"udapp.enterAMessageToSign":"Enter a message to sign",
"udapp.saveVmStateTitle":"Save VM state",
"udapp.saveVmStateLabel":"State Name",
"udapp.injectedTitle":"Unfortunately it's not possible to create an account using injected provider. Please create the account directly from your provider (i.e metamask or other of the same type).",
"udapp.createNewAccount":"Create a new account",
"udapp.web3Title":"Creating an account is possible only in Personal mode. Please go to Settings to enable it.",
"udapp.enterAMessageToSign":"Enter a message to sign and click `Sign`",
"udapp.saveVmStateTitle":"Save VM state",
"udapp.saveVmStateLabel":"State Name",
"udapp.injectedTitle":"Unfortunately it's not possible to create an account using injected provider. Please create the account directly from your provider (i.e metamask or other of the same type).",
"udapp.createNewAccount":"Create new account",
"udapp.web3Title":"Creating an account is possible only in Personal mode. Please go to Settings to enable it.",