@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
// eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
import React , { useEffect , useState } from 'react'
import { shortenAddress } from 'apps/remix-ide/src/lib/helper'
import { FuncABI , UdappProps } from '../types'
import { CopyToClipboard } from '@remix-ui/clipboard'
import * as remixLib from '@remix-project/remix-lib'
@ -8,6 +7,7 @@ import * as ethJSUtil from 'ethereumjs-util'
import { ContractGUI } from './contractGUI'
import { TreeView , TreeViewItem } from '@remix-ui/tree-view'
import { BN } from 'ethereumjs-util'
import { is0XPrefixed , isHexadecimal , isNumeric , shortenAddress } from '@remix-ui/helper'
const txHelper = remixLib . execution . txHelper
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ export function UniversalDappUI (props: UdappProps) {
const [ contractABI , setContractABI ] = useState < FuncABI [ ] > ( null )
const [ address , setAddress ] = useState < string > ( '' )
const [ expandPath , setExpandPath ] = useState < string [ ] > ( [ ] )
const [ llIError , setLlIError ] = useState < string > ( '' )
const [ calldataValue , setCalldataValue ] = useState < string > ( '' )
useEffect ( ( ) = > {
if ( ! props . abi ) {
@ -37,94 +39,55 @@ export function UniversalDappUI (props: UdappProps) {
} , [ props . instance . address ] )
// const calldataInput = yo`
// <input id="deployAndRunLLTxCalldata" class="${css.calldataInput} form-control" title="The Calldata to send to fallback function of the contract.">
// `
// const llIError = yo`
// <label id="deployAndRunLLTxError" class="text-danger my-2"></label>
// `
// // constract LLInteractions elements
// const lowLevelInteracions = yo`
// <div class="d-flex flex-column">
// <div class="d-flex flex-row justify-content-between mt-2">
// <div class="py-2 border-top d-flex justify-content-start flex-grow-1">
// Low level interactions
// </div>
// <a
// href="https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.6.2/contracts.html#receive-ether-function"
// title="check out docs for using 'receive'/'fallback'"
// target="_blank"
// >
// <i aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-info my-2 mr-1"></i>
// </a>
// </div>
// <div class="d-flex flex-column align-items-start">
// <label class="">CALLDATA</label>
// <div class="d-flex justify-content-end w-100 align-items-center">
// ${calldataInput}
// <button id="deployAndRunLLTxSendTransaction" data-id="pluginManagerSettingsDeployAndRunLLTxSendTransaction" class="${css.instanceButton} p-0 w-50 btn border-warning text-warning" title="Send data to contract." onclick=${() => sendData()}>Transact</button>
// </div>
// </div>
// <div>
// ${llIError}
// </div>
// </div>
// `
// function sendData () {
// function setLLIError (text) {
// llIError.innerText = text
// }
const sendData = ( ) = > {
setLlIError ( '' )
const fallback = txHelper . getFallbackInterface ( contractABI )
const receive = txHelper . getReceiveInterface ( contractABI )
const args = {
funcABI : fallback || receive ,
address : address ,
contractName : props.instance.name ,
contractABI : contractABI
const amount = props . sendValue
// setLLIError('')
// const fallback = txHelper.getFallbackInterface(contractABI)
// const receive = txHelper.getReceiveInterface(contractABI)
// const args = {
// funABI: fallback || receive,
// address: address,
// contractName: contractName,
// contractABI: contractABI
// }
// const amount = document.querySelector('#value').value
// if (amount !== '0') {
// // check for numeric and receive/fallback
// if (!helper.isNumeric(amount)) {
// return setLLIError('Value to send should be a number')
// } else if (!receive && !(fallback && fallback.stateMutability === 'payable')) {
// return setLLIError("In order to receive Ether transfer the contract should have either 'receive' or payable 'fallback' function")
// }
// }
// let calldata = calldataInput.value
// if (calldata) {
// if (calldata.length < 4 && helper.is0XPrefixed(calldata)) {
// return setLLIError('The calldata should be a valid hexadecimal value with size of at least one byte.')
// } else {
// if (helper.is0XPrefixed(calldata)) {
// calldata = calldata.substr(2, calldata.length)
// }
// if (!helper.isHexadecimal(calldata)) {
// return setLLIError('The calldata should be a valid hexadecimal value.')
// }
// }
// if (!fallback) {
// return setLLIError("'Fallback' function is not defined")
// }
// }
if ( amount !== '0' ) {
// check for numeric and receive/fallback
if ( ! isNumeric ( amount ) ) {
return setLlIError ( 'Value to send should be a number' )
} else if ( ! receive && ! ( fallback && fallback . stateMutability === 'payable' ) ) {
return setLlIError ( "In order to receive Ether transfer the contract should have either 'receive' or payable 'fallback' function" )
let calldata = calldataValue
// if (!receive && !fallback) return setLLIError('Both \'receive\' and \'fallback\' functions are not defined')
if ( calldata ) {
if ( calldata . length < 4 && is0XPrefixed ( calldata ) ) {
return setLlIError ( 'The calldata should be a valid hexadecimal value with size of at least one byte.' )
} else {
if ( is0XPrefixed ( calldata ) ) {
calldata = calldata . substr ( 2 , calldata . length )
if ( ! isHexadecimal ( calldata ) ) {
return setLlIError ( 'The calldata should be a valid hexadecimal value.' )
if ( ! fallback ) {
return setLlIError ( "'Fallback' function is not defined" )
// // we have to put the right function ABI:
// // if receive is defined and that there is no calldata => receive function is called
// // if fallback is defined => fallback function is called
// if (receive && !calldata) args.funABI = receive
// else if (fallback) args.funABI = fallback
if ( ! receive && ! fallback ) return setLlIError ( 'Both \'receive\' and \'fallback\' functions are not defined' )
// if (!args.funABI) return setLLIError('Please define a \'Fallback\' function to send calldata and a either \'Receive\' or payable \'Fallback\' to send ethers')
// self.runTransaction(false, args, null, calldataInput.value, null)
// }
// we have to put the right function ABI:
// if receive is defined and that there is no calldata => receive function is called
// if fallback is defined => fallback function is called
if ( receive && ! calldata ) args . funcABI = receive
else if ( fallback ) args . funcABI = fallback
// contractActionsWrapper.appendChild(lowLevelInteracions)
// return instance
if ( ! args . funcABI ) return setLlIError ( 'Please define a \'Fallback\' function to send calldata and a either \'Receive\' or payable \'Fallback\' to send ethers' )
runTransaction ( false , args . funcABI , null , calldataValue )
const toggleClass = ( ) = > {
setToggleExpander ( ! toggleExpander )
@ -146,7 +109,7 @@ export function UniversalDappUI (props: UdappProps) {
props . instance . name ,
contractABI ,
props . instance . contractData ,
props . instance . address ,
address ,
logMsg ,
props . logBuilder ,
props . mainnetPrompt ,
@ -195,9 +158,15 @@ export function UniversalDappUI (props: UdappProps) {
const handleCalldataChange = ( e ) = > {
const value = e . target . value
setCalldataValue ( value )
const label = ( key : string | number , value : string ) = > {
return (
< div className = "d-flex mr-1 flex-row label_item" >
< div className = "d-flex mt-2 flex-row label_item" >
< label className = "small font-weight-bold mb-0 pr-1 label_key" > { key } : < / label >
< label className = "m-0 label_value" > { value } < / label >
< / div >
@ -251,23 +220,49 @@ export function UniversalDappUI (props: UdappProps) {
< / button >
< / div >
< div className = "udapp_cActionsWrapper" data - id = "universalDappUiContractActionWrapper" >
contractABI && contractABI . map ( ( funcABI , index ) = > {
if ( funcABI . type !== 'function' ) return null
const isConstant = funcABI . constant !== undefined ? funcABI.constant : false
const lookupOnly = funcABI . stateMutability === 'view' || funcABI . stateMutability === 'pure' || isConstant
< div className = "udapp_contractActionsContainer" >
contractABI && contractABI . map ( ( funcABI ) = > {
if ( funcABI . type !== 'function' ) return null
const isConstant = funcABI . constant !== undefined ? funcABI.constant : false
const lookupOnly = funcABI . stateMutability === 'view' || funcABI . stateMutability === 'pure' || isConstant
return < ContractGUI funcABI = { funcABI } clickCallBack = { ( valArray : { name : string , type : string } [ ] , inputsValues : string ) = > runTransaction ( lookupOnly , funcABI , valArray , inputsValues ) } inputs = { props . instance . contractData . getConstructorInputs ( ) } evmBC = { props . instance . contractData . bytecodeObject } lookupOnly = { lookupOnly } / >
} )
< div className = "udapp_value" >
< TreeView id = "treeView" >
Object . keys ( props . decodedResponse ) . map ( ( innerkey ) = > {
return renderData ( props . decodedResponse [ innerkey ] , props . decodedResponse , innerkey , innerkey )
} )
< / TreeView >
return < ContractGUI funcABI = { funcABI } clickCallBack = { ( valArray : { name : string , type : string } [ ] , inputsValues : string ) = > runTransaction ( lookupOnly , funcABI , valArray , inputsValues ) } inputs = { props . instance . contractData . getConstructorInputs ( ) } evmBC = { props . instance . contractData . bytecodeObject } lookupOnly = { lookupOnly } / >
} )
< div className = "udapp_value" >
< TreeView id = "treeView" >
Object . keys ( props . decodedResponse ) . map ( ( innerkey ) = > {
return renderData ( props . decodedResponse [ innerkey ] , props . decodedResponse , innerkey , innerkey )
} )
< / TreeView >
< / div >
< / div >
< div className = "d-flex flex-column" >
< div className = "d-flex flex-row justify-content-between mt-2" >
< div className = "py-2 border-top d-flex justify-content-start flex-grow-1" >
Low level interactions
< / div >
< a
href = "https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.6.2/contracts.html#receive-ether-function"
title = "check out docs for using 'receive'/'fallback'"
target = "_blank"
< i aria - hidden = "true" className = "fas fa-info my-2 mr-1" > < / i >
< / a >
< / div >
< div className = "d-flex flex-column align-items-start" >
< label className = "" > CALLDATA < / label >
< div className = "d-flex justify-content-end w-100 align-items-center" >
< input id = "deployAndRunLLTxCalldata" onChange = { handleCalldataChange } className = "udapp_calldataInput form-control" title = "The Calldata to send to fallback function of the contract." / >
< button id = "deployAndRunLLTxSendTransaction" data - id = "pluginManagerSettingsDeployAndRunLLTxSendTransaction" className = "udapp_instanceButton p-0 w-50 btn border-warning text-warning" title = "Send data to contract." onClick = { sendData } > Transact < / button >
< / div >
< / div >
< div >
< label id = "deployAndRunLLTxError" className = "text-danger my-2" > { llIError } < / label >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >