group').appendChild(close)
// var contractActionsWrapper = yo`
// <div class="${css.cActionsWrapper}" data-id="universalDappUiContractActionWrapper">
// </div>
// `
// function remove () {
// instance.remove()
// // @TODO perhaps add a callack here to warn the caller that the instance has been removed
// }
// function toggleClass (e) {
// $(instance).toggleClass(`${css.hidesub} bg-light`)
// // e.currentTarget.querySelector('i')
// e.currentTarget.querySelector('i').classList.toggle('fa-angle-right')
// e.currentTarget.querySelector('i').classList.toggle('fa-angle-down')
// }
// instance.appendChild(title)
// instance.appendChild(contractActionsWrapper)
const txHelper = remixLib.execution.txHelper |
// $.each(contractABI, (i, funABI) => {
// if (funABI.type !== 'function') {
// return
// }
// // @todo getData cannot be used with overloaded functions
// contractActionsWrapper.appendChild(this.getCallButton({
// funABI: funABI,
// address: address,
// contractABI: contractABI,
// contractName: contractName,
// contract
// }))
// })
export function UniversalDappUI (props: UdappProps) { |
const [toggleExpander, setToggleExpander] = useState<boolean>(true) |
const [contractABI, setContractABI] = useState<FuncABI[]>(null) |
const [address, setAddress] = useState<string>('') |
useEffect(() => { |
if (!props.abi) { |
const abi = txHelper.sortAbiFunction(props.instance.contractData.abi) |
setContractABI(abi) |
} else { |
setContractABI(props.abi) |
} |
}, [props.abi]) |
useEffect(() => { |
if (props.instance.address) { |
// @ts-ignore
let address = (props.instance.address.slice(0, 2) === '0x' ? '' : '0x') + props.instance.address.toString('hex') |
address = ethJSUtil.toChecksumAddress(address) |
setAddress(address) |
} |
}, [props.instance.address]) |
// const calldataInput = yo`
// <input id="deployAndRunLLTxCalldata" class="${css.calldataInput} form-control" title="The Calldata to send to fallback function of the contract.">
@ -168,8 +127,49 @@ export function UniversalDappUI (props: UdappProps) { |
setToggleExpander(!toggleExpander) |
} |
const remove = () => { |
props.removeInstance(props.index) |
} |
const runTransaction = (lookupOnly, funcABI: FuncABI, valArr, inputsValues) => { |
const functionName = funcABI.type === 'function' ? funcABI.name : `(${funcABI.type})` |
const logMsg = `${lookupOnly ? 'call' : 'transact'} to ${props.instance.name}.${functionName}` |
// const callbacksInContext = txCallBacks.getCallBacksWithContext(this, this.blockchain)
// const outputCb = (returnValue) => {
// if (outputOverride) {
// const decoded = decodeResponseToTreeView(returnValue, args.funABI)
// outputOverride.innerHTML = ''
// outputOverride.appendChild(decoded)
// }
// }
// let callinfo = ''
// if (lookupOnly) callinfo = 'call'
// else if (args.funABI.type === 'fallback' || args.funABI.type === 'receive') callinfo = 'lowLevelInteracions'
// else callinfo = 'transact'
// _paq.push(['trackEvent', 'udapp', callinfo, this.blockchain.getCurrentNetworkStatus().network.name])
// const params = args.funABI.type !== 'fallback' ? inputsValues : ''
// this.blockchain.runOrCallContractMethod(
// args.contractName,
// args.contractABI,
// args.funABI,
// args.contract,
// inputsValues,
// args.address,
// params,
// lookupOnly,
// logMsg,
// this.logCallback,
// outputCb,
// callbacksInContext.confirmationCb.bind(callbacksInContext),
// callbacksInContext.continueCb.bind(callbacksInContext),
// callbacksInContext.promptCb.bind(callbacksInContext))
} |
return ( |
<div className={`udapp_instance udapp_run-instance border-dark ${toggleExpander ? 'udapp_hidesub' : ''}`} id={`instance${props.instance.address}`} data-shared="universalDappUiInstance"> |
<div className={`udapp_instance udapp_run-instance border-dark ${toggleExpander ? 'udapp_hidesub' : ''}`} id={`instance${address}`} data-shared="universalDappUiInstance"> |
<div className="udapp_title alert alert-secondary"> |
<button data-id="universalDappUiTitleExpander" className="btn udapp_titleExpander" onClick={toggleClass}> |
<i className={`fas ${toggleExpander ? 'fa-angle-right' : 'fa-angle-down'}`} aria-hidden="true"></i> |
@ -177,13 +177,34 @@ export function UniversalDappUI (props: UdappProps) { |
<div className="input-group udapp_nameNbuts"> |
<div className="udapp_titleText input-group-prepend"> |
<span className="input-group-text udapp_spanTitleText"> |
{props.instance.name} at {shortenAddress(props.instance)} ({context}) |
{props.instance.name} at {shortenAddress(address)} ({props.context}) |
</span> |
</div> |
<div className="btn-group"> |
<button className="btn p-1 btn-secondary">${copyToClipboard(() => address)}</button> |
<button className="btn p-1 btn-secondary"><CopyToClipboard content={address} /></button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<button |
className="udapp_udappClose mr-1 p-1 btn btn-secondary align-items-center" |
data-id="universalDappUiUdappClose" |
onClick={remove} |
title="Remove from the list" |
> |
<i className="udapp_closeIcon fas fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> |
</button> |
</div> |
<div className="udapp_cActionsWrapper" data-id="universalDappUiContractActionWrapper"> |
{ |
contractABI && contractABI.map((funcABI) => { |
if (funcABI.type !== 'function') return null |
const isConstant = funcABI.constant !== undefined ? funcABI.constant : false |
const lookupOnly = funcABI.stateMutability === 'view' || funcABI.stateMutability === 'pure' || isConstant |
return <div className="udapp_value"> |
<ContractGUI funcABI={funcABI} clickCallBack={(valArray: { name: string, type: string }[], inputsValues: string) => runTransaction(lookupOnly, funcABI, valArray, inputsValues)} inputs={props.instance.contractData.getConstructorInputs()} evmBC={props.instance.contractData.bytecodeObject} lookupOnly={lookupOnly} /> |
</div> |
}) |
} |
</div> |
</div> |
) |